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... the positive case, to delineate with whom you would like to collaborate with. The 2030 timeframe has been set since an innovation-driven society takes time to flourish and ideas may require a long term incubation period. Please have in mind that this survey is aimed at respondents from WBC (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia and Kosovo/UN Res. 1244.) only. Thank you ...
FOCUS-BALKANS is a small collaborative project financed by the 7th Framework Program FP7. The general objective of the project is to improve competencies and understanding in the field of consumer food science in the Western Balkan countries (WBC). The scientific results of the research will make important contribution to the public health and consumer protection and to the achievement of the objectives within the Framework Program 7. The first Open Seminar in Belgrade in October 2010 focused ...
... women, with a background in Politics, Economics, Law, Philosophy, Social Sciences, Agrarian Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Literature and Communication Sciences. The minimum qualification required for participating is a bachelor degree. Scholarships and Fees Scholarships: only participants which are representatives of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and NGOs and with citizenships from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo Turkey, are eligible for scholarships that cover both the course fees and the board and lodging (in double or triple rooms). The candidates with citizenships from above-mentioned countries which are also currently representatives of CSOs will be automatically considered for scholarships. The scholarship covers accommodation ...
... project activities among their partners and preparing financial reports of the project. The International Summer EU Grant Academy for Research, Technological Development and Innovation is a result of a series of seven EU Grant Academies since 2008, organised by RR & CO. Knowledge Centre Ltd. in Slovenia, Croatia, and in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The programme and application form can be found here. Fees:  Standard rate: 2.190 EUR + VAT Early bird rate: 1.970 EUR + VAT (for payments made until 7 July 2011) VAT is charged in accordance with the legilsation. Rates include: Training (lectures and exercises) in English Official training material ...
Please find attached presentations held at SP meeting in Ohrid and conclusions developed. The Steering Platform meeting took place in Ohrid, FYR of Macedonia on May 26, 2011. Ohrid
47% Olga Radzyner Award News 14. Jun. 2011
... shall deal with the topic of European economic integration.  The review process shall, above all, assess the quality and originality of the work.  Authors shall be under 35 years of age at the date of submission. Authors shall be citizens of one of the following countries:Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, FYR Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia and Ukraine. Proof of date of birth and citizenship must be provided upon application; authors shall also include a brief CV. In the case of coauthored work, each ...
Project Overview BA-Sarajevo: IPA — institutional capacity development of 3 innovation centres and the research sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2011/S 46-074214 Location: Europe (non-EU) — pre-accession countries — Bosnia and Herzegovina Overall objective: To improve the competitiveness and productivity of the scientific community and economic impact of Bosnia and Herzegovina to be able to participate more actively in the European research area and to be more involved in international scientific cooperation through the FP7, COST and Eureka programmes. Purpose: The purposes ...
Focus of the presentation: Macroeconomic perspective induces innovation performance in the region; Critical infrastructure for knowledge development;SME development in the financial crisis; Perspective of the regional cooperation. Zoran Aralica;The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
  South-East European Congress & Exhibition on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy   South-East European Conference & Exhibition “SAVE the Planet”  Waste Management & Recycling, Environment At the exhibition 327 direct participants and represented companies from 32 countries showed their latest products and technologies in the sectors renewable energy, energy efficiency, waste management and recycling. Many of the foreign exhibitors were new ...
99% News from Bosnia and Herzegovina News 3. Jun. 2011
... the project ETNA), and Mr Danijel ŠogoroviÊ, NCP for Transport in BiH. Local researchers were also introduced to the conference “SEETRANS 2011” (Transport Research Opportunities for South East Europe in the EU), which took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from April 12 to 13, 2011. EURAXESS Network Expanded to Bosnia and Herzegovina Within the frame of the PEOPLE programme, Bosnia and Herzegovina’s academic institutions are implementing a project titled “Development of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Network of Mobility Centres (BAMONET)” with the main aim to establish a EURAXESS network. The Bridgehead organisation is the University of Banja Luka and its EURAXESS Centre BIH. There are ...
