News archive - 1st International Conference on Clusters to take place in Belgrade

The Serbian Ministry of Economy and Regional Development/Department for SMEs and Entrepreneurship is organising the first International Conference on Clusters - "Challenges and Opportunities for Regional Development", under the auspices of the Government of the Republic of Serbia.

The conference's aims are to:

  • motivate companies and other institutions (research and educational centers, supporting institutions, etc.) to interconnect in clusters
  • present examples of good practice from the Republic of Serbia and experiences on the establishment and development of clusters from other countries in the region and the EU
  • and to create a network of participants in the cluster initiatives in the region in order to enable further exchange of experiences and ideas.

The conference will take place at the Palata Srbije on March 10, 2009.

For registration (by March 5, 2009) and further information, please go to:

Source: Mailing by Marija Stanojevic.

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on March 4, 2009
Modified on March 4, 2009