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... During the SEE-ERA.NET PLUS monitoring meeting in Vienna, (April 23-24, 2012) the coordinator of the project SEELEGUMES, Branko Cupina (Professor at the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia), and the coordinator of the project ThermalMapper, Andreas Nüchter (Professor at Jacobs University Bremen, School of Engineering and Science), shared their experiences for the WBC-INCO.NET journal in short interviews highlighting once again the importance of cooperation and knowledge transfer in STI. Read the interviews here. Sustainable preservation of indigenous ...
On this page you can find progress reports on recent developments regarding S&T cooperation in/with/for the Western Balkan Countries for download. These reports have been provided by the members of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries in preparation of the Platform Meeting taking place in Tirana on June 12/13, 2012. The previous reports can be accessed at and ...
This paper studies the variable impact of the global economic crisis on the post-communist countries of South East Europe and Turkey. The central question is whether the institutional reforms introduced in the former group of countries during the transition period have improved their ability to cope with external shocks. The transmission mechanisms of the crisis to the region are identified as contractions of credit, foreign direct investment, remittances, and exports, and their variable ...
Bloomberg, the world's most trusted source of data, news, analytic and trading tools for businesses and financial professionals, has acquired in 2009 New Energy Finance, the leading provider of independent analysis, data and news in the clean energy and carbon markets. The report commissioned by the CEI, quite comprehensive but very conservative in its approach, elaborates two main scenarios: 1)      a fuel-demand scenario showing what it would take to replace 10% ...
... efforts. PSD was added to the list of sectors eligible for assistance under the WBIF in 2011. The 5th WBIF Steering endorsed a comprehensive Private Sector Development project. It is the first initiative in the private sector development area initiated through the WBIF. The project proposal was put forward by Serbia on behalf of the beneficiaries in the region and has been supported by the EIB/EIF and EBRD. Over the period 2011-2015, the project is expected to attract approximately EUR 142 million of initial capital from the EC, IFIs, beneficiaries and bilateral donors, resulting in estimated leverage for SMEs of ...
28% Serbian Innovation Fund Link 21. May. 2012
... all aspects of human life, science, technological development and innovations play an important role in stimulating economic development. Innovations are considered to be the main factors for a stable knowledge based economy, which became the basis of competitiveness and dynamic growth. Therefore, with the establishment of this fund, Republic of Serbia is looking to better position itself in the regional and the global race for innovative technologies. The intention of the Fund is to contribute to the overall development of innovations through various financial instruments, particularly by fostering the establishment of new and strengthening the existing companies, by positioning them to ...
According to the innovation market and research needs identified in the frame of two surveys conducted in Task 8.1 (“Stocktaking”) which were presented in the last issue of the WBC-INCO.NET Journal, as well as according to the results obtained during the First Innovation Dialogue Forum held in Becici/Montenegro on November 8-9, 2010, examples of good practice in the EU Member States and in the Western Balkan countries have been collected. This online publication includes a collection of 45 ...
In the process of society‘s "Europeisation ", in addition to the well-known Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), from 2007 onwards FYR of Macedonia disposes with and can benefit from funds made available under the Community Programmes. Community Programmes are instruments used to create "European added value", particularly in areas that require deeper integration (scientific and research activities, innovations, education, culture, industrial policy, social policy, etc.). In broader ...
29% ERA Fabric Map Document 20. May. 2012
This ERA fabric map provides a starting point for the implementation of the 'Visions for the ERA' (VERA) project by giving a snapshot of the ERA today in support of developing alternative future scenarios for its evolution and by mapping current involvement of stakeholders in ERA. It looks at division of responsibilities between EU and Member States, and at institutions and bodies involved in the European research system. Starting from the six ERA dimensions described in the ERA Green Paper, ...
... methods are used to provide a better understanding of how different actors are related to the innovation system as a whole. Funding for the project was provided by the Research Council Norway. The WBinNO project is a partnership of five institutes located in Norway, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, and Serbia and is led by Mark Knell of the Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU), Oslo, Norway. On Wednesday, 6 June 2010 the project organised a workshop in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on Innovation Policy Learning in the Western Balkans. The workshop offered ideas on how policymakers ...