... progress made on innovation by the WBC-INCO.NET work package on innovation. Mapping of innovation infrastructures was considered a useful exercise to build upon innovation capacity.   Information on the next meeting will be announced in due time. An expression of interest to host it in Sarajevo was made by Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries met in Ohrid on May 26, 2011. The meeting was co-chaired by the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia on behalf of the Western Balkan Countries – who ...
Conclusions of the 10th Meeting of Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries (Ohrid, May 26, 2011). Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries: Conclusions of the 10th Meeting of Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries, Ohrid, May 26, 2011. WBC-INCO:NET
The conference gathered 24 participants from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Romania who have worked in the following seven thematic sessions: Contexts of poverty Women and poverty Media specific discourse of poverty Role of media in poverty alleviation Politics of poverty Poverty online Social exclusion of Roma Opening the conference, Professor Ivana Zivancevic Sekerus, Vice Dean of the Faculty ...
The Conference was organized within WUS Austria's programme „Austrian Support to Higher Education in BiH 2008 - 2011“, financed by Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC), as one of the final activities within that three-and-a-half year intervention. The Conference marked the end of a period of 15+ years during which the Austrian Government via ADC had continually invested in BiH higher education (HE) through WUS Austria projects. Its second part was a seminar aimed at introducing a ...
New publication issued by WUS Austria Sarajevo Office within the framework of the Conference “Austrian Support to Higher Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina”. "The Austrian Development Cooperation and WUS Austria proudly look back at seventeen years of successful cooperation focused on support to Higher Education (HE) in BiH. The joint efforts encompassed a variety of different projects which all had one thing in common: the belief that sustainable prosperity needs ...
Within the project "R&D Capacities" an Assessment Report was published depicting the situation regarding R&D at the universities participating in the project. "The present report is the output of the initial analytical work in the project ‘R&D Capacities’ carried out in 2009. On the one hand it reflects the situation at Western Balkan universities in the year 2009, on the other hand provides essential inputs for consecutive steps within the project: it ...
... foreign donor aid and civil society development in the Western Balkans. The University of Fribourg, upon mandate of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), manages the Regional Research Promotion Programme in the Western Balkans (RRPP). It was established with the objective to advance Social Science research in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. This partnership programme was created following a wide consultation process involving well-respected researchers and research institutions in the region, Switzerland and other European countries. The RRPP operates through three inter-related pillars: 1. The allocation of research grants for projects that deal with issues related to ...
... and Haiti (the last one is doubtless not the common destination for Kosovars). Other countries either do not let the citizens of Kosovo enter their territories without a valid visa, or do not recognize their ‘blue’ passports at all (thus not approving their entry whatsoever – Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina being the most quoted examples ...
48% 2010 UNESCO Annual Report Document 24. May. 2011
This new initiative of the Organization is a result of a collective effort by the Secretariat and offers Member States and the public at large a comprehensive but easy-to-read account of UNESCO’s activities during the course of the past year. Source: Email from Tousnakhoff, P., UNESCO UNESCO (2011): 2010 UNESCO Annual Report
... regional levels.  Pilot projects will be implemented in each of the beneficiary economies, aiming at 1) achieving concrete results by implementing actions; and 2) building capacity of officials in the beneficiary economy. In late 2010, four pilot projects were launched for implementation during 2011 under the innovation theme: In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the OECD is working with government, industry and the research community to identify and develop three partnerships between business and public researchers in the agri-food sector, following the ‘Triple Helix’ framework. In the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the OECD is assisting in the development of a horizontal ...
This document provides an overview of the ongoing research cooperation between the EU and the Western Balkans. It also explains why the EU countries engage in research with this region and how they do it. The real impetus for engaging in research cooperation with the Western Balkan countries came from the European Council meeting in Thessaloniki in June 2003. There, heads of state and government reiterated that the future of the Balkans lies within the EU. Ministers of science also endorsed a ...
