News archive - [Event Announcement and Call for papers] Regional biophysics conference 2012, Kladovo, Serbia

The RBC is a series of biennial symposia intended to bring together biophysics researchers from Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Serbia, Slovenia and Slovakia, and also includes internationally renowned guest speakers. The conference will take place on September 3-7, 2012 in Kladovo, Serbia. Early registration: June 01, 2012; Abstracts submission: May 01, 2012.

The first RBC meeting took place in March 2005 in Terme Zrece (Slovenia), the second one was held in August 2007 in Balatonfüred (Hungary), the third one in February 2009 in Linz (Austria), and the fourth one in September 2010 in Primošten (Croatia). The principal aims of the conference are: 1) to strengthen the collaborative ties between biophysics groups in the region, 2) to present the cutting-edge achievements from a broad range of biophysics disciplines to students and 3) to promote the field of biophysics. Following previous conferences, RBC 2012 will feature a combination of top level senior researchers and aspiring young scientists (postdoctoral fellows and graduate students) from the above countries. The conference language is English.

Abstract submission

  •  Abstract, is accepted only in doc and docx file formats
  • Abstract title - max. 100 characters (including spaces)
  • Abstract text - max. 1500 characters (including spaces)
  • Abstract format - Times New Roman, 12 pt, 1.5 spacing

Abstract template

EBSA travel grants (200 € each) will be awarded to 8 young researchers (age 35 or less) presenting a poster at the meeting

Candidates for these awards should send a CV with a reference list, and arrange for one letter of recommendation to be sent to Dr Miroslav Živic ( The application deadline for travel grants is May 1, 2012.

Registration fees:

Early student registration fee:

80 €

Early regular registration fee:

150 €

Late student registration fee:

100 €

Late regular registration fee:

200 €

Main topics

  • Membrane and cell biophysics
  • Molecular biophysics
  • Neurobiophysics
  • Medical biophysics
  • Modeling and instrumental techniques in biophysics

More information on speakers, registration, organisers etc. is available here: 

Further information is available at the conference website:

Source: Prof. Dr. med. H.J. Seitz, Southeast-Europe Cooperation, Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf.

From: 3 September 2012
To: 7 September 2012

Geographical focus
  • Croatia
  • International; Other
  • Serbia

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on March 11, 2012
Modified on March 11, 2012