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28% Eurada Link 25. Oct. 2012
... international links, particularly through the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) in the United States, but also with economic development networks in China, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. There is a good record of members using these links to pursue their own local objectives. Source: Integrated Innovation Support Programme, Republic of Serbia ...
28% Serbian Association of Food Manufacturers POLUX Organisation 25. Oct. 2012
... The Cluster of food manufacturers Serbia was founded in March 2010. The aims of the cluster are: increasing business efficiency and effectiveness of member`s development, increasing productivity growth based on the exchange of information and the use of common resources and the growth of innovation based on the exchange of ideas and knowledge. Cluster consists ...
84% National Agency for Regional Development, Serbia Organisation 24. Oct. 2012
... legal entity, and its members retained their independence and legal entity rights. The Network is open for new members which contribute to the development of entrepreneurship in Serbia. RASME coordinates the Republic Network consisting of 14 regional agencies and centres for SME development, which cover 85% of the Republic of Serbia (Kosovo and Metohija excluded), i.e. the territory of the City of Belgrade and 19 counties with 130 municipalities in total. Ten regional agencies and centres were ...
The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) associating Serbia to FP7 was signed on June 13, 2007 and the provisions of the above association instruments are applicable from January 1, 2007. Serbiacan participate in all calls for proposals and compete on an equal footing with the EU Member States for research co-operation and support actions funded by FP7. As ...
... European Integration Office (SEIO) was established on March 14, 2004, as a Serbian Government service. SEIO’s scope of work is regulated by Article 2 of the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Serbia on the establishment of the European Integration Office (“Official Gazette of RS”, no. 75/05, 63/06, 126/07, 117/08, 42/10, 48/10 and 106/12). Pursuant to this Decision, SEIO performs the activities relating to: Strategy for association with and accession to the European Union; Monitoring and ...
83% Business Advisory Service, Serbia Organisation 24. Oct. 2012
... are short-term projects with a rapid payback, such as upgrading management/financial IT systems, market research, introducing quality systems and human resource management techniques, etc Contact person: Bojana Vukosavljević, National Programme Director Phone : +381 11 303 7010 E-mail:
83% Cluster House, Serbia Organisation 24. Oct. 2012
... of clusters and business associations, established with the support of the Danish programme for local economic development in the Balkans LEDIB. Its mission is support in the development of clusters and business associations. But the vision is to become a leader in development of clusters and business associations in South-eastern Serbia. Strategic directions of Cluster House · The creation of a web page with the database of clusters and business associations. · Establishing partnerships with national and international organizations that contribute to the local economic development. · The support in finding partners and in implementing the cooperation of clusters and business ...
... forEU projects ·         Networkingin the Region ·         Transfer ofknowledge andskillsthrough formaland informal education Contact Phone: +381 (11) 328 18 88 Fax: +381 (11) 328 29 44 email: Address: Sarajevo 85, 11000 Beograd, Serbia Contact person: Vesna Rusić E-mail: ...
83% ICT Network, Serbia Organisation 24. Oct. 2012
ICT Network is an association of companies, individuals, academic and research institutions devoted to the development of ICT sector in Serbia. It was established in 2010 by the merger of two former cluster initiatives, Serbian Software Cluster and  As a unique information hub, ICT Network today provides its members with access to relevant and up-to-date information from ICT industry, thus enabling them to boost their competitiveness and ...
The wood processing cluster has been established as a limited company for the purpose of promoting common interest of its members (by autumn 2007 more than 90 companies). Members include not only wood suppliers and producers, but also a small number of construction companies and print producers and importers of machine tools, thus covering longer value chains. Contact Person: Zdravko Popović, Director E-mail:
72% Automotive Cluster of Serbia Organisation 24. Oct. 2012
The Automotive Cluster consists of 15 members (12 companies and 3 R&D organisations). Companies are located in Becej, Novi Sad, Belgrade, Kragujevac and Surdulica. This cluster offers training service for its members and works on introduction of business standards. The cluster offers to his members: qualification - cares for its member’s information, training and qualification in view of technical, organisational and management skills, which are necessary for a modern automotive supplier, ...