The SEE Transnational Cooperation Programme provides a framework for the development and implementation of projects around the South East Europe area. By means of joint activities carried out at a transnational level between the 16 beneficiary countries, the Programme works to make the SEE region more competitive and better integrated. This brochure gives an overview on the SEE Transnational Cooperation Programme. Source: SEE Transnational Cooperation Programme. SEE (2011): "DEVELOPMENT ...
48% Growing cooperation in the SEE area Document 19. May. 2011
The implementation of the first generation of transnational cooperation projects financed through the South East Europe Programme began in 2009, after more than one year of preparation and selection. The 40 innovative projects help the integration process of the area and contribute to making South East Europe a more competitive place. The projects benefit from the exchange of experience and the joint work on new and interesting ideas, while developing new opportunities for the region. The total ...
... best practices applied in the UK and N. Ireland, while Ms. Ewa Kocinska (TECHNOLOGY PARK POZNAN, Poland) elaborated the experiences from Poland in terms of R&D and SMEs. Mrs. Olga Munteanu (LEIBNIZ UNIVERSITY HANNOVER, Germany) presented MAPEER SME analysis of available programs covering all EU member states and Bosnia and Herzegovina (compendium) for more that 80 participants - stakeholders from Bosnia and Herzegovina (policy makers, business supporting organizations, science and research institutions and SMEs). Mrs. Lana Hopkinson from USAID-SIDA FIRMA Project has presented a proposal for establishing an Innovation Network in Bosnia and Herzegovina.  During the second day of the conference, total of three panel discussions were organized with aim to initiate ...
... to young people from Zlatiborski District. For more information, please visit: Business Technology Incubator of technical Faculties Belgrade  Source: email from BITF     B&T Incubator and BIC Uzice are implementing project Support to Entrepreneurial Activities of Young People in the framework of Cross-border Cooperation Programme Serbia -Bosnia and Herzegovina, with financial support of the European Union ...
On this page you can find progress reports on recent developments regarding S&T cooperation in/with/for the Western Balkan Countries for download. These reports have been provided by the members of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries in preparation of the Platform Meeting taking place in Ohrid on May, 26 2011.
The two year ICT-WEB-PROMS project aimed at increasing capacity of stakeholders in the Western Balkan countries (WBC) to fully participate in European ICT research and in the European Research Area by creating and supporting strategic partnership between stakeholders in the EU and the WBC while providing access to relevant knowledge. The four key objectives were networking of WB and EU countries in the area of ICT, increasing the capacity of organizations from WBC to create ICT technology and ...
The Final Report of the project aims to provide a roadmap for subsequent researchers in the Western Balkan region. The nine page document outlines the results achieved by the ICT-WEB-PROMS project, the problems encountered and the needs identified in the WBC. The report furthermore issues recommendations for the European Commission, national governments and stakeholders and outlines the lessons learnt for future activities in the region. Further project documents and deliverables can be ...
Current Panorama INFOREGIO issue covers the EU Strategy for the Danube region.  WBC-INCO.NET and SEE-ERA.NET projects are in focus on page 16 as new research contacts partnerships for cooperation with SEE.
... This cross-border programme for the period 2007-2013 between the pre-accession countries of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Montenegro will be implemented under the centralised management. The overall objective of this IPA cross-border programme is to foster the joint sustainable development of the crossborder area, its economic, cultural, natural and human, resources and potentials by strengthening the capacities of human resources and joint institutional ...
... working in such strategic fields as investment policy and promotion, tax policy analysis, SME policy and entrepreneurship, and the development of human capital.       Source: e-mail from OECD A press release of the OECD Investment Compact for South East Europe (an OECD initiative covering 10 economies: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Kosovo - UN Res. 1244) informs about the begin of a development towards a "2020 Vision" for the region ...
... As component II of the European Union's new financial Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA), this is the first cross-border programme  on the border between the pre-accession countries of the Republic of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, for the period 2007-2013. The overall strategic goal for the programme recognises the need to stimulate the economies and reduce the relative isolation of the eligible area by strengthening joint institutional networks and the capacities of human resources. The overall aim of the programme, with the core elements of the ...
