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"The financial and economic crisis that came to light late in 2008 is the kind of extreme development that calls for one essential quality when seeking solutions: creativity. We need creativity to find the best answers. But creativity is not only useful in crisis situations, of course. Creativity and innovative capacity have crucial long-term benefits for the economy, society, enterprises as well as individuals. Innovation and creativity are fundamental pillars for sustainable economic and ...
From March 1, 2009, the internet suffix for Serbia has changed from yu to rs. This means that all .yu suffixes for both URLs and email addresses need to be replaced by .rs suffixes. E.g., www.example.yu  changes to and info@example.yu is being replaced by However, this is just a general rule and variations are also possible. E.g., addresses formerly ending on "" are changing to "".
... open to partners from large industrial companies, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as well as research institutes and universities. Its 4th call in the frame of software-intense systems is now open. The following West Balkan Countries are eligible as members of the EUREKA network: Croatia, FYR of Macedonia and Serbia. Submission Deadline: April 9, 2009 ...
... discussion on how to develop the appropriate model of financing of higher education. The latter could be useful for governments, institutions and other stakeholders in guiding the process of development of new mechanisms for funding and financing of higher education. The team which produced this publication consisted of: Mihajlo Babin (Serbia), Vanja Ivošević (Croatia), Predrag Lažetić (Serbia), Klemen Miklavič (Slovenia) and Martina Vukasović (Serbia, editor). The work was extensively supported in various ways by associates of the Centre for Education Policy and informants in Albania and Montenegro. The publication includes two reviews: from a domestic expert Srbijanka Turajlić (Serbia) and from an international expert, David Robinson (Canada). The project was financed by the Fund ...
28% TARA International Consulting Organisation 6. Mar. 2009
Tara International Consulting is based in Novi Sad, Serbia, and its founding in 2007 was initiated by a group of result driven people with a substantial international and local experience in a wide range of project related issues. We provide our clients with the knowledge and skills to follow the fast paste of today’s changing environment. Tara International ...
Proposals are invited from economists and other social scientists. For the competition, the following priority area of research has been identified: Inequality and Public Policy For a more detailed description of the research area, please download the wiiw GDN-SEE project proposal at: For further information, please have a look at the attachment. If you have any questions, please contact:   ...
The Southeastern European Network in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics (SEENET-MTP) announces two short-term fellowships for PhD and MSc students (theoretical, mathematical physics or adequate) from SEE countries already joined the SEENET-MTP Network (Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Romania, Serbia and Turkey). For further information: and   Goals of the SEENET-MTP are: Provide the framework for the institutional capacity-building in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics covering the different educational levels in science education; Strengthening of close relations and co-operation ...
28% FP7 project FOCUS BALKANS started News 5. Mar. 2009
... on state of the art methodologies, practical techniques and theories in Food Consumer Sciences will be organized targeting a wide range of organizations from the public and private sectors, NGOs and consumer associations. National meetings in each of the Western Balkan Countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia) with stakeholders active in Food Consumption related fields will take place twice a year. Four market and consumer studies (on products with positive nutritional properties – fruits and health food – and sustainability (organic and traditional food products) will measure the drivers and determinants of this products related consumption ...
30% D3.18 Report on Barriers to Cooperation Document 4. Mar. 2009
Executive summary The main task of this research was to identify the barriers which inhibit researchers from the Western Balkan countries and Turkey (WBC&T) from international R&D cooperation in order to provide policy makers with the analytical backgrounds to create policy measures for facilitating research cooperation. This is the first study focused on identification of the factors which hamper the cooperation of WBC&T in the two types of collaborative projects: /1/ European ...
The conference's aims are to: motivate companies and other institutions (research and educational centers, supporting institutions, etc.) to interconnect in clusters present examples of good practice from the Republic of Serbia and experiences on the establishment and development of clusters from other countries in the region and the EU and to create a network of participants in the cluster initiatives in the region in order to enable further exchange of experiences and ideas. The conference will take place at the Palata ...