... to define several topics, then split into several group discussions (~50min), followed by each group presenting (2-3min) their findings at the end of the session. What is Unconference? How to Prepare to Attend Unconference 12:00 - 12:15 Break 12:15 - 13:30 Panel Discussion: Creating Successful High-tech Startups in Serbia In this panel session founders of several successful high-tech companies from Serbia will discuss their experiences in creating successful businesses. Ilija Studen, A51 Vladimir Prelovac, ManageWP Nebojsa Matic, MikroElektronika Branko Milutinovic, Nordeus Moderator: Ognjen Todic, Keen Research 13:30 - 14:15 Agile Techniques as Business Acceleration Tools Ralph Jocham, Effective Agile, GmbH 14:15 - 15:30 Lunch 15:30 - 16:15 The ...
29% Vojvodina ICT Cluster Organisation 11. May. 2012
Vojvodina ICT Cluster provides a single point of contact with the best ICT companies in Serbia. The cluster gathers companies from the sector with the total workforce of 1,500 experienced IT professionals. The association enjoys strong support in the community, with five institutions from the areas of education, regional development and public service being honorary members. Founded through a bottom-up initiative in 2010, this cluster ...
PARTICIPANTS Conference will gather participants representing a variety of institutions, experiences and responsibilities including representatives of international organizations, higher education authorities, universities and NGO’s. COLLOCATED EVENTS Petrovac Conference will have three collocated events, related to the STREW project, which will take place on May 25th, 2012: Meeting of Strategic Working Group, (morning) Meeting of Rectors Working Group, (morning)  Steering Committee ...
... other people for their goals and ideals have strong links with the civil society in their countries be a resident of one of the eligible countries: Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Iraq, Italy, Jordan, Kosovo, Lebanon, Libya, Montenegro, Morocco, Palestinian Territories, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, UAE be young adults up to the age of 32 and have a very good command of English WORKING LANGUAGE: English SCHEDULE: The Learning Journeys (duration: 7 days) will take place between the end of June and July. The three destinations are: Egypt, Italy ...
... CEEPUS at a glance: Who is a member? Current member countries: Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia. Prishtina/Kosovo is also participating. What is the legal basis? The legal basis for CEEPUS is an international Agreement signed by the member states and open for accession. What is the organizational structure? CEEPUS is based on lean management. The highest ranking decision making ...
... nbsp;  Hannes Stockinger, Vienna Gerald Stanek, Vienna H. Joachim Seitz, Hamburg, Narinder K. Mehra, New Delhi     Hans-Willi Mittruecker, Hamburg Concept of the School The primary aim of this summer school is to teach immunology to young investigators in immunology from South-East Europe, i.e. Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Romania. This region needs help to establish a state-of-the-art immunology. Infrastructure and equipment of most of the institutes of immunology in the South of this region are still underdeveloped, but immunological societies in these countries have been or are being formed. Another aim ...
The “Advisory Group” constitutes a community of experts in the design, development and implementation of systems and applications for Monitoring and Control. The goal is to offer a point of reference in the process of reinforcing the research collaboration among leading research teams from the EU and the Western Balkan Countries. The experts will complement the consortium’s efforts and suppport the early validation of the main project outcomes (BALCON project), increase their credibility and ...
29% Archive: FP7: Orientation papers 2013 Document 26. Apr. 2012
These papers are made public at an early stage in the adoption process of the work programme to provide potential applicants with the currently expected main lines of the 2013 work programme. It is a working document not yet endorsed by the Commission and its content does not in any way prejudge the subsequent modifications by the Commission, the subsequent formal opinion of the Programme Committee nor the final decision of the Commission. Only the adopted work programme will have legal value. ...
More about these topics can be found in the newsletter which can be downloaded from    or the download below. In the ICIP’s Newsletter No.8 you may read some interesting news on Project’s recent activities: - ICIP in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development and The National Agency for Regional Development developed the Standardized set of services for SMEs which will be implemented by ...