... Cross-border programme (CBC) between Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, will be implemented over the period 2007-2013. The programme objectives are: To encourage the creation of cross-border networks and partnerships and the development of joint cross-border actions with a view to revitalizing the economy, protecting the nature and the environment and increasing social cohesion of the programming area. To build ...
... actions among the partners of the eligible territories". The eligible area of the Programme consists of the territories facing the Adriatic Sea. These are identified as NUTS III (or equivalent level) of three Member States (Italy, Greece, and Slovenia), a Candidate Country (Croatia), three Potential Candidate Country (Albania, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina). Although not being territorially eligible for the Programme because it lacks of costal area, but taking into account its eligibility in previous INTERREG IIIA NPPA Adriatic Cross-border Programme 2004 -2006, Serbia participates in the Programme with the whole territory under a phasing out condition until 31 December 2012. Source: Website ...
The TransNEW Project is part of the Coordination and Support Actions for the EU Framework 7 Programme, aimed at supporting transport research activities in the new Member States. It also stimulates, encourages and facilitates the participation of the new Member States and particularly of the SMEs in those countries in national, regional and European research. For 2011, the TransNEW Consortium has planned for 2011 a series of workshops in different regions of Europe to inform potential users ...
The following universities are now full members of EUA:  University of Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (Czech Republic) University of Hagen (Germany) University of Macerata (Italy) Kazakh National Technical University after KI Satpaev (Kazakhstan) Southern Federal University (Russian Federation) Saint Elizabeth University of Health and Social Work (Slovakia) Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy (Ukraine) The Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (Lebanon ...
The present manual deals with the need for a stronger connection between universities and industry in SEE, but also shows that many different types of cooperation between these stakeholders already exist. Eight country reports of national experts about different aspects of the current higher education sector as well as of the university-enterprise collaboration in each respective country were compiled. Each single report offers recommendations on how to improve the future cooperation in this ...
... are pleased to see Belgrade’s membership application recently accepted. For Albania, the main goal for 2011 should be to achieve candidate status. We hope that the Albanian authorities will engage in a constructive political dialogue in order to settle the long-standing political stalemate. When it comes to Bosnia and Herzegovina, we expect a speedy formation of a new government, whose program and actions should focus on the issues of European integration. We will also work for keeping up the European perspective for Kosovo. The Pristina-Belgrade dialogue is important for the stability of the whole region and should be launched as ...
99% EURAXESS Centre Bosnia and Herzegovina Organisation 19. Apr. 2011
... Ministry of Civil Affairs (project coordinator), University of Banja Luka (“Bridgehead”,  partner) and the University of Sarajevo (partner). EURAXESS Service Centre Banja Luka Coordinator: Ms Dragana Pecanac Tel./Fax. +387 51 321 173 Bulevar Vojvode Petra Bojovica 1A 78 000 Banja Luka Republic of Srpska Bosnia and Herzegovina Euraxess Service Centre, Sarajevo Coordinator: Ms Nina Begovic Tel. +387 33 565 119 Obala Kulina Bana 7/II Rektorat 71 000 Sarajevo FB&H, Bosnia and Herzegovina   Source: EURAXESS BiH website.
The Danube Region Strategy follows the welcome for the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, now being implemented. The Danube request, based on the Baltic experience, underlines an integrated approach to sustainable development. Synergies and trade-offs must be identified, e.g. developing cuttingedge green technology, working towards better alignment of policies and funding to improve impact on the ground, and overcoming fragmentation. The Commission, operating across many policy domains, ...
48% Centre for eGovernance Development Organisation 18. Apr. 2011
In January 2008 the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, along with five other stakeholders and two recognized partners established the Centre for eGovernance Development for South East Europe (CeGD). Among the stakeholders are the Regional Cooperation Council (former Stability Pact; Bosnia and Herzegovina), United Nations Development Programme (Bosnia and Herzegovina), European Foundation for Information Society (EU/Spain), INA Academy (Greece), SRC (company, Slovenia) and two recognized partners Microsoft and Siemens. The CeGD is one of the first Public-Private-Partnerships (PPPs) established in the SEE region to address the needs of the specific, but nevertheless broad field, of eGovernance . Directly or through ...
