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COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL This communication assesses the current state of the European Union's enlargement agenda, comprising the Western Balkans, Turkey, and Iceland. Based on the accompanying in-depth country analyses3, it takes stock of what these countries have achieved preparing for membership, where they stand today, assesses their prospects for the coming years and in this regard makes a number of recommendations. As in previous years, ...
The overall conclusions on BiH in the fields interesting for WBC-INCO.NET read as follows: Bosnia and Herzegovina made some progress with the enforcement of competition rules. There was no progress in the area of public procurement, particularly regarding full alignment of the Public Procurement Law. Progress continued in the area of intellectual property rights. There was little progress in the area of social and employment policies and public health policy. Country-wide strategy papers ...
Presenting the annual Enlargement Package, Commissioner Stefan Füle said: "Today's recommendations for Montenegro and Serbia show that the enlargement process is stimulating reforms on the ground and helping to create a more stable and prosperous Europe. The transformational power of the enlargement process sends a powerful message of hope at this challenging time, both for European Union Member States and for the enlargement ...
... transport research potential in all the New Member and Associated States.  The West Balkan region is named as one of the key regions whose transport research is being assessed.  Citizens of the following countries are therefore invited to attend this import workshop: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, FYR of Macedonia and Kosovo (UNSCR 1244 ...
This essay was originally published in The Europa World of Learning, a guide to higher education, research and other academic institutions throughout the world. The print edition of this internationally respected title was first published over 60 years ago and has become widely acclaimed as the premier source of information on the academic sphere world-wide. The online version, updated quarterly, offers an unprecedented level of access to global institutions of higher education and learning, ...
... Hungary (HU) Portugal (PT) Czech Republic (CZ) Ireland (IE) Romania (RO) Cyprus (CY) Italy (IT) Slovakia (SK) Denmark (DK) Latvia (LV) Slovenia (SI) Estonia (EE) Lithuania (LT) Spain (ES) Finland (FI) Luxembourg (LU) Sweden (SE) France (FR) Malta (MT) United Kingdom (UK) Other countries Albania (AL) Liechtenstein (LI) Croatia (HR) Montenegro (ME) Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (MK) Norway (NO) Iceland (IS) Serbia (RS) Israel (IL) Turkey (TR)  Events can be: national, regional, local or even cross-border "European" – organised either by European-level (business) organisations and institutions or by national/regional representations in Brussels. Or events with a ...
The workshop is a pre-Conference event of the TAIEX conference “Emigration  Issues in the Western Balkans - joint approach to linking migration and development of the countries of origin“ of Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Department for Emigration/Diaspora. The rationale of the workshop is based on the fact that highly skilled professionals from the fields of science, technology, business etc. have emigrated from Southeast European ...
... Progress Reports for the candidate countries Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland and Turkey as well as for the potential candidate countries Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia and for Kosovo (1). Following the two countries application and the Council's request, it also prepared two opinions on Albania and Montenegro. The European Commission adopted the Progress Reports and two Opinions on 9 November 2010. The purpose of this Occasional Paper is to facilitate the work of those scholars, researchers and analysts of the enlargement process, who are mainly interested in the economic aspects. As such, it represents only a part ...
The report is the second of a series realised within the SeeNet Programme by a research network coordinated by CeSPI (Italy) and composed of seven research organisations from South East Europe, including InTER who does the research on decentralisation and governance in Vojvodina. More about the SeeNet Programme is available at the website: This report is focussed on decentralisation. This issue is particularly relevant in Western Balkan countries, not only for the ...
The document contains the EU Commission assessments of the 2011 Pre-Accession Economic Programmes (PEP) of the currently 5 candidate countries. The document contains the EU Commission assessments of the 2011 Pre-Accession Economic Programmes of the 5 candidate countries: Croatia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Montenegro and Turkey. The programmes are precursors of similar programmes, which EU Member States are supposed to submit. They should present a short description of recent economic developments, a medium-term macroeconomic framework, a chapter presenting the medium-term fiscal programme and an overview of intended structural reforms. The EU Commission assesses, whether ...
... of the Innovation Union flagship initiative and the Horizon 2020 programme." Source: EUROPA - Press Releases European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, met last week with Ministers of Science and Research from six Western Balkans countries (Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia ...
... euro. The Conference fee includes: attendance of the full conference programme, the conference materials, refreshments and lunches, official dinner, and half-day field visit. More information is provided in documents attached below (in english and local language). Date: From: 23 May 2012 To: 25 May 2012 The Biotechnical faculty (University of Montenegro) has been successfully implementing FP7 REGPOT 2010-5 Project: "Fostering a Science-based Development of a sustainable Montenegrin Agriculture - AgriSciMont”, since June 2010. The important part of the Project is the International Conference: Role of research in sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas’’, which will be held from May 23 to ...
