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... Cities, Invitation of international experts, PUM Netherlands program for Senior Experts Inter-Regional Cooperation, Preparation of the first inter-regional plan between three regions of RCE Albania Tirana Durres Elbasan Innovation, movable museum (preparatory phase) sustainable house Collaboration with RCE-s network Promotion of RCE-s in the Balkan ( collaboration  with candidate RCE Kosovo and contacts with Candidate RCE Serbia)   Conference for ESD in the Balkan (foreseen), Sustainable Network in the Balkan    RCE-s assessment and evaluation process, Global RCE-s center has initiated the evaluation process of RCE-s. RCE Albania is contributing with the study papers at Hertie School of Governance in ...
The document summarises the outcomes of Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) projects funded under FP6 and FP7, where these have a potential impact on policymaking at local, regional, national and European level. The publication contains short policy papers summarising the findings of EU-funded SSH research projects that address key challenges regarding the social, economic, political and cultural make-up of Europe. The subject areas covered include: major trends in society and ...
... high number of municipal representatives and building professionals are expected to attend this unique event from countries in the region, such as Macedonia, Albania, Serbia, Bosnia and Bulgaria. Please find more details below: Agenda Invitation   Source:   The Ministry of Economic Development of Kosovo* will host a regional workshop on energy efficient and green public buildings, at his premises on 19th September 2013  ...
38% Overview of TACSO achievements 2009 - 2013 Document 30. Jul. 2013
The TACSO project has implemented a number of activities since 2009, which can be grouped around the project’s four main components: 1. Project and CSO visibility; 2. Support services to CSOs: research, help desk and guidance; 3. Development of CSO’s capacities; and 4. Improvement of the cooperation of CSOs with the government and other stakeholders. The purpose of this report is to capture and reflect on what has been achieved within the project’s set objectives, in regards to the ...
Postgraduates, PhD holders and PostDoc researchers from Kosovo* who are staff members of Kosovan public universities are invited to apply for a PostDoc/ Dissertation Research fellowship for (Austrian) universities. The objective is that PostDoc researchers will contribute to the institutional capacity development of their home institutions in Kosovo* by completing their PostDoc and Dissertation Research at ...
... institutions. Institutions that host international scholarship recipients include universities, companies from the environmental management, engineering and consulting sectors as well as ministries and other associations. Current internship offers can be found here. Young environmental scientists  with Master Degree from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Kosovo* can apply for getting additional professional qualifications through a research fellowship in Germany for up to 12 months ...
... contracting public services to civil society organizations, Strategic objective 3: Building system and defined criteria to support financially the CSOs, Strategic objective 4: Promoting an integrated approach to volunteering development. The Strategy foresees the establishment of the Council which will monitor the implementation. In 2007 the Kosovo Government signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with civil society represented by CiviKos platform. This presents the first signed document that confirms the political commitment for cooperation between both sectors. TACSO project is one of the stakeholders that supported this enormous effort continuously. Organization of the study visits in Croatia in ...
Zoran Nechev, Visiting Research Fellow (EU Enlargement) of the “Fellowship Programme for Policy Researchers from the Western Balkans Region” of the European Fund for the Balkans and the Think Tank Fund of the Open Society Foundations is the author of the Policy Brief on the EU Enlargement process towards the Western Balkans, which was made in cooperation with the host Institution – The Netherlands Institute for International Relations “Clingendael”. The Brief analyses the accession process of ...
... stability throughout scientific cooperation in the country and abroad, Initiate democratic dialog and liberal discussions, Support civil society development in Serbia. The Club Alpbach Belgrade announces an open call for 25 candidates from the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Slovenia, Kosovo* and Serbia ...
This new publication by the LSEE is edited by Will Bartlett and Milica Uvalić. The impact of the Eurozone crisis on the peripheral countries of the EU has been well documented, with much commentary and debate about the social and economic impact on EU member States such as Greece, Spain and Portugal. However, the serious social consequences of the economic crisis on the countries of South East Europe have been far less in the spotlight of public awareness.  This book presents a ...
... the region. We look forward to welcoming you at this workshop! The AIDA Project Team More information on the AIDA Project: Energy efficiency and renewable energy in public buildings in CEE Countries”  will take place at the premises of the Ministry of Economic Development in Prishtina, Kosovo* on 19th September 2013 ...
The ICT-KOSEU project - – SUPPORTING DIALOGUE AND COOPERATION BETWEEN EUROPE AND KOSOVO* IN COLLABORATIVE ICT R&D funded under the ICT Thematic Programme of the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme invites Researchers from Kosovo* carrying out research in ICT to reply to the Call for ICT Research Idea Competition. The applicants of the five best ideas ...