... 13, Jerzy Buzek declared that, “The EP remains strongly committed to the European future of the Western Balkans.” The President reminded that in 2010, the EU abandoned the visa requirement for citizens of Montenegro, Serbia and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and visa liberalisation for Albania and Bosnia Herzegovina. “once all the conditions are met, the people of Kosovo can count on  our support to also get visa – free travel in the EU,” he added. Mr Buzek welcomed that Serbia and Croatia has made historic steps towards reconciliation, Montenegro was granted EU candidate country status ...
... must be undertaken at a Guestworking Organisation (a funded JRP-Partner, or REG Home Organisation) located in a different country to the researcher’s employer. RMGs are open to many countries, but EURAMET particularly encourages applications from researchers in EURAMET countries which are not yet participating in the EMRP: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, FYR Macedonia, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, and Serbia. This aims to support EURAMET member countries building and furthering their capacity in metrology. RMG allowances include research & development allowance, contribution to the Guestworking Organisation’s overhead, living allowance, travel allowance and family allowance ...
... in exchange for an EU guarantee on new loans. The five countries agreed to ask for more IPA funding prior the membership which would allow them accelerate EU-related reforms. In exchange, post-accession assistance would decrease.   Source SETIMES/BCSDN Email Alert Nr. 228. On April 4, EU aspirants Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia adopted a common stance regarding pre-accession assistance (IPA ...
... regime for the Western Balkan countries involve free movement of persons which, though offering access to knowledge, exchange of experiences and practices both within the region and in the EU, directly shapes cooperation in all segments of South East European (SEE) societies. Senad Sepić, Deputy Minister of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, stresses that countries from the region have made significant progress in establishing lasting stability in this part of Europe. “In practical terms, the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina has made significant strides in policy areas such as education, science, culture, health and sports, which contributed to ...
... infrastructure investments, especially for the expensive and important first step in project preparation. Additionally, as a country with the status of an EU candidate, Croatia has access only to sectors which are not eligible under the national IPA components.” Nevenka Savic, Director of the Directorate for European Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Council of Ministers, stresses the importance of projects that are of common interest for the IPA beneficiary countries, such as police and judiciary cooperation, fight against organised crime and corruption, protection of witnesses, etc.  “Cooperation of countries from the region is much more than an obligation ...
... the region's challenges know no borders: flooding, transport and energy links, environmental protection and security, all require a united approach. The strategy concerns mainly 14 countries of which 8 are Member States (Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Bulgaria and Romania) and 6 are non-EU countries (Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Ukraine and Moldova). Organisations representing civil society and private companies are also involved in the implementation of actions and projects, and achievement of precise targets. The strategy is based on a new working method based on a “macro-regional” approach, following in the footsteps of the EU Strategy ...
...      Source: REDETE Program Committee Date: From: 27 October 2011 00:00 To: 29 October 2011 00:00 The International Scientific Conference REDETE 2011 “Researching Economic Development and Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies“ that take place at the Faculty of Economics, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on 27-29 October 2011. A call for papers is currently open (Deadline for delivering abstracts May 20, 2011 ...
... announced which countries and regions will coordinate the priority areas of work for the EU Strategy for the Danube Region... What’s the issue? The Danube region covers parts of 8 EU countries (Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Bulgaria and Romania) and 6 non-EU countries (Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Ukraine and Moldova). The region is facing several challenges: environmental threats (water pollution, floods, climate change) untapped shipping potential and lack of road and rail transport connections insufficient energy connections uneven socio-economic development uncoordinated education, research and innovation systems shortcomings in safety and security Better coordination and cooperation between ...
... in the framework of “joint degree” networks. At present CEEPUS unites universities from 15 Central and Eastern European countries in the framework of networks consisting of at least three higher education institutions from at least two different contractual countries. At present the following countries take part: Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, FYR of Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovak Republic, Slovenia. Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244) with the University of Prishtina is also eligible for participation. Moldova will join the CEEPUS network as of 2011/2012. Conditions for application for students Students must ...
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