News archive - [Event Announcement] REDETE 2011 “Researching Economic Development and Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies“

The International Scientific Conference REDETE 2011 “Researching Economic Development and Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies“ that take place at the Faculty of Economics, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on 27-29 October 2011.

A call for papers is currently open (Deadline for delivering abstracts May 20, 2011).

Key speakers at the Conference will be:

  • Prof. David Smallbone (Kingston University, UK)
  • Prof. Peter Rosa (The University of Edinburgh, UK)
  • Prof. Hanns Pichler (Austrian Institute for SME Research)
  • Prof. Stephen Page (London Metropolitan University, UK)
  • Prof. Friederike Welter (Jonkoping University, Sweden).

More than 20 years have passed since the collapse of the single-party socialist systems, suggesting it is an appropriate time to review the state of play concerning entrepreneurship and economic development, and assess the extent to which current policies are appropriate to developing a sustainable SME sector and promoting entrepreneurship. Consequently, we are particularly interested in papers that critically analyze existing policy approaches particularly those that involve elements of policy transfer. We are also keen to encourage the submission of papers, which analyze the distinctiveness of entrepreneurship in developing and transition economies and the implications for policy development.

Conference Themes

Although papers on any aspect of entrepreneurship and economic development in transition economies will be considered, we are particularly interested in contribution which address one or more of the following questions:

  • How best should we finance business start-ups and business development in the longer-term?
  • How do we get the balance between the role of the state and the role of private capital in supporting entrepreneurial activity?
  • How can micro-businesses in transition economies compete in the global marketplace? Is public support an answer or should they develop self-reliance or use a mixed multi-agency approach?
  • Has insufficient attention be paid in transition economies to the success of entrepreneur-owned co-operatives in countries like Germany, Austria and Italy and other forms of social enterprise?
  • To what extent are we looking at future longer-term challenges to the stability and growth of our entrepreneurial sectors?
  • How do we move away from a reliance on complex financial instruments to finance business activity, towards simpler and more basic credit/savings or other microfinance models?
  • How best do we harness intellectual assets in the form of research that brings together theory and practice in a synergistic process?
  • What are the main economic institutions as far as entrepreneurship development is concerned and how they shape problems of underdevelopment and prospects for successful development?
  • What constraints significantly restrain accelerated growth in a partial business context?
  • Are free markets and economic privatisation the answer to development problems?
  • What is the impact of foreign aid, and should developing countries continue to seek such aid, and if so, under which conditions? Can foreign aid be better targeted?
  • Should MNC be encourage to invest in the economies of less developed countries, and if so, under what conditions?
  • What is microfinance, and what are its potential and limitations in developing countries and small economies?
  • Does entrepreneurship really reduce poverty? If so under what conditions?
  • Development of entrepreneurship culture and mentality - missing link in the value chain of economic growth and development?

Other topics that are highly relevant to the Conference but not explicitly addressed by the above questions could be derived from the following themes:

  • The role of the public sector in enhancing entrepreneurship and economic development
  • SMEs and regional development policies
  • The role of the third sector (NGOs) in building entrepreneurial and other capacities in the society
  • Characteristics of ‘new entrepreneurs’ or new business elite (commonly known tycoons) and their impact on the ‘entrepreneurial mentality’ in transitional countries
  • Corruption and economic development
  • Tourism entrepreneurship and regional development
  • Sustainability and green entrepreneurship; challenges and opportunities in transitional economies
  • Creative industry and economic development
  • Female entrepreneurs in transitional economies

Papers on any aspect of entrepreneurship and economic development in transition economies are welcome, and papers’ selection will be primarily based on quality.

Please find attached the conference Call for Papers. 

Important dates:   

20 May 2011 / delivering of the abstract

15 July 2011 / delivering of the first draft

20 September 2011 / delivering of the final version


For further information see the conference website:   


Source: REDETE Program Committee

From: 27 October 2011 00:00
To: 29 October 2011 00:00

Geographical focus
  • International; Other

Entry created by Elke Dall on May 3, 2011
Modified on April 14, 2011