Serbian Business Angels Network


Serbian Business Angels Network is the first organization of this type in Serbia whose main goal is to connect Business Angels (individuals ready to invest in new business ideas and projects) and entrepreneurs with a developed business plan and a team of people ready to implement the idea and to develop the business project.

SBAN mission is to provide the fastest, the most efficient and the easiest way from business idea to the capital necessary for its implementation, from an entrepreneur to an investor.

Business Angels are high net worth individuals who, either on their own or as a part of a syndicate, invest their capital, knowledge and business contacts in high growth businesses. In addition to money, Business Angels often make their own skills, experience and contacts available to the company.

Business Angels rarely have a connection with the company before they invest but often have experience of its industry or sector.

The majority of Business Angels make investments for financial reasons. However, there are also other motives for investment, for example,  taking an active part in the entrepreneurial process, and the enjoyment from being part of the success of a good investment and the sense of putting something back in.

Business Angels are an important but still under-utilized source of money for new and growing businesses. A typical Business Angel makes one or two investments in a three-year period, either individually or by linking up with others to form a syndicate. Some Business Angels invest more frequently.

Source: SBAN

  • Network
Contact details
Phone:+381 (0) 11/ 711 38 47
Address:Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 10A, 11070 Belgrade
Geographical focus
  • International; Other
  • Serbia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Danaja Lorencic on October 15, 2012
Modified on March 20, 2014