... Applicants eligible for the fellowship are writers from all genres under 35 (born after 1977) from CEI Member States which are not part of the European Union (Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine). The fellowship is endowed with a cash award of EUR 5,000 for a three-month stay in any of the Central European Initiative Member States, selected by the candidate. The fellowship winner will be guest of the 27th Vilenica International Literary Festival which will take place from 5 ...
... Western Balkan country. The reports have been discussed in a workshop for priority setting and resulted in the definition of common priorities for the field. The national background reports provide an interesting overview on the field of transport research in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244). Please note also the National Background Reports on Energy, Health and Transport research (see links below ...
... Western Balkan country. The reports have been discussed in a workshop for priority setting and resulted in the definition of common priorities for the field. The national background reports provide an interesting overview on the field of transport research in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244). Please note also the National Background Reports on Energy, Environment and Health research (see links below ...
The national background reports provide an interesting overview on the field of energy research in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo (under UNSCR1244). Please note also the National Background Reports on Energy, Health and Transport research (see links below).
... each Western Balkan country. The reports have been discussed in a workshop for priority setting and resulted in the definition of common priorities for the field. The national background reports provide an interesting overview on the field of health research in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo (under UNSCR1244). Please note also the National Background Reports on Energy, Health and Transport research (see links below ...
... we would have a rather dramatic situation in the market, especially now that the Euro exchange rate is going up." Source: Press Release of the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia (April 11, 2012), as accessed on April 17, 2012. Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Vincent Degert said that Serbia has harmonised its competition legislation with EU regulations, but that the capacities of the Commission for Protection of Competition and of the judges who preside over the cases of competition breach should be additionally strengthened. Speaking at an event held on the occasion of the Competition Day, Degert highlighted that ...
Professional qualifications and expert profile The external expert should have experience with the assessment of dissemination and communication activities in European funded projects. In addition, knowledge about funded projects from the Structural Funds and/or IPA would be an asset. For the assessment a distinction of the expected use of project results by different target groups in different target countries would be useful, therefore knowledge of the external expert about the specific ...
... in SEE: Challenges and driving forces” at the premises of the Centre for Research and Technology-Hellas in Thessaloniki, Greece. The aim of the event was to foster a policy dialogue between policy representatives from eight (8) Southeastern European (SEE) countries (Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Republic of Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Romania) so as to provide recommendations and guidelines to the respective governments for enhancing industry-academia collaboration and promoting inter-sectoral mobility of researchers at the respective countries ...
- The following documents are the inputs received after our call for contributions. - diverse authors
... the basis for better success in FPs and a structured client approach. Thus, ERA WESTBALKAN+ will make the research potential of the Western Balkans both visible and accessible. The ERA WESTBALKAN+ project's main objective is to intensify the opening up of the ERA to the Western Balkan Countries (WBC) of Serbia, Montenegro, FYR of Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Croatia as an ACC through trans-regional network building of research centres in WBC with their counterparts in Austria, Slovenia and Greece. ERA WESTBALKAN+ is ERA WESTBALKAN ...
... nbsp;  Sector Competitiveness ·         Trade and Macroeconomics The research should cover the South East Europe region or one or preferably more CEFTA 2006 Parties (Republic of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Croatia, Republic of Macedonia, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Republic of Serbia and UNMIK/Kosovo). Work on other countries with strong implications for CEFTA 2006 would also be considered. Subject to certain eligibility criteria, the OECD Investment Compact will cover the travel and accommodation expenses of the presenters. Please send your abstract to Gabriel Boc ( by April 22 ...
... analysis is also available in Serbian language, please go to for download.  More information about the executing institution can be found here. InTER (Institute for Territorial Economic Development) was contracted by the National Agency for Regional Development of the Republic of Serbia to provide an assessment of the business infrastructure in the country. The assignment included an assessment of the institutional and operational capacity of business incubators, clusters and industrial zones and their efficiency and impact on local economic development. Conclusions and recommendations from the assessment are being included in the National ...