This document has been produced within the framework of the European Union's Tempus programme, which is funded by the EuropeAid Development and Co-operation Directorate-General and the Directorate-General for Enlargement. It has been prepared by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) on the basis of contributions from the Tempus Offices and the authorities concerned.  The attached descriptions of higher education systems in the Tempus Partner Countries provide a ...
This new Guide provides potential recipients of EU funding for research and innovation with the practical information they need to access this funding. It also provides decision-makers with a full picture of all the funding opportunities available until 2013. The complexity of the present landscape has led the authors to propose to bring together the full range of research and innovation financing instruments within a common strategic framework under the future multi-annual financial framework. ...
... to public (laboratories, research centres, museum collections, ...), use the most recent technologies and instruments with the guidance of scientists, participate in experiments, competitions and quizzes, watch demonstrations and simulations, exchange ideas and party with the researchers. This year, 13 different events are organised in WB countries: Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. CROATIA   LEEDS 2011 Rab, Slavonski Brod,                  Varazdin, Zagreb FYROM REVIS 2011 Bitola, Skopje MONTENEGRO MONTENIGHT2011 Kotor, Nikšic ...
In the frame of WP2, T2.4 background reports have been prepared on the national research systems in the field of social sciences and humanities, on social innovation and on priorities of SSH research. The reports have been prepared by national experts / expert teams and edited at ZSI in order to be available at the conference "Challenge Social Innovation" in Vienna. WBC-INCO.NET (2011): National Background Reports on Social Sciences and Humanities.
... products Food and drink sector Water Greening businesses Although priority will be given to SMEs and private beneficiaries, the calls for proposals are open to all legal persons located in one of the following countries: 27 EU member states Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein Albania, Croatia, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Israel, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey Other non-EU countries provided they have the appropriate agreement in force. The maximum duration of an action is 36 months. Applicants should consult the website of the programme at: You can reach the details for the national contacts through this page ...
... follow You can register on the webpage or send the registration form to: Date: 30 September 2011 TransNEW Consortium and Slovenia Control Ltd. as a host is organising the Transport Research Opportunities Workshop for West Balkan Countries (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Kosovo), which will take place on September 30, 2011 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The participation is free of charge, but registration is mandatory. Due date for registration is September 20, 2011 ...
... my region/city". Alongside the Brussels seminars and workshops organised for the OPEN DAYS 2011 European Week of Regions and cities, more than 250 local events "Europe in my region/city" are planned to take place all over the European Union and beyond (including Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Iceland, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland and Turkey). Most events are scheduled in Italy, France, Spain and Poland. The vast majority of local events (215) will be organised by partner regions and cities, while the rest (39) are held by European associations, European networks, universities and specialised agencies. Most events take the format ...
33% Fourth FP7 Monitoring Report Document 26. Aug. 2011
The fourth FP7 Monitoring Report covers the implementation of the Framework Programme in the years 2007-2010. It is based on the FP7 monitoring system, which was designed as an internal management tool using a core set of performance indicators. In section 2 this document provides a detailed analysis of FP7 participation patterns in 2010. FP7 implementation management and quality issues are the focus of section 3 and include the current situation with regard to the simplification process and ...
The main topics of this Forum, which will bring together political and economic leaders, representatives of the academia and the nongovernmental sector, as well as other relevant opinion-makers, will be along a possible Western Balkans 2020 Agenda on smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, and fight against organized crime, corruption and illegal migration. Under the topics of Smart Growth and Sustainable Growth the participants will discuss current issues, for example:  Smart ...
"Die inzwischen vierte Schwerpunktausgabe des ITB infoservice erscheint im Kontext der am 24. Juni 2011 unter ungarischer Ratspräsidentschaft vom Rat der Europäischen Union verabschiedeten Donauraum-Makrostrategie und fokussiert auf Forschung und Innovation als Bausteine der Integration im Donau-raum. Die 2009 initiierte und nach der Ostseestrategie nunmehr zweite in Umsetzung gebrachte EU-Makrostrategie bietet für die kommenden Jahre eine Handlungs-grundlage für die weitere Integration ...
