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The topic and purpose of this event is to promote and encourage technological development and prosperity in Serbia, by presenting public and private sector’s projects and initiatives in Internet of Things area, with a focus on smart cities and platforms that connect citizens, infrastructure and the state on a broader technological and practical level. In addition, IDC will also have part of the agenda dedicated ...
... area of entrepreneurship, innovations, intellectual property management, etc. five Creativity centres, numerous mobility activities towards European institutions. Find out more about the project on The project is co-funded by Erasmus+EU programme, with 966.510 EUR, and implemented by consortium of 18 partners from Serbia, Great Britain, Austria, Portugal, Italy and Slovenia, which consists of five European universities (Brighton, Krems, Lisboa, Bari, Maribor), six universities from Serbia (Kragujevac, Belgrade, Novi Sad, Nis, Novi Pazar, Metropolitan), The Ministry of Education, Science and Technologycal Development, Intellectual Property Office, Technical College of Applied Sciences in Zrenjanin, three business ...
It will include all four Priority Axes (PA) of the Programme: PA 1: Improving cross-border water management and risk prevention systems; PA 2: Reducing traffic bottlenecks in the cross-border transport network; PA 3: Encouraging cooperation in tourism and cultural heritage preservation; PA 4: Enhancing SMEs’ economic competitiveness through innovation-driven development.  Details of the Second Call and the Application Package will be published at the time of the launch. Following the ...
... This State of play report gives overview of the current development of the geo-sector in Serbia as well describes potential for support to implement the Danube Strategy and consequently contribution to the DRDSI project. The document reports about the main players from public and private sector on the national level relevant to the priority areas of the Danube strategy. The task is to identify data providers ...
The infrastructural development- DRSDI should go in parallel with the implementation of the INSPIRE infrastructure. Back in 2008, the Stabilization and Association Agreement between the EU and Bosnia and Herzegovina were signed. One of the objectives of the Agreement is that the EU should provide guidance to B&H through partnerships concerning the reform priorities in the harmonization of regulations (among which is the INSPIRE Directive). However, to this day the directive has not been ...
... This study deals with open data demand created by civil society organisations (CSOs) in the context of the limited supply of open data in Serbia. Who Demands Open Data in Serbia? This study deals with open data demand created by civil society organisations (CSOs) in the context of the limited supply of open data in Serbia. On one hand, it demonstrates that civil society interest in open data is currently restricted to a particular niche of CSOs. On the other ...
... advocacy, organisational development and internal governance Experience in writing and implementing advocacy projects Experience in writing and implementing IPA projects Good command of English (speaking, writing) Experience in working in civil society sector Preferable to have experience in cooperation with public insitutions, media, expert and general public# Source: TACSO ORCA (Serbia), on behalf of consortium of partners: AKTIV (Kosovo*), FLOROZON (FYR of Macedonia), CZIP (Montenegro) i IEP (Albania), announces Call for Trainers & Consultants for training of CSOs for advocacy and organisational development and coaching for writing project proposals ...
29% European Policy Centre Organisation 22. Sep. 2016
... more evidence based, more open and inclusive and more substantially EU accession driven. The founders of CEP have defined it as a “new-generation” think-tank, following the first wave of democratisation-driven civil society organisations of the 1990s and the second wave of organisations focusing on the consolidation of democratic processes in Serbia in 2000s.  As an EU candidate country, Serbia needs research centres capable of offering specialised knowledge in different EU policy areas and providing high quality policy alternatives based on solid research. The most important features of CEP as the “new-generation” think-tank include the knowledge and experience of the legal harmonisation process and the workings of Serbian public administration ...
Almost three years after adopting the South East Europe 2020 Strategy, the region is inching towards some of its 2020 targets. While the results have been mixed, efforts vested by the governments are in most part real. But will they be enough to convince the skeptical and largely pessimistic citizens? In November 2013 the governments of South East Europe came together to adopt the SEE 2020 Strategy, a joint effort to boost job creation in SEE and reinforce the region’s EU perspective. Inspired ...
... The report was realized as an activity of the "MAIN - Mastering Innovation in Serbia through Development and Implementation of Interdisciplinary Post-Graduate Curricula in Innovation Management" project. The general objective of the report was to review and benchmark best practice in teaching and research from the existing European study programmes. The purpose of this task was to help developing the structure and the teaching of ...