29% World University Service, Belgrade Office Organisation 24. Feb. 2009
... and level of reforms. Also, WUS Austria cooperates with all institutions dealing in any way with the area of Higher Education and involves itself in the reforms and coordination of international initiatives dedicated to this area, thus aiming to become an important pillar for the development of the Universities in Serbia and their reintegration in the international community. Please note that the WUS Austria Belgrade Office is closed down  since July 2011. However, WUS Austria is still active in Serbia with a number of projects and we will appreciate any interest or invitation for cooperation. For this purpose please contact ...
... Fellows will be members of the international and multidisciplinary scholarly community at the IWM. They are invited to present and discuss their project in lectures or seminars. 2) Eligibility The IWM is accepting applications from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Kosovo/UN Resolution, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia. Applications are accepted from researchers who ■ are citizens or permanently reside in one of the abovementioned countries, ■ or are affiliated to a university or research institution in the region, ■ or (independent of the applicant’s country of origin) who pursue research on South-Eastern Europe Visiting Fellows must have ...
30% 6th Steering Platform Meeting Event 18. Feb. 2009
Please find below the presentations held and the agenda. The 6th Steering Platform Meeting took place in Liblice, CZ. Co-Chairs: Albania Czech Republic European Commission Libelice
Since 2009 Elektroprivreda BiH d.d. Sarajevo has had a status of the parent company in the EPBIH Concern, which is connected with several companies in the field of mining and manufacturing of equipment. The other companies are subsidiary companies. Equity capital at the nominal value of the shares amounts to 2.155 billion KM (30,354,369 ordinary shares), and the increase based on shares in mines is 2.237 billion KM. Electric utility activities performed by JP Elektroprivreda BiH dd Sarajevo ...
The Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) was briefly presented with a special focus on components III (regional development, targeting investment in the transport sector, the environment and economic development) and IV (human resources, targeting operations to strengthen human capital and the fight against exclusion) being accessible only for the countries having candidate status. It was underlined that the Commission’s experience with Candidate Countries shows so far that IPA, ...
... launching a Call for applications for a "Foresight Training Seminar for participants from SEE South East Europe". The target group for the training seminar & conference participation grants are people interested in launching, carrying out or using Foresight activities in SEE countries (Albania, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, FYR of Macedonia, UNMIK/Kosovo ...
... Eligible participants are universities, non-university research institutions and tertiary education organisations. Only public higher education institutions are eligible from Kosovo/UNMIK. The consortium composition must include one partner from Austria, one partner from Kosovo/UNMIK and at least one partner from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia.   Further information:, Contact persons: Johanna Scheck (; Prof. Dr. Johann Günther (   Source: ASO Newsletter, February 8, 2009.   The Austrian Science and Research Liaison Offices ...
... very important fact that can be drawn from this research is that only three, out of seventeen countries said that they have bilateral agreements with WBC regarding the admission of students: Bulgaria, Hungary and Slovenia. Bulgaria has bilateral agreements on admission procedures with WBC, namely Albania, FYR of Macedonia and Serbia. These agreements imply a prearranged exchange of students between universities and other higher education institutions. Further, unique policies and procedures for minorities abroad enables student with Bulgarian nationality living abroad an easier access to Bulgarian educational system. Hungary has several bilateral agreements with Serbia and Montenegro, FYR of Macedonia and ...
This European Commission staff working paper on the Western Balkans (MD 23/09 plus Addendum) is an update of the Annex to the March 2008 Commission Communication on the WBs. It outlines EU activities of regional relevance to the Western Balkan countries and corresponding regional activities related to the European agenda of the Western Balkans. It is an update of the Annex to the March 2008 Commission Communication on the Western Balkans. It covers the activities of the year 2008 and also lists ...
... proposals for new COST Actions. Experts from Near Neighbouring countries are entitled to participate in the Open Call, however the submission of proposals for new Actions is limited to experts from COST member countries only (the following West Balkan Countries are members of COST: Croatia, the FYR of Macedonia and Serbia ...
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