Every 6 months, high level political dialogue meetings are organised linking the EU Member States, Associated Countries and the Western Balkan countries. The meetings are co-chaired by the European Commission, the EU Council presidency country (currently Poland) and a country from the region (for the upcoming meeting: Bosnia and Herzegovina). The meeting tookplace on December 1, 2011 in Sarajevo and brought together RTDI stakeholders from all over Europe ...
... fee of €150 (instead of the full fee of €300). On the registration forms of the training workshop and/or the brokerage event (once they are available) please make sure you tick the option ECITL Conference  Registration – reduced fee. *Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), Montenegro,The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,  and Serbia Contacts: FP7 Training Workshop contact: Ms. Christina MIARITI (SEERC):  Brokerage Event contact: Ms. Kelly VAVASI (GSRT):, Evi Afentaki (GSRT):    WBC-INCO-NET  is organising a Training Workshop and a Brokerage ...
The Innovation Infrastructure reports are mapping national innovation systems and relevant stakeholders in the Western Balkan Countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), Montenegro and Serbia) The main objective of these reports is to add to common understanding of the national innovation systems in the region and to map the innovation infrastructure and stakeholders. Thus, the reports aim to facilitate the identification of potential partner organisations for STI co-operations from the countries. To this ...
... for the "Smart Cities initiative" to help find more efficient ways to use energy and provide urban transport. The researchers from Western Balkan countries are eligible to apply for funds and benefit form this huge package of funding for research and innovation. Since Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, FYROM and Serbia have the Associated Country status in the FP7, the researchers and organizations from these countries can benefit from this funding on equal footing with researchers and organizations from EU Member States.  The researchers from Western Balkan countries are encouraged to follow the WBC-INCO.NET website in ...
ESFRI has been working since 2002 to spur the development, prioritisation and sustainable operation of valuable new and existing RIs; and it is working now to revise its ‘Roadmap’ of future work. In this report, ESFRI now proposes a 7-point vision for RIs and Europe 2020: 1. By 2020, the European Research Area will have full availability of the needed world-class, top-quality research infrastructures to inspire researchers in every major discipline. The ESFRI Roadmap prioritises 44 ...
Registration The workshop has no fee but requires registration in advance. For registration, please download the registration form below and submit the completed form via e-mail to Mr. Nikola VUJOSEVIC ( Agenda: please see the draft agenda in the attachment below. Contact details: Ms. Christina MIARITI, Mr. Nikola VUJOSEVIC, e-mail:   This 1-day workshop on September 23, 2011 focuses on Knowledge Transfer: ...
... and Slovenia. Further information on the project is on the website: or from TransNEW - Regional Workshop Serbia Hosted by UBMaF - the University of Belgrade, the theme of this workshop was the capabilities and capacities in the West Balkan region including Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia, and Bosnia Herzegovina. Barriers and possible drivers of the transport research development in the region were identified and participants were presented with an overview of the transport research situation of the countries in the region and recommendations for improvement addressed to policy makers, researchers and all other transport actors ...
... million for the period 2011-2013. More follows Indicative IPA financial allocations for the period 2011-2013 Planned allocation in millions of euros (figures are in current prices) Croatia 430.00 Iceland 28.00 former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 304.76 Turkey 2586.90 Albania 257.73 Bosnia and Herzegovina 314.22 Montenegro 91.28 Serbia 587.00 Kosovo 203.61 Multi-beneficiary programme 520.97 Cross-Border Cooperation 214.28 TOTAL 2011-2013 5538.75 Background Since 2007, candidate countries and potential candidates have received focused EU funding and support through a single channel – the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance, or IPA. The total pre-accession ...
... the end of the paper in the following styles for journals, proceedings and books, respectively   IMPORTANT DATES Paper submission: 30. 07. 2011 Notification of paper Acceptance: 30. 08. 2011   For registration fees and further information, please see attachments.   CONTACT Aleksandar Vujovic, Ph.D. University of Montenegro Mechanical faculty of Podgorica CENTER FOR QUALITY Voice: +381 81 242 907 Fax: +381 81 242 907 E-mail:   Home page: The University of Montenegro, Mechanical Faculty of Podgorica -Center for Quality is organizing the 6th International ICQME Conference (Quality, Management ...
... how to grasp a true perspective in such a contrasting environment? That was, I believe, a challenge for all presidents, prime ministers and ministers as they were preparing for the Summit of the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) and the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Annual Meeting that took place in Montenegro a couple of weeks ago. How to assess the situation in the region – is the glass half empty or half full? The importance of this overall assessment could not be underestimated – it could give an impetus to continue and pursue further advancements or could give way to lethargy ...
