... agree on rule of law as a legitimizing principle for the exercise of state authority, there is no uniform European standard for institution-building or monitoring activities by the EU in this area. With focus on the reform of the judiciary in five case study countries of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia, this empirical research investigates the EU's transformative power with regard to the effectiveness of rule of law and judicial sector reform in its infancy. It analyses the depth and limitations of EU rule of law promotion in the Western Balkans and presents policy recommendations intended to address ...
... Development and Innovation Facility (WB EDIF) which provides a range of complementary financial instruments and support services to SMEs in the Western Balkans The European Investment Fund (EIF) has selected South Central Ventures (SCV) to manage ENIF via offices in Belgrade (Serbia), Zagreb (Croatia), and Skopje (former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia). Investments are made in SMEs ranging from seed to early growth stage, in innovative sectors which show a high potential for growth, with a particular focus on Information and Communications Technology (ICT). The fund contains a dedicated 'seed pocket' focusing exclusively on pre-seed and seed companies across the region ...
Macedonian Chamber of Information and Communication Technologies - MASIT is a volunteer, non-profit chamber of commerce. The chamber was founded in 2000 as an initiative of the top fifteen Macedonian IT companies and was operating as an Association within the Economic Chamber of Macedonia. In April 2007, on the Annual Assembly of MASIT, the legal transformation of MASIT from Association to Chamber of commerce was agreed. Today, MASIT is the voice of the Macedonian ICT industry. The chamber represents companies of the ICT sector in Macedonia including: software and IT services companies, hardware companies ...
... would increase employability of new graduates. The conference was a follow up on the last Ministerial meeting of the Western Balkans Platform on Education and Training (WB PET) in July 2015, where the six Ministers of education from the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia) agreed to support the establishment of a regional network of alumni. Around 90 participants, including students and alumni, National Erasmus+ Offices from the six countries of the WB PET, and representatives of youth organisations, attended the conference in Podgorica and discussed the modalities and next steps ...
The existence of a national or regional Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation (RIS3) is the 'ex-ante conditionality' for the use of European Structural and Investment Funds to support R&I. This report by a group of independent experts examines the contribution of RIS3 to the Europe 2020 Growth Strategy in the wider context of research and innovation policies. https://ec.europa.eu/research/regions/pdf/publications/ris3_report-082015.pdf Günter Clar, Patries Boekholt, ...
The call is addressed to scientists and researchers that work in academic and research institutions in the region of South Eastern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean. More specifically these are (in alphabetical order): Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Egypt, FYR of Macedonia, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Turkey. The project proposals should address open research topics in specific fields of Life Sciences, Climate research, and Digital Cultural Heritage. Via this call VI-SEEM opens possibilities for regional scientists from the selected scientific fields to have access to ...
The Western Balkan countries do not have an advocacy strategy aimed at promoting and speeding up their EU accession. Although there is growing awareness of the need for such a strategy, it has transpired that the WB government institutions have only communication strategies targeting specific groups within their national borders: decision makers and initiators/multipliers of public awareness of the EU accession process, youth, or opponents of integration. However, these strategies have not ...
The Western Balkan 6 (WB6) Advocacy Group which was established on 29 September 2016, launched the portal www.wb6.info in order to better communicate with its target groups and interested public. CSOs from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, FYR of Macedonia and Serbia have initiated the forming of this group to facilitate and accelerate the accession of the entire region to the European Union. One of the Group's main priorities will be to change the region's negative image. Its aim is to alert to the relevance of the Western Balkans ...
WB6 Advocacy Group is an initiative of Western Balkanthink tanks coming from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, aimed at accelerating and facilitating the European Union enlargement towards the Western Balkans. Established in September 2016, the Group grew out of two successive projects– the European Integration of the Western Balkans: Can the Visegrad Countries Serve as Role Models, Belgrade, 2015, which was ...
Youth is often perceived throughout the Western Balkans as the generation of citizens that should play the role of the agent of change in the region. Considering the embedded potential, regional youth cooperation is on the spotlight of the ‘Berlin Process’ and officially materialized during the Paris Summit 2016, with the signature of the joint declaration on the establishment of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) of the Western Balkans. With the intention of maximizing RYCO’s role, ...
