News archive - SEENET-MTP Network providing scholarships

The Southeastern European Network in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics (SEENET-MTP) announces two short-term fellowships for students from Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Romania, Serbia and Turkey.

The Southeastern European Network in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics (SEENET-MTP) announces two short-term fellowships for PhD and MSc students (theoretical, mathematical physics or adequate) from SEE countries already joined the SEENET-MTP Network (Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Romania, Serbia and Turkey).

For further information:

Goals of the SEENET-MTP are:

  • Provide the framework for the institutional capacity-building in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics covering the different educational levels in science education;
  • Strengthening of close relations and co-operation among faculties of science, research institutions and individual scientists across the region of Southeastern Europe (SEE). Organization of joint scientific events and mobility program;
  • Support capacity building in science and technology for development by initiating intensive, new approaches to teaching physics and sciences;
  • Promote exchange of students and encourage communication between gifted pupils motivated for natural sciences at regional and interregional level;
  • Support establishment of local and regional centers of excellence in physics and mathematics.

Activities of the network:

  • Exchange of scientists – short term visit
  • Exchange of students (preferably PhD students, or for preparation of a diploma work/thesis, or Master degree) – short term visit
  • Joint organization of various meetings: BW2003, BW2005, QM2005, QFTHS2006, STMP2006, MMP2006, SQ2007, SQIQC07, BW2007, MMP2008, NTST08, SSSCP2009;
  • Joint scientific publications: papers, proceedings, books and other issues and other issues
  • SEENET-MTP web portal
  • Promotion and popularization of science, work with gifted high-school pupils


Prof. Dr. Goran Djordjevic
SEENET-MTP Coordinator
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science
Visegradska 33
P.O.Box 224, 18001 Nis, Serbia
Phone/fax (SEENET-MTP office): +381 18 274 660
Phone/Fax(Faculty): +381 18 533 014

More information see also in the scholarship database of WBC-INCO.NET at

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Entry created by Elke Dall on March 5, 2009
Modified on March 5, 2009