News archive - Training Workshop - ERA Indicators and WBC

WBC-INCO.NET organises a training workshop on ERA-Indicators in the Western Balkan countries on October 2-3, 2008 in Belgrade.

The event will take place at Hotel “PALACE”, Topličin venac 23, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia.

Registration deadline:
August 31, 2008

The event is part of the WP4 – Building Capacities, T4.1: Learning Groups on ERA-Indicators.

The target group consists of the national statistical offices dealing with Science and Technology statistics and the representatives of the relevant ministries, responsible for the S&T policy.

Objectives of the training workshop:
1. to make all participants familiar with the ERA indicators.
Specific objectives:
1. to train policy makers on how to use statistical indicators for policy making
2. to train statisticians on how to apply and produce ERA indicators

Travel costs will be covered for the delegation of four persons from WBC - up to the 400 euro per person, as well as accommodation costs for four persons per each Western Balkan Country, in the Hotel Palace-Belgrade, for two nights (1-2 and 2-3 October).

The workshop registration form needs to be returned to

Workpackage/Task: T 4.1: ERA Indicators (WP 4: Building Capacities)

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Entry created by Elke Dall on August 4, 2008
Modified on September 17, 2008