... coming from programmes such as Horizon2020 are often notoriously difficult to obtain even for excellent institutions in Europe. The successor programme that is supposed to replace the RRPP – the SDC-funded PERFORM – has an entirely different focus. It focuses on changing national systems for supporting research within only two beneficiary countries (Serbia and Albania). This programme will not offer research grants or any other mentioned supporting instruments for researchers in the region. In particular, it will not provide larger regional research grant schemes for multi-country, interdisciplinary research studies. Hence, the petition urges the international donor community, including the Swiss government, to renew ...
85% ICT CLUSTER OF CENTRAL SERBIA Organisation 15. Sep. 2016
ICT CLUSTER OF CENTRAL SERBIA - ( is a business association which gathers enterprises, institutions and organizations from ICT sector from the territory of Central Serbia, based in geographical centre of Serbia, in the city of Kragujevac. Cluster was established on May 21, 2013 with the goal to support and develop the information and communication technologies sector on the territory of Central Serbia. This goal will be achieved through building capacities and infrastructure of the Cluster to provide support for ...
... advocacy project proposals for sustainable agriculture will be granted (May 2017 – May 2018). More information about conditions for applying can be found in Guidelines for applicants with accompanying annexes or at this Web page. The Call is opened until 10 October 2016 at 16 hours for all CSOs from Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, FYR of Macedonia and Kosovo* active in different aspects of sustainable agriculture. Source: TACSO ORCA (Serbia), on behalf of consortium of partners: AKTIV (Kosovo*), FLOROZON (FYR of Macedonia), CZIP (Montenegro) i IEP (Albania), announces a Call for granting, coaching and training for strengthening advocacy capacities of CSOs, for ...
... in creating and implementing policies and regulations will be emphasized. Project is implemented by consortium of CSOs from Albania (Institute for Environmental Protection – IEP), FYROM (FLOROZON), Kosovo* (NGO AKTIV) and Montenegro (Center for Protection and Research of Birds – CZIP), led by Organisation for Respect and Care of Animals – ORCA from Serbia. Beside partner organisations, the following 15 associate partners – public authorities, scientific institutions and CSOs – from the Western Balkans countries are included in the project: Serbia – Group for Institutional Support to Rural Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection; Veterinary Office, Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection; Environmental Protection Agency, Ministry ...
29% Steering Group meeting of PA 1b Event 14. Sep. 2016
Priority Area 1B of the EUSDR "To improve mobility and intermodality - rail, road and air" is coordinated by Slovenia and Serbia, with the involvement of a wide network of key players and stakeholders from the 14 countries of the Danube Region. The agenda of the event will be available soon. Source: EUSDR 13th STEERING GROUP meeting of the EUSDR Priority Area 1b: To improve mobility and multimodality-rail, road and air links ...
... and Mobility’ flagship in the implementation of the RCC’s South East Europe (SEE) 2020 development strategy.  The meeting was held back to back with the working meeting where the WISE founders - government representatives of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo*, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia discussed future steps towards establishment of WISE Secretariat. RCC used this opportunity to update the participants on the SEE2020 implementation in the R&D and innovation area. In addition RCC also presented its priority actions in the next period focusing on Open Science and Mobility or Researchers. The workshop ...
30% Visegrad Scholarship Program Call 12. Sep. 2016
Visegrad scholarships support Masters and post-Masters (PhD/postdoc) studies/research stays at higher-education institutions in the V4 region, as well as in the Western Balkan and Eastern Partnership countries.
... recommendations. H.E. Christoph Graf stated in his speech: "RRPP increased cross-border exchanges among researchers despite the sometimes difficult neighborhood relations. Thus, I am tempted to say that beyond helping science and research, RRPP also helped to bridge divides in the Western Balkans. In this context, I ask researchers from Serbia whether you have discovered more about Albania; and vice versa, did you, the researchers from Albania, get closer to the Serbian context?" See the whole speeach of Swiss Ambassador to Tirana and a summary of the event in Albanian Daily News. An interview with the Programme Director, Prof. Nicolas Hayoz ...
49% ICT in Serbia At a Glance 2015 Document 8. Sep. 2016
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) undoubtedly constitute one of the key innovations of the last century. ICT are composed of a wide range of product and service technologies including computer hardware, software and services, and a host of telecommunication functions. ICT influenced strongly the fields of socio-economic development, international development, and human rights. The basic hypothesis behind the approach is that more and better information and communication furthers ...
The publication features twelve case studies of innovative SMEs with insightful international activity and a comprehensive analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) of European policy measures and infrastructure seeking to enhance such internationalisation. It is the first EU official study exploring explicitly and exclusively international cooperation in the field of innovation from a European SME perspective. The study identified four principal challenges when ...