The EU has been active in the Mediterranean region through the Union for the Mediterranean, formerly known as the Barcelona Process. The Monitoring Committee (MoCo) for Euro-Mediterranean cooperation in research and innovation has played and continues to play a key role in bringing together EU Member States and all Mediterranean countries. The EU has concluded bilateral Science and Technology (S&T) cooperation agreements with Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria. Moreover, Albania, ...
As a result of the long-standing scientific collaboration between the European Union and the Mediterranean Partner Countries, 168 FP7 projects are presently in place with an EU contribution close to EUR 430 million. There are 373 MPC participants in these projects. This publication has been prepared on the occasion of the "Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Research and Innovation: An agenda for a renewed partnership" organised by the Directorate General for Research and Innovation, in ...
The Social Sciences and Humanities are influential for all Member States and for the European Commission. METRIS is an initiative of the Directorate-General for Research (DG RTD), which aims to become an entry and reference point for the social sciences and humanities landscapes in Europe. Commissioned by the ERA Directorate of DG RTD and performed via the Metris-Network, it pursues the collection, regular updating, and analysis of information on social sciences and humanities at national and ...
30% Metris Country Report - FYR Macedonia Document 21. Mar. 2012
The Social Sciences and Humanities are influential for all Member States and for the European Commission. METRIS is an initiative of the Directorate-General for Research (DG RTD), which aims to become an entry and reference point for the social sciences and humanities landscapes in Europe. Commissioned by the ERA Directorate of DG RTD and performed via the Metris-Network, it pursues the collection, regular updating, and analysis of information on social sciences and humanities at national and ...
30% Metris Country Report - Croatia Document 21. Mar. 2012
The Social Sciences and Humanities are influential for all Member States and for the European Commission. METRIS is an initiative of the Directorate-General for Research (DG RTD), which aims to become an entry and reference point for the social sciences and humanities landscapes in Europe. Commissioned by the ERA Directorate of DG RTD and performed via the Metris-Network, it pursues the collection, regular updating, and analysis of information on social sciences and humanities at national and ...
I3E – Transnational Strategic Research Agenda: National Profiles The National Profiles annex has been created by local experts seeking broad consensus with industrial, academic and political stakeholders. It gives valuable additional information on how to implement the Strategic Research Agenda in each country represented in the I3E consortium.
... the areas identified by the Strategic Research Agenda. Each National Profile has been created by local experts seeking broad consensus with industrial, academic and political stakeholders of each country. It therefore gives valuable additional information on how to implement the SRA in the countries of Greece, Italy, Austria, Romania, Ukraine, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Slovenia. The document follows the structure of the SRA and focuses on the areas of Embedded Systems and Industrial Informatics identified in the Agenda. In particular, these areas are: Flexible Manufacturing, Europe Going “Green”, “Green” Energy Market, Efficient Use of Energy, Health Support, Monitoring, Diagnostics and Living Assistance ...
This Strategic Research Agenda has been formulated through intensive cooperation and consensus building in South East Europe. It identifies synergies and potentials for the South East European region reflecting the strong confidence of stakeholders in the future of the region. Being Europe is reflected in working on common European research goals; the regional strength is presented by selecting topics where expertise is already available and that are required to upgrade the infrastructure to ...
This Strategic Research Agenda has been formulated through intensive cooperation and consensus building in South East Europe. It identifies synergies and potentials for the South East European region reflecting the strong confidence of stakeholders in the future of the region. Being Europe is reflected in working on common European research goals; the regional strength is presented by selecting topics where expertise is already available and that are required to upgrade the infrastructure to ...
... the intensive introduction of precision agriculture in Vojvodina. The following institutions are paricipating in AgroSense Project:  Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia (FTS) Department of Electronics and Telecommuniactions, University of Florence, Italy (DET) Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia (JSI) Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, Serbia (FANS) Institute Mihailo Pupin, Belgrade, Serbia (IMP) Provincial Secretariat for Agriculture, Water Economy and Forestry of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia (PSAWF) Through this Project, several objectives will be achieved, the first and foremost being the reinforcement and further development of MeTeP@ Centre. Both the scientific and technological basis of the Centre will be improved in order ...