... WeBSEFF II is supported by €11.5 million in grant funds provided by the European Union for technical cooperation programmes and investment incentives for borrowers, who will benefit from consultation and advice such as free energy audits. The programme covers the countries of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia. Eligible borrowers include private sector companies, energy service companies (ESCOs), municipalities and public building owners. WeBSEFF II builds on the success of the fully committed Western Balkans Sustainable Energy Financing Facility I (WeBSEFF I), launched in April 2009. A first loan under the framework is being provided ...
The book presents the main findings of a study of current trends and issues in higher education which was conducted in seventeen higher education institutions from eight countries of the Western Balkans. The study was included in a broader research project entitled Differentiation, equity, productivity: The social and economic consequences of expanded and differentiated higher education systems – internationalisation aspects" (DEP) supported by a grant from the Slovenian Research Agency ...
... means that the gap between Serbia and EU is constantly deepening. The potential for frustrations, protests and instability is thus increasing. This is not in the interest of Serbia. Opening of negotiations on Serbia’s entry into the EU and the commencement of negotiations on Stabilisation and Accession Agreement for Kosovo* linked with it, are extremely important as they bring concrete opportunities to lessen lagging behind of the economy. Negotiations are the key. From the moment negotiations open, EU ceases to be a political slogan and becomes everyday of state administration. EU accession process becomes the process of reforming the country ...
In June 2003 the EU-Western Balkans summit resulted in the Thessaloniki Declaration, affirming unequivocally that ‘the future of the Balkans is within the European Union’. On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the declaration, and on the eve of Croatia’s accession to the EU, this publication assesses the progress that the countries of the Western Balkans have made on the path to European integration in the past decade. It notes the positive momentum generated by the Thessaloniki Agenda ...
... activity of T8.2, further support to the development and implementation of  adaptation schemes as discussed and selected in the frame of the Second Review Meeting in April 2013 in Skopje is envisaged. The following innovation schemes/Task Force meetings shall be organised: Voucher scheme (interest expressed by Croatia, Kosovo*) Innovation officer (interest expressed by Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia) Strategic Innovation (interest expressed by Montenegro) Soft Landing Platforms (interest expressed by Albania, FYR of Macedonia). Fostering WBC Regional Innovation using the Smart Specialisation concept: Only EU member states and their regions are obliged to present an S3 strategy in order ...
The report provides an overview of the current status of climate change initiatives and methods of tracking financing aimed at climate change issues in the Western Balkans. It aims to facilitate discussions on the scope and content of such initiatives and to contribute to better planning of assistance. The intended audience includes officials from beneficiary countries, the EC, IFIs and bilateral donors involved in programming climate change assistance and climate change policies. IFI ...
This brief report provides WBIF stakeholders with an update of the macro-economic data originally presented in the “Food for Thought” paper prepared for the WBIF Steering Committee in June 2012 and the subsequent first Data Update prepared for the WBIF Steering Committee in December 2012. See Issues. It is intended to contribute the on-going discussions under the WBIF regarding how best to address the dynamic and challenging environment for investment in the region, ...
... will find all presentations held. Please note also the links below which will lead you to further information regarding the SP meeting in Budva - such as Conclusions of the 14th SP. Please note that for project policy reasons all appellations in the presentation "What has been done"  Macedonia and Kosovo were replaced by FYR of Macedonia and Kosovo* (This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence). 14th Steering Platform on Research for Western Balkan countries was held in Budva, Montenegro on June 5/6 2013 ...
... EU Office in Kosovo*: Stojan Pelko,, +386 49 787 928 Source: EC press release Mr Anton Rop, Vice-President of the European Investment Bank (EIB), and Kosovo’s Finance Minister, Mr Besim Beqaj, signed a Framework Agreement governing future EIB activities in Kosovo*, in the presence of the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Mr Hashim Thaçi, and the Head of the EU Office in Kosovo* / EUSR, Mr Samuel Žbogar ...
... The Centre is looking for experts with research background from the following countries: - Albania - BiH - Croatia - Montenegro - Serbia - FYROM - Kosovo* For more information and for sending any CVs, please contact: Tamari Bulia - Project Coordinator European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) Schiffbruecke 12 D-24939 Flensburg Germany P: +49 461 14149 13 F: +49 461 14149 19 M: +49 (0) 174 903 6 ...
... and who have some general insight and interest in South-Eastern Europe. Tuition fees are waived for Austrian/EU students. Tuition costs approx. €745 per semester for citizens of other states but can usually be fully refunded upon successful completion of each semester for citizens of Albania, Belarus Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, and Ukraine. For enquiries about the admission procedure, tuition fees and refund process at the University of Graz please contact Alexandra Fauland at the Office for International Relations. Please note that the University of Graz does not provide ...