The training is aimed at SME entrepreneurs and research institutes that are market oriented, start-up hubs, regional chambers of commerce representatives, University research centers and other relevant organizations. The training is organized in cooperation with the Chamber of commerce of Serbia. The objectives of the trainings: 1) raising awareness of the growing demands for the implementation of RRI principles in entrepreneurship, both for positioning in the local market, but also when applying for EU funds; 2) providing the guidelines for practical implementation of responsible entrepreneurship - Introduction to RRI Tools platform. Apart ...
The training is aimed at SME entrepreneurs and research institutes that are market oriented, start-up hubs, regional chambers of commerce representatives, University research centers and other relevant organizations. The training is organized in cooperation with the Chamber of commerce of Serbia. The objectives of the trainings: 1) raising awareness of the growing demands for the implementation of RRI principles in entrepreneurship, both for positioning in the local market, but also when applying for EU funds; 2) providing the guidelines for practical implementation of responsible entrepreneurship - Introduction to RRI Tools platform. Source ...
The publication presents the results of a series of piloting activities implemented by higher education institutions in South East Europe and Turkey to engage in entrepreneurial learning.  The specific objective of the SEECEL pilot project framework was to incorporate entrepreneurial learning into existing study programmes and/or develop awareness of and aspirations for entrepreneurship among students of non-business studies at 15 partner higher education institutions in the region. "It ...
... evaluating GEPs Knowledge transfer and networks around GEPs Missing data, missing theories, missing explanations, missing connections about GEPs The GenderTime Conference will take place at the Bilski-Pasquier Amphitheater, Center of Conferences Paris University,  UPMC – Campus des Cordeliers, 21, Rue de l’Ecole de Médicine, 75006 Paris. Mihajlo Pupin Institute - Serbia is part of the consortium of the GenderTima project. Source: GenderTime The GenderTime Consortium is delighted to announce the GenderTime International Conference, to be held September 29-30, 2016 in Paris, France. Bilski-Pasquier Amphitheater, Center of Conferences Paris University
Research and innovation are key to building a prosperous future for the EU. They therefore figure prominently in the Europe 2020 strategy and the European Semester process and underpin progress towards the 10 priorities of the Juncker Commission, from providing a new boost to jobs, growth and investment, to developing the digital single market and developing the Energy Union. The EU has fantastic strengths. It is open, diverse, and hosts excellent institutions. With Horizon 2020, the Union ...
... Some of the world’s most innovative and influential speakers are invited in each innovation category: Creativity, Open Innovation, Disruptive Innovation, Social Innovation, New product development. SPEAKERS AGENDA WORKSHOPS REGISTER CONTACTS General inquiries: Media inquiries: Source: Innovation Explorer Serbia event will focus on global innovation methodologies – Design Thinking, Systematic Inventive Thinking, Lean and Lean Startup - proven systems for problem solving and creativity with significant value. Metropol Palace Hotel, Belgrade
This book brings together some of the key conceptual insights behind Open Innovation, Open Science and Open to the World and highlights actions that are already taking place or are being prepared. There are few forces in this world as engaging and unifying as science. The universal language of science maintains open channels of communication where other foreign policy approaches are not viable. The chapter ‘Open to the World’ sets out the gains the EU can make by maintaining its presence at ...
An important aspect of open science is a move towards open access to publicly funded research results, including scientific publications as well as research data. Based on the structure of Commission Recommendation C(2012) 4890 final and its assorted reporting mechanism (the National Points of Reference for scientific information) this report provides an overview on access to and preservation of scientific information in the EU Member States as well as Norway and Turkey. It is based on ...
29% Fusion Education Network Organisation 22. Aug. 2016
FEN is the initiative of 5 Ph.D. students, working on fusion-related projects, from Serbia, Bosnia and Montenegro. Our mission is to promote fusion science and engineering in Serbia and other Western Balkan countries through a series of workshops, schools, and science camps. Nuclear fusion is the process that provides our Sun and other stars with enough energy to shine for billions of years. Fusion ...
... or legal entity which has within its remit a clear association with performing scientific research. Researchers holding their primary affiliation at an institution located in a participating COST Country are eligible to receive an ENRESSH STSM grant. Researchers from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, FYR of Macedonia and Serbia are welcome to apply as well.  More information on eligibility is also provided in the attached document. For the first Call for STSM Applications all STMS activities / Missions must occur between 30/10/2016 and 30/01/2017 The financial support is a contribution to the overall ...