... Component 1 of the ICIP focuses on creating a standardised model of business support services in Serbia and improving the business support infrastructure that will enhance the creation of more SMEs, and improve their survival rates and competitiveness. Under this component ICIP will: Map and assess the existing provision of business support services for SMEs in Serbia, with the aim of expanding a database of business support ...
Main tasks: Improving knowledge of present staff Employment of experienced and young researchers Provision of contemporary equipment and test tracks Financiers: European Commission Ministry of Science of Republic of Serbia Budget: 1,145,000 EUR Beneficiary   Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Kraljevo - Railway Vehicles Center (MFK) The goal of the project is to provide support to strengthening of the Railway Vehicles Center, research unit of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Kraljevo, Serbia, in order to make ...
... Athens, Greece. Project Partner 9: Institute for Sociology, Centre for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Országház u. 30., H-1014 Budapest, Hungary Project Partner 10: Industrial Systems Institute/RC Athena, Patras Science Park building, Stadiou Str., Platani, GR26504 Achaia, Greece IPA Partner 1: Mihajlo Pupin Institute, Volgina 15, 11060 Belgrade, Serbia IPA Partner 2: Ministry of Science and Technological Development, Nemanjina str. 22-26, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia IPA Partner 3: University of Montenegro, Cetinjska 2, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro All above institutions have been involved in the planning and Implementation process of RTD in their countries and are strongly linked to the competent ...
... will continously update the information related to this project - such as to inform you about the upcoming or past project activities or published reports and studies. Project coordinator is Q-Plan from Greece and partners are: Inno TSD, France; European Embedded Control Institute, France;  Schoolof Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade Serbia;  Croatian Institute of Technology, Croatia; Ministry of Science of Montenegro; Agency for Electronic Communications Skopje, FYROM and Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. BALCON
... as at many universities of the former country, mostly on graduate studies. Matejic currently teaches at the UN University for Peace and coordinates work on strategy of education system of Serbia, 2011-2020. Professor Matejic did most of his research in operations research, large scale organizational systems sciences and strategy development. Source: RCC Newsletter By Vlastimir Matejic, President of European Movement, Serbia "Competitiveness of economies of South East Europe (SEE), with few exceptions, is alarmingly low. I intentionally denote this as ...
... available at the conference website: Source: Prof. Dr. med. H.J. Seitz, Southeast-Europe Cooperation, Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf. Date: From: 3 September 2012 To: 7 September 2012 The RBC is a series of biennial symposia intended to bring together biophysics researchers from Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Serbia, Slovenia and Slovakia, and also includes internationally renowned guest speakers. The conference will take place on September 3-7, 2012 in Kladovo, Serbia. Early registration: June 01, 2012; Abstracts submission: May 01, 2012 ...
... The mini country reports had the objective to furnish three analytical reports with country specific information: a trend report on innovation policy in the EU, an overview report on innovation funding in the EU and an analytical thematic report on demand-side innovation policies. Attached please find the mini-country report for Serbia. Author: Djuro Kutlaca, “Mihajlo Pupin” Institute, Belgrade
The Erasmus Mundus programme aims to promote European higher education, to help improve the career prospects of students by enabling them to study abroad at top-class institutions, to foster quality and capacity in higher education through academic cooperation and exchanges and to promote intercultural understanding. The latest Call for Proposals for the 2012 selection of joint programmes, partnerships and projects under all three Actions of the programme was launched in December 2011, with a ...
NNO-Policy TrendChart produced 'mini country reports' for each of the 48 countries monitored by the network of country correspondents in the second half of 2011. The mini country reports had the objective to furnish three analytical reports with country specific information: a trend report on innovation policy in the EU, an overview report on innovation funding in the EU and an analytical thematic report on demand-side innovation policies. Attached please find the mini-country report for ...
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