72% Cluster Sombor Farms, Serbia Organisation 24. Oct. 2012
The Cluster’s mission is to preserve the unique rural environment and present it to the market. Cluster consists of 30 companies with 300 employees that collaborate with one scientific research institution. The main activities of the cluster are to: ·Organise and promote, alone or in co-operation with other organisations, classic and environmental agricultural production, rural tourism and traditional presentation of the contents of agricultural holdings; ·Organise and promote marketing ...
... In a nutshell, the conclusions from the workshop are as follows: Knowledge transfer is an emerging issue in Western Balkan countries. Of the countries involved in this workshop, Serbia stands out as most developed in terms of research, KT and KT policies. In all Western Balkan countries, KT policies need to be assessed against a particular background as they are young democracies which are still developing their institutions and which have a relatively low priority for research, innovation and ...
29% Cluster of Serbian Aeronautical Industry Organisation 24. Oct. 2012
... testing of aircraft to enter mass production marketing performance in the domestic and foreign market. A special program presents overhaul and conversion capacity of medium and large aircraft from passanger to the cargo versions. One of priorities versions of the Cluster is intensive support to existing aircraft manufacturers positioned in Serbia, as wel as fostering work on new prototypes of the aircraft in severl major industrial centar also in Serbia. The potential of the Cluster are its members: universities, scools, professional clusters, aero clubs, museums, project organisations and many small and medium enterprises. Amoung the members are also companies with which ...
29% IFC/PEP Southeast Europe Organisation 24. Oct. 2012
The IFC/PEP Southeast Europe is part of IFC (International Finance Corporation), World Bank Group. The programme operates in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro and was formally launched in July 2005. It has been established for an initial period of five years. The Private Enterprise Partnership for Southeast Europe (PEP-SE) is catalysing private sector development from a platform of four operational programmes: ·         Alternative Dispute ...
... Galenit Cluster, established in 2007 operates on the territory of the Republic of Serbia encompassing businesses whose activities refer to the organized collection and recycling of used batteries and accumulators. The Cluster’s objective is to provide support in developing and promoting organized collection and environmentally safe recycling of used batteries and accumulators, to increase the number of available jobs and the productivity in ...
28% Nis Cluster of Advanced Technologies Organisation 24. Oct. 2012
... innovation partner with cohesive role in the region, self-sustainable from first day. Transfer of know-how in country and abroad. We have permanent cluster's and SMEs' growth in all aspects of business. NiCAT cluster has strategic cooperation with a large number of institutions and organizations. Vision - Region of South East Serbia is a center of development of Advanced Technologies on the Balkans Mission - To provide companies and community with high class services in the area of professional trainings, standardization, national and international marketing and lobbying in order to increase competitiveness in the field of advanced technologies Goals Increase of the ...
... comparable to the EU Member States, has been achieved by Iceland and Croatia. Source: Europe´s Information Society Thematic Portal This study covers market developments in the electronic communications and information society sectors in the nine enlargement countries of the EU: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Iceland, Kosovo, Montenegro, FYROM, Serbia and Turkey. It furthermore assesses the progress of each country in adopting the EU regulatory framework and aligning national ICT/information society policies with the goals and priorities of the DAE ...
The Eurostat regional yearbook 2012 includes fourteen chapters on economy, population, health, education, labour market, structural business statistics, tourism, information society, agriculture, transport, science, technology & innovation, European cities, coastal regions and territorial typologies. To illustrate the diversity of the regional data found in the Eurostat regional yearbook, this News Release presents a small selection of indicators from different statistical fields. ...
... have been identified during the first two years of the project on regional, national and international level, and reduce the remaining obstacles or have them on the political agenda; and  •          Establish a regional BSC Network, together with bscs throughout Montenegro, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, bih and FYR of Macedonia. Initially, the BSC Bar is a project of SPARK (formerly ATA - Academic Training Association) and following project partners: Bar Municipality, Faculty of Tourism Hotel management and Trade, Economic School, Montenegro Business Alliance, Association of Olive Producers, Cultural Centre, Forum of Unemployed Women, Association ...