The RCC welcomed the participants and the opportunity to host and co-chair the meeting of the Steering Platform which allowed for exchanging information and discussing possible concrete steps for operationalizing regional cooperation in research and development. The Commission welcomed the opportunity to meet with all the Western Balkans and relevant stakeholders together which was a valuable and timely occasion to take stock of actions taken and more importantly to steer further the work ...
The Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkans met on 7 June 2016 in Sarajevo. The meeting was co-chaired by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) who hosted and supported the event and the European Commission (DG Research and Innovation, Directorate on International Cooperation). In the opening session, the representative from Bosnia and Herzegovina welcomed all participants in Sarajevo underlining the important role of the Steering Platform on Research both for the region and the ...
... A REGIONALSTUDY ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE COMMITMENTS FROM THE 2015 VIENNA WESTERN BALKANS SUMMIT. This study analyses the extent to which the governments of the Western Balkan countries, i.e. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Serbia, are fulfilling their commitments under the Berlin Process with respect to the two declarations adopted at the 2015 Vienna Summit, in the field of regional cooperation and resolution of bilateral disputes and the establishment of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office. Specifically, the implementation of the Joint Declaration on the Establishment ...
... Declaration on the Establishment of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office of the Western Balkans and the Declaration on the Regional Cooperation and the Solution of Bilateral Disputes. The special emphasis will be given to the assessment of the implementation of the commitments in Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia and Serbia. Furthermore, the project will explore the role of the civil society organizations in the Berlin Process. The outcomes of this project will be: 1) Regional Study on the implementation of the commitments from the two declarations adopted at the 2015 Vienna Western Balkans Summit 2015 (Joint Declaration on the Establishment ...
... back pain and the new NICE guidelines, acute joint pain and its management including pre and postoperative pain treatment, and all aspects of treatment of chronic joint pain now and in the future. Participants from Category B Countries (among others: Bosnia & Herzegovina,  Kosovo*, Macedonia FYR, Montenegro, Serbia) and Category C Countries (among others: Albania) can benefit from a reduced Congress Fee. Source: EFIC The European Pain Federation, EFIC®, is proud to announce its First Topical Seminar, on the theme of Acute and Chronic Joint Pain. 2016 is the European and Global Year against Joint Pain ...
28% Group Development Policy Organisation 4. Aug. 2016
Group Development Policy (GDP) is a non-profit think-tank, established to provide an independent and comprehensive analysis of the issues involving Serbia’s EU integration. GPD was founded in May 2011 by a group of analysts with the experience in the fields of law, economy, public administration, environment and education. GDP is committed to contribute to the evidence-informed policy-making in Serbia. It puts detailed research over outdated assertions to provide credible and ...
... Theaim of this report is to analyse the existing structures and agents for the ethical assessment of research and innovation in the Republic of Serbia, both for the public and private sector. It will analyse how national and regional governments have put into place organisational structures, laws, policies and procedures for ethical assessment, how both publicly funded and privateresearch and innovation systems address ethical issues in research and innovation, and how ethical assessment plays a ...
30% New edition of SEE-6 Economic Outlook Document 3. Aug. 2016
SEE-6 Economic Outlook is a biannual publication in English that gives an overview of economic trends and short-term forecasts for the six countries of Southeast Europe: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Slovenia and Serbia. Each issue also provides an analysis whereby these countries are compared from the perspective of one current economic topic.   The second issue places a special emphasis on two analyses: the analysis of the economic aspects of the refugee crisis and the analysis of corruption perceptions in SEE-6 countries ...
Croatian Economic Survey is an English-language, peer-reviewed scholarly journal published by The Institute of Economics, Zagreb, Croatia. The journal aims to serve as a forum for academics and practitioners by publishing high-quality research papers on topics in all areas of economics. Special focus is given to post-socialist Europe. Comparative studies are especially encouraged, since these countries share a similar socio-economic background and comparative studies offer a valuable source of ...
... researchers The plenary speakers already confirmed are: Heidi Howard, Centre for Research Ethics & Bioethics (CRB), Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden Bogi Eliasen, Copenhagen Institute for Future Studies, Copenhagen, Denmark Vojin Rakić, Head, European Division of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics; Chair, Cambridge Working Group for Bioethics Education; University of Belgrade, Serbia Kasim Bajrović, Institute for Genetic Bioengineering and Biotechnology, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina The target participants of the Conference are the international experts, academicians, researchers, students, government representatives, representatives of the private companies, physicians, geneticists, biologists, pharmacists, law experts, philosophers, and other professionals interested in this dynamic field ...
