Ministry of Education and Science - FYR of Macedonia
The Ministry of Education and Science has responsibility for strategy formulation and planning in the field of science and technology, it manages project development, takes responsibility for the legislative aspect of science and technology, technological development and technical culture and organises international scientific cooperation and bilateral, multilateral and European activities. It supports and encourages the development of scientific research infrastructure in the FYR of Macedonia (institutes, universities and independent research groups), aiding the development of young researchers and the overall technological development of the country. In the framework of this responsibility, the Ministry has defined the following priorities in the development of science, research and technology in the country: Energy, Transport and Ecology, Chemistry, Materials, Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology and Food Production, Informative technology, Water resource management and Earthquake Engineering. The FYR of Macedonia maintains scientific and research cooperation with more than 35 countries. With some of which, the FYR Macedonia has concluded inter-ministerial protocols, memorandum of understanding and other forms of official cooperation. It has also established intergovernmental cooperation in terms of umbrella agreements on educational, cultural and scientific research cooperation.
Previous experience:
The Department of Science at the Ministry of Education and Science is in charge of the SEE-ERA-NET project and has been fully involved in SEE-ERA-NET and the ERA WESTBALKAN Project, which provide support and up-grade capacities, playing an important role in establishing cooperation between the FYR of Macedonia and the other partners on a long-term basis, as well as offering support and strengthening Macedonian efforts and activities towards EU integration.
source: project partner description
- Government/Ministry
Address: Ul. Mito Hadzivasilev Jasmin, bb, 1000 Skopje, 1000 Skopje
Country:Republic of North Macedonia
- Republic of North Macedonia
- Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
- Mr Ace Minoski
- Mr Aleksandar Kolekeski
- Mr Aleksandar Petrov (Team Member)
- Mr Dimitar Belcev (Contact Point in MFA)
- Ms Jovanka Tuteska
- Ms Julijana Balevska
- Ms Katerina Sumanovska
- Ms Marina Nikolovska (Senior Advisor)
- Mr Milan Drakalski (Head of Department of Science and Technological Development )
- Ms Nadica Kostoska
- Ms Snežana Bilić-Sotiroska (Former Head of Department)
- Mr Sulejman Rushiti (Former Minister)
- Ms Violeta Atanasovska (FP7 Coordinator)
Entry created by Elke Dall on July 31, 2006
Modified on June 9, 2017