Results 25 funds were identified. There are 11 regional funds, of which 8 are loan funds (most with their own or associated technical assistance), and 3 that offer technical assistance (sometimes with small grants). The total funding available through regional facilities is 592.85 M€, 98% of which is loan funding (including associated technical assistance and grants). Most funds cover the entire region but do not necessarily operate in every country. While improving, to date Albania and ...
28% Adriatic - Ionian Initiative, Montenegro Organisation 19. Oct. 2012
... The Adriatic-Ionian Initiative (AII) was formally established as a political initiative at a conference held in Ancona, Italy in May 2000. Seven countries cooperate within the framework of AII: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, Slovenia and Serbia. The aim of AII is to link the coastal countries of the two seas with the purpose of cooperating in the development and safety of the whole area. The issue of environmental protection which is central for the socio-economic development in the subregion is the high sensitivity of the maritime ...
... Main results showed that Knowledge transfer is an emerging issue in Western Balkan countries. Of the countries involved in this workshop, Serbia stands out as most developed in terms of research, KT and KT policies. In all Western Balkan countries, KT policies need to be assessed against a particular background as they are young democracies which are still developing their institutions and which have a relatively low priority for research, innovation and ...
... Institute “Mihailo Pupin” (IMP) is the leading Serbian R&D institution in information and communication technologies (ICT), as well as the biggest and the oldest ICT institute in Southeastern Europe. It is located in Belgrade, capital of Serbia. IMP´s mission is to provide to clients rapid, cost-effective and immediately applicable solutions to their technical and organizational problems and enable them to perform efficiently in technologically advanced, profitable and supportive work environment. Source: email by Mladen Stanojevic The national Open Consultation event was held in Sava Centar, Belgrade ...
28% Serbian Business Angels Network Organisation 15. Oct. 2012
Serbian Business Angels Network is the first organization of this type in Serbia whose main goal is to connect Business Angels (individuals ready to invest in new business ideas and projects) and entrepreneurs with a developed business plan and a team of people ready to implement the idea and to develop the business project. SBAN mission is to provide the fastest, the most ...
... by the European Research Council. Serbia has continued to promote research cooperation with EU and other international partners and is well integrated in a number of key research themes. Serbia participates actively in COST and EUREKA actions. The implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding on scientific and technological cooperation between Serbia and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) is well on track. Serbia became an associate member of the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) in February 2012. Regarding the European Research Area, Serbia has started to apply the European Charter and Code of Conduct on the recruitment of researchers. The national Euraxess portal is functioning well. Since May 2012, Serbia is a ...
More details are provided in the analytical report: 4.25. Chapter 25: Science and research In the area of research and innovation policy, Croatia is sufficiently prepared. It has continued to participate successfully in the Seventh EU Research Framework Programme (FP7) and has taken several measures to reform the national research landscape with a view to further integration into the European Research Area. Measures have been taken also to stimulate innovation and to contribute to the ...
In more details, the Analytical report shows: Education, training, research and innovation Kosovo* has a comprehensive medium-term education strategy, encompassing all education sub-sectors. The legislation on higher education is in place and requires higher education institutions (and programmes) to undergo external evaluation by the Kosovo* Accreditation Agency (KAA). A number of programmes do not meet KAA quality standards. On the basis of the law on pre-university education the ...
In more details, the Analytical Report states: 4.25. Chapter 25: Science and research Good progress has been made in the area of research and innovation policy. The budget for funding research projects at national level has been increased and several measures have been taken to strengthen research and innovation capacity. Preparations in this area are on track. Some progress has been made with regard to research cooperation under the Seventh EU Research Framework Programme (FP7). Montenegro ...
More details are provided in the analytical report: 4.25. Chapter 25: Science and research Little progress can be reported on research and innovation policy. The preparations of the national programme for scientific and research activities for 2012-2016 and the strategy on innovation have advanced, but remain to be adopted. The 2012 programmes for scientific research activities, technological development and technical culture were adopted. The budget for these programmes has, however, ...
4.25. Chapter 25: Science and research There has been limited progress in research and innovation policy. The Agency for Research, Technology and Innovation (ARTI) has strengthened its administrative capacity and continued its efforts to promote cooperation on research and innovation under the Seventh EU Framework Programme through its website and awareness-raising activities. No progress was made towards integration into the European Research Area and contribution to the Innovation Union was ...
