News archive - [Event Announcement] Energy efficiency and renewable energy in public buildings in CEE Countries

The Ministry of Economic Development of Kosovo* will host a regional workshop on energy efficient and green public buildings, at his premises on 19th September 2013 

Organised within the framework of the EU-funded AIDA Project., this regional workshop  aims to provide to all interested stakeholders in the CEE/SEE region with useful knowledge on energy efficiency and renewable energy measures in buildings, and integrated energy design in municipal practice.

Attendance at the workshop is possible only upon registration. To register and for any inquiries, please send an email to István Pári at by 26th August 2013 the latest.

Since the number of places is limited to 40, registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis also taking into account a balanced representation of the countries in the region.

A high number of municipal representatives and building professionals are expected to attend this unique event from countries in the region, such as Macedonia, Albania, Serbia, Bosnia and Bulgaria.

Please find more details below:






Geographical focus
  • SEE
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on August 1, 2013
Modified on August 1, 2013