... researchers The plenary speakers already confirmed are: Heidi Howard, Centre for Research Ethics & Bioethics (CRB), Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden Bogi Eliasen, Copenhagen Institute for Future Studies, Copenhagen, Denmark Vojin Rakić, Head, European Division of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics; Chair, Cambridge Working Group for Bioethics Education; University of Belgrade, Serbia Kasim Bajrović, Institute for Genetic Bioengineering and Biotechnology, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina The target participants of the Conference are the international experts, academicians, researchers, students, government representatives, representatives of the private companies, physicians, geneticists, biologists, pharmacists, law experts, philosophers, and other professionals interested in this dynamic field ...
30% Financial management of IPA CBC Event 2. Aug. 2016
During the event participants will: Discuss all stages of an IPA CBC programme financial management cycle, and identify the most challenging aspects that require programme authorities assistance and guidance. Identify ways of addressing the most challenging aspects in programme financial management through a case study exercise.  The main target group includes staff of Interreg-IPA CBC programmes’ Joint Secretariats, Managing Authorities, National Authorities. Financial Management of ...
During the event the IPA closure guidelines document will be presented in all its parts: Chapters 1-3: general principles, preparation for closure, eligibility of expenditure Chapters 4-5: submission of closure documents, content of closure documents Chapters 6-11: calculation of the ceilings for technical assistance, automatic decommitments, operations suspended, payments suspended, calculation of the final contribution, the euro Source: Interact Interact and European Commission - DG ...
29% Serbian Cluster Association Organisation 2. Aug. 2016
... lack of finances. The story about clusters is the story of comradeship, solidarity, focus, shared goals and success. SCAN intends to gather Serbian clusters around those values and inspire long-term efforts. The seven clusters from different sectors are the founders of the Serbian Cluster Association: Vojvodina ICT Cluster – VOICT, Autocluster Serbia, ICT Network, Vojvodina Metal Cluster – VMC, Fashion and Apparel Cluster of Serbia – FACTS, Nis Cluster of Advanced Technologies – NiCAT, and ICT Cluster of Central Serbia. Members of these clusters have 30,000+ employees and create annual revenues that amount to over €1,000,000,000 – and the most of it in exports. ...
28% RT-RK Institute for Computer Based Systems Organisation 2. Aug. 2016
RT-RK is a R&D company and national research institute that delivers development services and own products in the arena of real time embedded systems, with strong focus on consumer electronics, communications and multimedia. Headquartered in Novi Sad, with offices in Belgrade (Serbia), Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Osijek (Croatia) with over 600 engineers, RT-RK is one of the biggest development houses in the Southeast Europe. The company’s business is structured in two big categories: professional services (outsourcing, near shore development centers), and own products. RT-RK delivers professional services in ...
28% InoSens Organisation 2. Aug. 2016
... a broad range of experience and services for the agrifood ecosystem. With an established track record for successful EU-funded projects, InoSens applies technologies of tomorrow today. It works with multinational companies, small and medium enterprises, research centres, universities and public institutions across Europe. InoSens’ office is based in Novi Sad, Serbia. It aims to act as catalysts for change that help in the discovery of novel solutions in the agrifood value chain, acting as triggers to your ideas and projects. InoSens is a committed team players striving for excellence, investing in a range of innovations with strong potential on disruption on ...
Prior to this final deadline, potential applicants should observe the following intermediary closing dates: 12 August 2016: National IPA Coordinator transmits the pre-submission notification to the WBIF Secretariat; and 19 August 2016: The IFI Coordination Office issues preliminary project codes to the National IPA Coordinators. Prospective proposals should be in line with national sector strategies and should aim at unblocking an existing WBIF project, across the WBIF eligible sectors. In ...
This regional strategy on the “Danube Region/ Western Balkans” has been prompted by the growing convergence of Austria’s foreign, economic, security and development interests in the Danube Region/ Western Balkans and the need to rekindle the reform dynamics fostering both regional integration and EU integration. The regional strategy is meant to be complementary to the existent bilateral country strategies for Albania and Kosovo* and has been elaborated with a ...
... Enhancing competitiveness and developing business environment in the Programme area 18,7 mil EUR 30 127 project proposals were received via online application system (eMS). Submitted project proposals include 501 project partners, out of which 259 partners are from the Republic of Croatia and 242 partners are from Republic of Serbia. See the 1st Call for Proposals IN FIGURES here. Source: Interreg IPA-CBC 1st Call for Proposals of the Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Croatia-Serbia 2014-2020 was closed on 6 July 2016, 15:00 h. Here are some key figures.   ...
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