SEE-ERA.NET PLUS: Further Integrating Key Research Institutions From Southeast Europe Into The European Research Area

SEE-ERA.NET PLUS will launch a single call for Joint European Research Projects (JERPs) with a planned call budget of around EURO 3.5 Mio. This activity will engage scientists and key actors in R&D policy making in the countries participating in the broad SEE-ERA.NET PLUS consortium, including EU member states, associated states and all Western Balkan countries. SEE-ERA.NET PLUS is based on the ongoing SEE-ERA.NET project and its Regional Programme for Cooperation with South-East Europe (ReP-SEE), which was developed to enhance S&T cooperation with the Western Balkan Countries (WBC).

Specific scientific priorities will be chosen for the scope of the call, based on the regional collaboration needs of the participating countries and bearing in mind the priorities of the 7th EU Framework Programme on Research and Technological Development and Demonstration (FP7). A careful selection of scientific priorities will help to combine the two goals of enhancing cooperation with the WBC on the one hand and of fostering scientific excellence on the other. SEE-ERA.NET PLUS is the next step in integrating the WBC and their key research communities into the European Research Area (ERA).

List of funded projects:

Project type
Coordinating institution
Country of the coordinating institution
Contact details
Phone:+43-1-49 50 442-67
Fax:+43-1-49 50 442-40
Address:c/o Centre for Social Innovation Contact person: Martin Felix Gajdusek Linke Wienzeile 246, 1150 Vienna
Geographical focus
  • Albania
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Croatia
  • International; Other
  • Montenegro
  • Republic of North Macedonia
  • SEE
  • Serbia
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Social Sciences
April 2009 - January 2013

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on April 24, 2009
Modified on April 5, 2012