The study was prepared as part of the specific contract No. EAC-2014-0466-Research Careers in Europe, implementing the Framework Contract No. EAC/22/2013-4. It was produced on the basis of the Terms of Reference, the technical offer, the Inception and Interim Reports, the minutes of the kick-off, inception and progress meetings, the comments and suggestions from the Steering Group, as well as the results of the validation seminar. “Research Careers in Europe” is a study with an evaluative ...
WBF is an international organization established by the governments of the Western Balkan countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, FYR of Macedonia and Serbia, the first as such to be headquartered in Tirana. The Fund’s main structures are: the Council of Foreign Ministers, the highest decision-making body, the Senior Council, the Secretariat and the Executive Director. The launch of the Western Balkan Fund with its seat in Tirana is another positive ...
WBF is an international organization established by the governments of Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, FYR of Macedonia and Serbia. The governing bodies of the Fund are the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, the Council of Senior Officials, the Executive Director and the Secretariat. The seat of the Fund Secretariat is in Tirana. WBF will finance small and medium projects with the objective of increasing regional ...
... Source: Regional Cooperation Council - RCC]: Under auspices of the RCC representatives of Ministries in charge of science from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo*, Montenegro, Serbia and The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia agreed to appoint national points of reference for the Open Science by the end of the year. Participants also formally established the Working Group on Open Science and outlined directions in which they will operate in the coming period by producing the draft three-year Work plan. In the region ...
BSC Bar was founded in 2007 through the project of opening of business centers and incubators 2007-2010 . The project was funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands was conducted by the Dutch NGO SPARK . As part of the same project similar centers in Bitola (Macedonia ), Kragujevac ( Serbia ) , Pristina and Mitrovica (Kosovo ) were established. BSC Bar is part of this regional network and it collaborates with other centers at the regional level . In the year 2009 in order to achieve sustainability if the Center project management was transferred to local partners who in October of the ...
The services will be delivered by two innovation experts/Key Account Managers (KAM) from UKIM, member of EEN Macedonia. The INNO EEN-M project is highly related to the call for Enterprise Europe Network – Horizon 2020 (2015-2016) and will provide necessary tools, knowledge and experience to the EEN-M for implementation of the specific activities in the context of innovation support. The activities within the project are organized in two work ...
Enterprise Europe Networking in Macedonia announces the “Go International – Open innovation in ICT” conference on 17 and 18 November in Skopje that will bring together interested companies, research organizations, education institutions and innovators of ICT-enabled products and services interested in presenting their innovative ideas and keen to initiative new partnerships. The two-day conference aims to ...
... as exploring future perspectives and collaboration opportunities within the macro-region. A particular focus will be placed in identifying areas of deepening cooperation in areas such as smart agriculture and transportation, while another topic on the meeting's agenda is the admission of new members from Ukraine, Republic of Moldova and Macedonia. The annual meeting of the BBS ICT Network is connected to the InfoFest 2016 (http://www.infofest.com/en/) and included in the official program of the event. Source: clustercollaboration During 28-30 September 2016 representatives of ICT Clusters from the Balkan and Black Sea macro-region will be gathering in Budva ...
... projects Experience in writing and implementing IPA projects Good command of English (speaking, writing) Experience in working in civil society sector Preferable to have experience in cooperation with public insitutions, media, expert and general public# Source: TACSO ORCA (Serbia), on behalf of consortium of partners: AKTIV (Kosovo*), FLOROZON (FYR of Macedonia), CZIP (Montenegro) i IEP (Albania), announces Call for Trainers & Consultants for training of CSOs for advocacy and organisational development and coaching for writing project proposals ...
Almost three years after adopting the South East Europe 2020 Strategy, the region is inching towards some of its 2020 targets. While the results have been mixed, efforts vested by the governments are in most part real. But will they be enough to convince the skeptical and largely pessimistic citizens? In November 2013 the governments of South East Europe came together to adopt the SEE 2020 Strategy, a joint effort to boost job creation in SEE and reinforce the region’s EU perspective. Inspired ...