... Further efforts are necessary to strengthen research and innovation capacity at national level and facilitate integration into the European Research Area. The level of investment in research needs to be further increased in particular from the private sector and by stimulating public and private investment in scientific research activities. In Serbia some progress was registered in the area of science and research. Both public and private investment in research remains low and Serbia generally needs to reinforce its national research capacity and monitoring as well as implement the actions envisaged. Source: EC Europa The European Commission adopted its 'Enlargement package' - a ...
84% IT Consult Serbia Link 9. Oct. 2012
... for projects. The search criteria are only "Organization Country= Serbia". This inventory includes information on organizations, projects, project types, FP6 and FP7 projects. The search carried out covers all projects with a signed contract. Projects that are still under negotiation are not recorded in the CORDIS database. Source: IT Consult Serbia
... Educational Institution (ATEI) of Thessaloniki, Greece Lund University, Sweden Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria University of Deusto, Spain University of Heidelberg, Germany University of Ljubljana, Slovenia University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy Western Balkan partner institutions: University of Novi Sad - joint coordinating institution, Serbia University of Belgrade, Serbia University of Kragujevac, Serbia University St. Kliment Ohridski Bitola, (FYRO) Macedonia South East European University Tetovo, (FYRO) Macedonia Ss. Cyril and Methodius Skopje, (FYRO) Macedonia University of Montenegro, Montenegro University of Prishtina, Kosovo* University of Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina University of Tirana, Albania Associates: Fan S. Noli University Korce, Albania King Baudouin Foundation, Belgium Polytechnic University ...
29% The Erasmus Mundus JoinEUsee > PENTA Project 9. Oct. 2012
... Antwerp, Belgium - University of Bologna, Italy - University of Granada, Spain - University of Maribor, Slovenia Western Balkan Universities: - University of Tirana, Albania-  joint-coordinator - Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, FYR of Macedonia - State University of Tetova, FYR of Macedonia - University of Banja Luka, Bosnia & Herzegovina - University of Belgrade, Serbia - University of Montenegro, Montenegro - University of Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina - University of Novi Sad, Serbia - University of Prishtina, Kosovo* - University of Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina Associate partners: - University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Centre for Information and Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education, Bosnia and  Herzegovina - IECOB – Europe and ...
... the institutional capacity-building in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics covering the different educational levels in science education and bridging the gap between Southeastern and Western European scientific community, the participants of the UNESCO-ROSTE-sponsored BALKAN WORKSHOP BW2003 “Mathematical, Theoretical and Phenomenological Challenges Beyond the Standard Model: Perspectives of Balkans Collaboration” (Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia, August 29 – September 3, 2003) came to a common agreement on the Initiative for the SEENET-MTP NETWORK. Within the years 2004-2007, 14 institutions from 6 countries in the region joined the Network partner institutions all over the world as well as about 140 individual members. This Network has been a ...
28% Montenegro in Focus News 4. Oct. 2012
... the Assembly. Montenegro´s governing coalition won the most votes in a parliamentary election and is set to stay in power after having ruled the Balkan country for more than two decades amid economic troubles and allegations of crime and corruption. Election's vote – the third since Montenegro gained independence from Serbia in 2006 – was held as the country seeks membership in the European Union and battles an economic downturn. The European Montenegro coalition, led by the tiny nation's powerful ruler, Milo Djukanović, has won 45.6% of the vote, or 39 out of 81 seats in the future parliament, according to ...
... in the Danube; promote innovation by exchange of good practice, networking and joint initiatives; and boost competitiveness by linking businesses. Travelling from Vienna to Sofia from 27 June to 1 July 2012, Commissioner Hahn visited seven of the participating states. The aim of the trip through Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria was to assess progress, better understand issues on the ground, and determine what can be improved. Source: Panorama Inforegio European Commission, Directorate-General for Regional Policy Communication, Information and Relations with Third Countries
... Travelling from Vienna to Sofia from 27 June to 1 July 2012, Commissioner Hahn visited seven of the participating states. The aim of the trip through Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria was to assess progress, better understand issues on the ground, and determine what can be improved. During meetings with political representatives and other stakeholders it became clear that the Strategy is already producing a new dynamic, with some important results emerging. This was illustrated by some of ...