... genuine voice of the region, and as the political umbrella of the Regional Cooperation Council. Yesterday, at the Annual Meeting of the Regional Cooperation Council, we stressed the need for regional cooperation to be inclusive. It was significant that the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat managed to achieve consensus on admitting Kosovo* as a full and equal participant in the work of the RCC already in February. I also welcome that Kosovo has been invited for this ministerial as a special guest of the chair The European Union would welcome Kosovo's inclusion in the South-East European Cooperation Process. This would be: • in ...
... cooperation in the region as well as to enhance existing networks for projects and connect interested scientists willing to cooperate with each other. Target countries for the conference are the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/99), Albania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine and Austria. The first conference day addresses the political and strategic dimension of Higher Education cooperation, thus including past evolvement as well as future aspects for sustainable ...
The strategy was adopted by the RCC Board on 25 April 2013 in Sarajevo and endorsed by the participants of the RCC Annual Meeting, on 30 May 2013 in Ohrid. RCC RCC
... and She reminded us of the enormous strides that have been made by Serbia over the last decade and more, clear proof of the transformative value of the European Union enlargement process and something we can all be proud of. Just two days after the debate in Strasbourg, Serbia and Kosovo reached an historic agreement. This is a game changer for these countries and for the western Balkans as a whole. And as we count down the days to Croatia becoming the 28th member of the European Union on July 1st, I can only echo Minister Creighton's pertinent remarks. Momentum has ...
"President, Honourable Members, I would like to pay tribute to the quality of the report which has been prepared by your Rapporteur, Mr. Richard Howitt. I welcome the supportive stance you have taken towards the country's efforts in the accession process. I also share your concerns about the risks of prolonging the status quo. For the purpose of today's debate, let me recall the main conclusions of the Commission's Spring Report on the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: first, ...
... market segment with the potential for long-term cooperation as improving Kosovo’s energy generation and consumption will remain a challenge for many years to come.” Kosovo became a member of the Bank on 17 December 2012 and on 1 May 2013 the EBRD adopted its first full country strategy for Kosovo. However, private sector projects in Kosovo were eligible for EBRD support since 1999, via dedicated externally managed regional funds and projects and via the Bank’s regional facilities for the Western Balkans. Within this scope, since 1999 the Bank had signed a total of 29 projects in Kosovo with a cumulative EBRD investment value of €66 ...
... 30 May 2013. Attendance at the conference is free of charge; travel and accommodation expenses for paper presenter The project follows on from the “Textbook and Curriculum Development in South Eastern Europe” project and its sub-project around the Albanian-speaking areas of the region. The geographical area it covers encompasses Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and southern Serbia. The project will involve organising conferences on the content of textbooks and on public discourse around ethnic, national, state and regional approaches to history in the context of school and running seminars on textbook design. Stipends for textbook authors and academics working in this field ...
The previous reports can be accessed at,, and On this page you can find progress reports on recent developments regarding S&T cooperation in/with/for the Western Balkan Countries for download. These reports have been provided by the members of the Steering Platform on Research for the ...
... current and potential evaluators and managing authorities who have been identified during the project and/or mapped with a template at the website (RTDI Evaluation section) have been invited explicitly. Please note the following eligibility rules: Participants should have country of residence or employment either in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*  and Montenegro.     Participants (of both groups) should work fully or part-time at any type of organisation that is  engaged  in  developing  and/or  promoting  RTDI.  Examples  of  such  organisations  are ministries, chambers of commerce ...
SEECEL has developed and published a Training Needs Analysis (TNA) tool to support the up skilling of entrepreneurs in the region as a resource to increase the competitiveness and sustainability of regional economies. As identified by the Small Business Act for Europe (SBA), Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of integrated, inclusive, smart and sustainable growth and economic development. In SEECEL member states, the vast majority of established enterprises are SMEs, and ...
... host country (Public Institution Act of the Republic of Croatia). SEECEL is one of a kind in a relevant field and demonstrates how 8 countries have come together for the purposes of co-working developments in entrepreneurial learning. These countries are as follows (in alphabetical order): Albania Bosnia and Herzegovina Croatia 'Kosovo*' Macedonia (the Former Yugoslav Republic) Montenegro Serbia Turkey. SEECEL’s activities centre on a number of common areas identified through the 2008 assessment of each countries performance on the human capital areas of the European Charter for Small Enterprise. Four pillars will be addressed: Development of the entrepreneurship key competence ...
... This report is the final product of the two-year-long RRPP regional research project Brain Circulation and the Role of Diasporas in the Balkans – Albania, Macedonia and Kosovo.  The research was jointly conducted by the Faculty of Business and Economics in South East European University as a coordinating host institution, and as regional partners the Faculty of economics in University of Tirana, and Riinvest Institute in Prishtina. Summary of Results / Study Preface The high propensity of students ...