... EU-Wide Government”. American Journal of Political Science 46(2): 463-475. newspaper article: Mason P (2015) “The four questions we need to answer before bombing Isis or Assad”, The Guardian, 21 September 2015 Internet/Websites: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia. Diplomatic and consular representations -Tallinn. Available at: http://www.missions.gov.mk/talinn/144/Bilateralni_odnosi.html (accessed 10 October 2010) legislation: Law on audio and audiovisual media services. Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia, No. 184/2013 For more details see the file  ...
... language only. Please find all information on Boards, publishing policies, the reviewing process, as well as the submission guidelines on the Journal's homepage, http://js.ugd.edu.mk/index.php/BSSR/index. For more information, please contact: Jovan Ananiev PhD, Editor in Chief, Faculty of Law, University “Goce Delcev”- Shtip, Macedonia, jovan.ananiev@ugd.edu.mk Source: BSSR The Balkan Social Science Review (BSSR). BSSR is a new scholarly journal devoted to the region of Balkan viewed from length of different Social Science disciplines ...
... agriculture will be granted (May 2017 – May 2018). More information about conditions for applying can be found in Guidelines for applicants with accompanying annexes or at this Web page. The Call is opened until 10 October 2016 at 16 hours for all CSOs from Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, FYR of Macedonia and Kosovo* active in different aspects of sustainable agriculture. Source: TACSO ORCA (Serbia), on behalf of consortium of partners: AKTIV (Kosovo*), FLOROZON (FYR of Macedonia), CZIP (Montenegro) i IEP (Albania), announces a Call for granting, coaching and training for strengthening advocacy capacities of CSOs, for sustainable agriculture in the Western ...
... are included in the project: Serbia – Group for Institutional Support to Rural Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection; Veterinary Office, Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection; Environmental Protection Agency, Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental protection; Montenegro – Municipality of Tivat; University of Montenegro, Biotechnical Faculty Podgorica; former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: Ministry for Environment and Physical Planning of the Republic of Macedonia; Faculty for Agricultural Sciences and Food, University of Cyril and Methodius Skopje; Association of Farmers of Republic of Macedonia; Alliance of the Cooperatives in Macedonia; Albania: Agency for Rural and Agricultural Development, Kukës Municipality; Regional Directory of Agriculture – Dibër (DRB Dibër); Kosovo*: Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Rural Development (ARDP ...
... of the ‘Skills and Mobility’ flagship in the implementation of the RCC’s South East Europe (SEE) 2020 development strategy. The meeting was held back to back with the working meeting where the WISE founders - government representatives of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo*, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia discussed future steps towards establishment of WISE Secretariat. RCC used this opportunity to update the participants on the SEE2020 implementation in the R&D and innovation area. In addition RCC also presented its priority actions in the next period focusing on Open Science and Mobility or ...
Visegrad scholarships support Masters and post-Masters (PhD/postdoc) studies/research stays at higher-education institutions in the V4 region, as well as in the Western Balkan and Eastern Partnership countries.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) undoubtedly constitute one of the key innovations of the last century. ICT are composed of a wide range of product and service technologies including computer hardware, software and services, and a host of telecommunication functions. ICT influenced strongly the fields of socio-economic development, international development, and human rights. The basic hypothesis behind the approach is that more and better information and communication furthers ...
Mission of the ICT Association is to support the development of information and communication technologies in FYR of Macedonia, the Balkan region and beyond, especially in the area of education, research and application of innovative technologies. Strategic goals of the Association are: To promote scientific research work in the field of informatics, information and communication technologies. To promote application of information and communication technologies for building information society. The ...
The publication features twelve case studies of innovative SMEs with insightful international activity and a comprehensive analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) of European policy measures and infrastructure seeking to enhance such internationalisation. It is the first EU official study exploring explicitly and exclusively international cooperation in the field of innovation from a European SME perspective. The study identified four principal challenges when ...
The publication presents the results of a series of piloting activities implemented by higher education institutions in South East Europe and Turkey to engage in entrepreneurial learning. The specific objective of the SEECEL pilot project framework was to incorporate entrepreneurial learning into existing study programmes and/or develop awareness of and aspirations for entrepreneurship among students of non-business studies at 15 partner higher education institutions in the region. "It ...
