Regional Center of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development, Tirana-Durres-Elbasan Region

RCE Middle Albania was acknowledged by United Nations University in December 2012, to be part of global network of RCE-s and now looks forward to expand its network with organization or individuals interested to collaborate, and to promote sustainable developed initiatives in the Western Balkans.

The first consortium was formed by more than 17 partners from universities, eucational institutions, businesses, NGO-s, local government units of the regions of middle Albania, as well as media, international organizations operating or willing to operate in Albania, individuals with contribution in the sustainability issues such as economic growth, social development, and environmental protection . Different activities as workshops, projects were part of the application process. 

Based on regional challenges of the last 20 years during the transition process, the type and nature of partner organizations that joined RCE Albania, RCE-s global goal, and local objectives, the focus is concentrated on 7 components:

  1. Sustainable Architecture (urban farming green building), Bio gardens in elementary school project (ongoing) Green house project in schools (foreseen) Safety in schools
  2. Research and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD),  
  • Evaluation of ESD status of research in Albania, Initiation of the process for creation of “Action Plan on ESD for Albania”
  • Series of Lectures “Basic Concepts of Sustainability, Regional challenges” with students of Social Sciences “Administration in social services”, Faculty of Philosophy “Civil Rights” etc (ongoing), Preparation of Policy papers as recommendation to institution,
  1. Eco- Tourism, Eco-route Tirana-Durres-Elbasan project with agency ECO-tour Albania part of a study research at Lyon Lumiere 2 France,
  2. Capacity building, Tailor made trainings, for regional council of Elbasan, in collaboration with Cities, Invitation of international experts, PUM Netherlands program for Senior Experts
  3. Inter-Regional Cooperation, Preparation of the first inter-regional plan between three regions of RCE Albania Tirana Durres Elbasan
  4. Innovation, movable museum (preparatory phase) sustainable house
  5. Collaboration with RCE-s network Promotion of RCE-s in the Balkan ( collaboration  with candidate RCE Kosovo and contacts with Candidate RCE Serbia)  

Conference for ESD in the Balkan (foreseen), Sustainable Network in the Balkan   

  1. RCE-s assessment and evaluation process, Global RCE-s center has initiated the evaluation process of RCE-s. RCE Albania is contributing with the study papers at Hertie School of Governance in Berlin Germany.
  2. Recent Activities: RCE Albania in "Advancing the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda"  19-22 March in Bonn, Global conference that brought together nearly 300 civil society activists and representatives from key stakeholders in order to offer inputs into the Sustainable Development and Post-2015 discussions, and to agree on joint demands and strategy for a post-2015 development agenda

For further information:

Ms Kalterina Shulla
Chair RCE middle Albania
Acknowledged by United Nations University Japan
Sheshi Skenderbej Nr.5
Tirana , Albania
Tel: + 355 682031032


RCE (regional centre of expertise on education for sustainable development),  is a network of existing formal, non-formal and informal education organizations, mobilized to deliver education for sustainable development (ESD) to local and regional communities. A network of RCEs worldwide will constitute the Global Learning Space for Sustainable Development. RCEs aspire to achieve the goals of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD, 2005-2014), by translating its global objectives into the context of the local communities in which they operate. There are currently 117 acknowledged RCEs worldwide since 2005 that the first RCE were acknowledged.

Core elements of an RCE 1. Governance - addressing issues of RCE management and leadership 2. Collaboration - addressing the engagement of actors from all levels of formal, non-formal and informal education 3. Research and development - addressing the role of research and its inclusion in RCE activities, as well as contributing to the design of strategies for collaborative activities, including those with other RCEs 4. Transformative education - contributing to the transformation of the current education and training systems to satisfy ambitions of the region regarding sustainable living and livelihood.


Geographical focus
  • Albania
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on August 7, 2013
Modified on August 8, 2013