... The report is produced for the Commission by the Eurydice network, which consists of 38 national units based in the 34 countries participating in the EU's Lifelong Learning Programme (EU Member States, Croatia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland and Turkey). It is co-ordinated and managed by the EU Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency. The review on student fees and support will be carried out annually from now on in order to take stock of changes. The full report is available here. Source: EC Press Release This ...
... Serbia’s Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration, Suzana Grubjesic, says that the connections that are created among people and the towns are more important than the economic benefits. Source: BalkanInsight More than 700 EU backed cross-regional projects aimed at helping reconciliation and improving the economy have been conducted in Serbia and neighbouring countries. Serbia is currently cooperating with seven neighbouring countries – Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia and Croatia- on various issues including ecology, education and agriculture ...
SIGMA Paper No. 48 examines the performance of Western Balkan countries in professionalising their civil service. It assesses the degree to which these countries' civil service systems 'fit' the European principles of administration and it identifies the main drivers of professionalisation. The Paper shows a mixed picture of achievements and persisting weaknesses, and identifies low levels of reform sustainability. Jan-Hinrik Meyer-Sahling
The Student Conference TECHNO-EDUCA 2012:“With entrepreneurial ideas towards better future“ focuses on providing technical assistance to entrepreneurs in the sector of large economic systems, and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It aims to help the entrepreneurs overcome the serious falling behind both in terms of technology and economy, that has emerged as the result of more than a decade of absence of propulsive development of metal processing, wood processing and other ...
Ministers, State Secretaries, Deputy Ministers and/or their Representatives from Member States of the Central European Initiative, together with High Officials from the European Commission, attended the CEI Ministerial Meeting on Science and Technology - held in Trieste (Italy) on September 19, 2012 - under the chairmanship of Mr. Sulima Yevhen, First Deputy Minister of Education and Science, Youth and Sport on behalf of the CEI Ukrainian Presidency. Please find attached the Final Communiqué ...
This document provides a detailed analysis of FP7 participation patterns in 2011.  For FP7, the number of Associated Countries is as high as never before, with 14, mainly European countries, currently associated, including all of the Western Balkan States. This makes FP7 a true Pan-European programme and strongly underpins the objective of building a wider ERA. Candidate for Accession and Associated Countries constitute a heterogeneous group, which in 2011 accounted for around 8% of the ...
In section 2 this document provides a detailed analysis of FP7 participation patterns in 2011. FP7 implementation management and quality issues are the focus of section 3 and include the current situation with regard to the simplification process and also the results of a survey on the perception of FP7 implementation and simplification by National Contact Points (NCPs). Section 4 presents some of the elements of the Framework Programme which deserve a special focus. Section 5 looks at the ...
The Business and Professional Women (BPW) Danube Net, in cooperation with the Southeast European Cooperative Initiative (SECI), invite you to participate in the 7th annual BPW Danube Net Businesswomen forum: Empowerment of Businesswomen in the Danube Region - Equality, innovation and sustainability through empowered women. For more information and to register for the conference, go to the conference website. Please register by 30 September 2012 The BPW Danube Net is a network for business ...
This booklet includes information about Western Balkans -  Coordination and support actions: - SEE-ERA.NET PLUS -  Further integrating key research institutions from south-east Europe into the European research area  - WBC-INCO.NET - Coordination of research policies with the western Balkan countries. Both projects are coordinated by ZSI (Zentrum für Soziale Innovation, Austria). Source: Publication Projects in ...
... activities should therefore build on already existing scientific results. The contractor has to be a research institution from Austria. The compulsory consortium composition has to include one partner from Austria, at least one partner from Kosovo and at least one partner from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro or Serbia. Research institutions from other European countries can participate in the projects but without funding provided under this call (as so-called ‘silent partners’). All ethnic groups in Kosovo are explicitly invited to participate in the call. Proposals should contribute to significant scientific regional cooperation with (a) research institution(s) in Kosovo ...
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