Research and innovation are key to building a prosperous future for the EU. They therefore figure prominently in the Europe 2020 strategy and the European Semester process and underpin progress towards the 10 priorities of the Juncker Commission, from providing a new boost to jobs, growth and investment, to developing the digital single market and developing the Energy Union. The EU has fantastic strengths. It is open, diverse, and hosts excellent institutions. With Horizon 2020, the Union ...
... AMF - VC 15:00 - 15:30 Q&A Discussion Convener: Mr. Anastas Mishev (FCSE, UKIM) 15:30 - 16:00 Closing remarks Convener: Mr. Anastas Mishev (FCSE, UKIM) Deadline for registration is 28 August 2016 Source: events.hpc VI-SEEM Life sciences and Climate national training event in Skopje, Macedonia aiming to train targeted user communities for using the VI-SEEM infrastructure and services. https://events.hpc.grnet.gr/event/22/other-view?view=standard Skopje
This book brings together some of the key conceptual insights behind Open Innovation, Open Science and Open to the World and highlights actions that are already taking place or are being prepared. There are few forces in this world as engaging and unifying as science. The universal language of science maintains open channels of communication where other foreign policy approaches are not viable. The chapter ‘Open to the World’ sets out the gains the EU can make by maintaining its presence at ...
An important aspect of open science is a move towards open access to publicly funded research results, including scientific publications as well as research data. Based on the structure of Commission Recommendation C(2012) 4890 final and its assorted reporting mechanism (the National Points of Reference for scientific information) this report provides an overview on access to and preservation of scientific information in the EU Member States as well as Norway and Turkey. It is based on ...
... an institution or legal entity which has within its remit a clear association with performing scientific research. Researchers holding their primary affiliation at an institution located in a participating COST Country are eligible to receive an ENRESSH STSM grant. Researchers from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, FYR of Macedonia and Serbia are welcome to apply as well. More information on eligibility is also provided in the attached document. For the first Call for STSM Applications all STMS activities / Missions must occur between 30/10/2016 and 30/01/2017 The financial support is a contribution to ...
... A REGIONALSTUDY ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE COMMITMENTS FROM THE 2015 VIENNA WESTERN BALKANS SUMMIT. This study analyses the extent to which the governments of the Western Balkan countries, i.e. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Serbia, are fulfilling their commitments under the Berlin Process with respect to the two declarations adopted at the 2015 Vienna Summit, in the field of regional cooperation and resolution of bilateral disputes and the establishment of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office. Specifically, the implementation of the Joint Declaration on ...
... the Joint Declaration on the Establishment of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office of the Western Balkans and the Declaration on the Regional Cooperation and the Solution of Bilateral Disputes. The special emphasis will be given to the assessment of the implementation of the commitments in Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia and Serbia. Furthermore, the project will explore the role of the civil society organizations in the Berlin Process. The outcomes of this project will be: 1) Regional Study on the implementation of the commitments from the two declarations adopted at the 2015 Vienna Western Balkans Summit 2015 (Joint Declaration on ...
... of joint pain, back pain and the new NICE guidelines, acute joint pain and its management including pre and postoperative pain treatment, and all aspects of treatment of chronic joint pain now and in the future. Participants from Category B Countries (among others: Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Macedonia FYR, Montenegro, Serbia) and Category C Countries (among others: Albania) can benefit from a reduced Congress Fee. Source: EFIC The European Pain Federation, EFIC®, is proud to announce its First Topical Seminar, on the theme of Acute and Chronic Joint Pain. 2016 is the European and Global Year ...
SEE-6 Economic Outlook is a biannual publication in English that gives an overview of economic trends and short-term forecasts for the six countries of Southeast Europe: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Slovenia and Serbia. Each issue also provides an analysis whereby these countries are compared from the perspective of one current economic topic. The second issue places a special emphasis on two analyses: the analysis of the economic aspects of the refugee crisis and the analysis of corruption perceptions ...