  In the interview, the  RCC Secretary General speaks about Belgrade-Prishtina agreement, RCC activities and South East Europe (SEE) 2020 Strategy. The Interview was given to the Serbian weekly Novi magazin
  The report covers the period from 18 February to 10 April 2013, and reflects progress in implementation of the RCC Strategy and Work Programme 2011-2013
  What has been the impact of the projects and partnerships developed with partners from SEE within the Youth in Action programme? This study looks at the impact on people, organisations, local communities, youth work and policy development.
... European Commission submitted its proposal for negotiating directives for a Stabilisation and Association Agreement to the Council last Monday. We were able to do so after Kosovo worked hard to meet the short-term priorities we identified in our feasibility study on rule of law, public administration, protection of minorities and trade. I would like to publicly commend Kosovo for this effort. In its conclusions of last December, the Council has committed itself to adopt the Stabilisation and ...
  Recommendation for a COUNCIL DECISION authorising the opening of negotiations on a Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Union and Kosovo*.
... issues set out in the Council conclusions of December 2012 in view of a possible decision on the opening of negotiations on the Stabilisation and Association Agreement. *This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.
This is  the joint report  (Spring 2013) to the EU Parliament and the Council - on Serbia's progress in achieving the necessary degree of compliance with the membership criteria and notably the key priority of taking steps towards a visible and sustainable improvement of relations with Kosovo.
  The interview was given by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to  the Serbian monthly Kurir Go International. In the interview, RCC Secretary General speaks about importance of regional cooperation in South East Europe (SEE), RCC activities and preparation of SEE 2020 Strategy. 
... Dačić and Hashim Thaci, met for the first time in October. At a meeting in December, Dačić and Thaci agreed to exchange liaison officers. Agreements have been reached on several issues – the free flow of people and goods, customs stamps, the acknowledgment of diplomas, integrated border management in Northern Kosovo, and the representation of Kosovo at regional conferences. Positive reactions of satisfactions were shown at all highest EU levels. The High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton, on the EU-facilitated dialogue congratulated for the determination over these months and stressed that the agreement reached is a step away from the ...
36% Ministry of European Integration Organisation 24. Apr. 2013
The creation of the Ministry of European Integration in April 2010 by the Government of the Republic of Kosovo marks an important step and shows that European Integration is a national priority and shared institutional starting point. Considering that Kosovo’s future is in the European Union, the process of EU accession itself will assist in improving living standards for all citizens, promoting economic and regional integration and bringing Kosovo closer to Europe.
... for Kosovo on its path towards the EU: a key element of the enlargement process, it liberalises trade with the EU and establishes common political and economic goals. For more information: Serbia profile: Kosovo profile: Contacts Anca Paduraru (+32 2 296 64 30) Peter Stano (+32 2 295 74 84) Maja Kocijancic (+32 2 298 65 70) Michael Mann (+32 2 299 97 80) Sebastien Brabant (+32 2 298 64 33) Eamonn Prendergast (+32 2 299 88 ...
... has featured a number of top-notch experts in the smart specialisation concepts as well as practitioners experienced in the implementation of the research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation in practice. More than 45 participants from Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, FYR of Macedonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), Montenegro, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain and Ukraine have contributed to the workshop. The focus of the first day lied on the theoretical concepts underlying the definition of the smart specialisation strategies while during the second day; participants got a chance to apply theoretical concepts in the practical group ...
... the European Commission's on-going efforts to negotiate a Framework Agreement with Kosovo concerning its participation in Union programmes and its intention to come back to the Council in the first half of 2013. Kosovo confirmed its agreement with the draft Framework Agreement in writing on 16 January 2013. More information Kosovo Recommendation : Kosovo profile: Website of Commissioner Štefan Füle: Contacts : Anca Paduraru (+32 2 296 64 30) Peter Stano (+32 2 295 74 84) Today the European Commission adopted a proposal that would allow Kosovo to participate in EU programmes, according to ...
... For this project, the project leader (Prof. Klaus Bachmann from SWPS) and the two main coordinators Irena Ristić (Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade) and Prof. Gerhard Kemp (Law Faculty of Stellenbosch University) seek researchers who are either very familiar with or residents of the following countries: Sudan South-Sudan Libya Kenya Kosovo Republic of Serbia Croatia Bosnia-Hercegovina (Muslim-Croatian Federation) Bosnia Hercegovina (Republika Srpska) Rwanda Familiarity with the country is to be understood as the ability to conduct field research, interviews, collect research material and analyze written publically accessible sources in the main languages of the country's media system. It is helpful, but ...
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