Croatian Economic Survey is an English-language, peer-reviewed scholarly journal published by The Institute of Economics, Zagreb, Croatia. The journal aims to serve as a forum for academics and practitioners by publishing high-quality research papers on topics in all areas of economics. Special focus is given to post-socialist Europe. Comparative studies are especially encouraged, since these countries share a similar socio-economic background and comparative studies offer a valuable source of ...
... forwarding services and storage Marketing, trade, sales and distribution Tourism Hospitality services Creative industries Financial audit. For all types of audit, except for the financial audit, the reviewers are expected to review the technical and project documentation, and/or to evaluate the project results, conduct on-site visit in FYR of Macedonia of the Fund’s beneficiary and submit a report and expert opinion, within 14 (fourteen) working days after the receipt of the technical documentation. For the financial audit, the reviewers are expected to review the project documentation, the beneficiary project account and all the financial and supporting documentation related to ...
... innovations that contribute to job creation, and to economic growth and development, while simultaneously improving the business environment for the development of competitive capabilities of companies. The focus of the operations of the Fund in particular includes: (1) Co-financing micro, small and medium-size enterprises (MSMEs) registered in the FYR of Macedonia, with the aim of encouraging innovation activities, implementation of innovative solutions and innovative processes, introducing innovation and transfer of technology among companies, as well as support for companies which have high growth potential. (2) Financing newly established micro and small enterprises registered in the FYR of Macedonia, foundations and accelerators ...
Prior to this final deadline, potential applicants should observe the following intermediary closing dates: 12 August 2016: National IPA Coordinator transmits the pre-submission notification to the WBIF Secretariat; and 19 August 2016: The IFI Coordination Office issues preliminary project codes to the National IPA Coordinators. Prospective proposals should be in line with national sector strategies and should aim at unblocking an existing WBIF project, across the WBIF eligible sectors. In ...
Successful implementation is awarded by the Commission Services, contributing to the reputation of the awarded institutions and giving high visibility on the international scale. 4 Regional Workshops, including one in Czech Republic that already took place, have been organised on this topic: Czech Republic, Brno, 24 January 2017 FYRO Macedonia, Ohrid, 25 April 2017 Tallinn, Estonia, 13 June 2017 Sofia, Bulgaria 17 October 2017 The workshop addresses HR Directors and HR Managers in Research performing and Research funding institutions from the different regions. It also addresses high-level representatives of universities, research centres as well as beneficiaries and potential applicants of ...
This regional strategy on the “Danube Region/ Western Balkans” has been prompted by the growing convergence of Austria’s foreign, economic, security and development interests in the Danube Region/ Western Balkans and the need to rekindle the reform dynamics fostering both regional integration and EU integration. The regional strategy is meant to be complementary to the existent bilateral country strategies for Albania and Kosovo* and has been elaborated with a ...
... the highest post at which research is normally conducted. There is a large amount of variability across countries in terms of the proportion of women in grade A positions, with the proportion ranging from 11 % to 67 %. The highest proportion of women is observed in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (67 %), Malta (45 %) and Croatia (38 %), whilst the lowest proportion is found in Cyprus (11 %), the Czech Republic (13 %) and Lithuania (14 %). It is important to note that the high proportion of women observed in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia represents only six women out of a total of ...
... entry submitted after the deadline will be rejected. Source: CBIB+ The EU-funded multi-beneficiary project ‘Cross-Border Institution Building (CBIB+) Phase II’ has launched a contest to award three prizes for research papers in relation to the cross-border cooperation programmes between beneficiary countries (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo*, Montenegro and Serbia ...
... in 36 Member Countries (Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) and a Cooperating State (Israel). This allows researchers from these countries to embark upon networking opportunities by participating in science and technology networks called 'COST Actions'. https://issuu.com/costprogramme/docs/2015_annual_report ...
... markets (Austria, Germany). The following specific objectives and activities will contribute to the overall objective: 5 villages have developed the institutional set-up and energy management concept for becoming a bioenergy village up to investment stage for physical infrastructure with at least one bioenergy village in Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Romania and Macedonia. The local market uptake of bioenergy value chains are to be proven by signing of letters of commitment. Mobilization of 62 GWh/y heat and power based on solid biomass in at least 5 target villages. The individual biomass value chains will include the production and distribution of heat and ...