... of science communicators within South-East Europe (SEE) and share best practices; and to improve the quality of communication in science and technology in the SEE region as an overall objective of the initiative. Eligible countries Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Cyprus, Kosovo/UN Resolution 1244, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey. Application Interested applicants should send their curriculum vitae and a motivation letter related to the quality of science communication in the South-East European Region, (in PDF format) to the UNESCO Venice Office (attention: Ms Rosanna Santesso; email: r.santesso(at ...
... European Commission is organising a multi-country seminar on eHealth open to participants from all Enlargement and Neighbouring countries. This "by invitation only" seminar will gather 42 representatives of the following 22 countries (Enlargement countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/1999), Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey; Neighbouring countries - South: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia; Neighbouring countries - East: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine ...
... Business in South East Europe 2011—the second subnational report in the series following Doing Business in South East Europe 2008—compares the ease of doing business, both within a single economy and across the region, among 22 cities from: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, FYR Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, and Serbia. The report focuses on national and local regulations that affect 4 stages in the life of a small to medium-size domestic firm: starting a business, dealing with construction permits, registering property and enforcing contracts.   World Bank
... honors with the most improved business regulation in the past 3 years. They implemented business reforms in all 4 regulatory areas. No single city outperforms the others across the board. Across the region, it is easiest to start a business in Skopje (FYR Macedonia), deal with construction permits in Niksic (Montenegro), transfer a property title in Balti and Chisinau (Moldova), and resolve a commercial dispute through the courts in Zrenjanin (Serbia). It is most difficult to start a business in Pristina (Kosovo), register property in Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina), and enforce a contract in Prizren (Kosovo). Dealing with construction permits is ...
The Commission is proposing to increase the amounts provided for research and innovation, education and SME development. The proposal foresees to allocate €80 billion for the 2014-2020 period to the Common Strategic Framework for Research and Innovation ("Horizon 2020"), to be complemented by support for research and innovation in the Structural Funds. In the communication it is further stated that "the Commission's ambition for the next EU budget is to spend ...
... . Sourc Davide Poletto, UNESCO Date: From: 23 August 2011 To: 3 September 2011 This multidisciplinary programme is addressed to young professionals and university master/PhD candidates students, possibly two, (women are encouraged to apply), from the following countries in South-East Europe: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia as well as UNMIK/Kosovo. No fees will be required by selected participants. The organizer will cover local transportation, full board accommodation costs. Official language of the school is English. Deadline for application is July 15, 2011 ...
... very soon. As far as reforms are concerned, we would like you to address a limited number of issues as a matter of urgency – especially the implementation of the reforms of the judiciary and public administration. Continuing the fight against corruption and rule of law reforms are equally important. - Montenegro made impressive progress on the key priorities the Commission set last autumn. Please re-double efforts and make sure that all actions undertaken are solid, coherent and sustainable. Particular attention is should be given to the timetable for the adoption of the election law, as well as the adoption of judicial ...
A summary analysis of the consultation, based on written responses and around 1300 online questionnaires that were submitted by interested individuals, companies, research institutes and citizens is available below. Further outcomes of the consultations as described below are available here. The written responses provided by over 750 associations, large organisations and others that provide in-depth views which are published on this website, organised by country. An interactive blog, where ...
... the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. The EU Strategy covers the Danube macro region, with a population of more than 100 million including parts of 8 EU Member States: Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Bulgaria and Romania and 6 non-EU countries: Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Ukraine and Moldova ...
A comparative analysis of the innovation systems of WBC based on the national contributions presented at the First Innovation Dialog Forum (IDF) in Bečići, Montenegro (November, 8-9, 2010) and selected literature. A contribution to the task 8.1- Comparative analysis of the innovation capacity in the WBC with particular focus on joint cooperation needs.
An article about economic situation and transition effects 20 years after starting the process of transition in FYR of Macedonia. The FYR of Macedonia was one of the poorest republics in former Yugoslavia and now is one of the poorest countries in Europe. GDP per capita in terms of the purchasing power parity is about a quarter of the European average. After an exceptionally unfavourable period in 1995-1998 and the post conflict period 2001-20041, GDP growth rate in FYR of Macedonia start ...
Expert position, Macroeconomics, Montenegro Duration: 24 months, possibility of extension depending on available funding Biotechnical Faculty of University of Montenegro seeks for an expert in Macroeconomics field for a European funded project AgriSciMont. The project is aimed at improving capacities and human resources in order to increase international visibility and strengthen the position of ...
... you would like to collaborate with. The 2030 timeframe has been set since an innovation-driven society takes time to flourish and ideas may require a long term incubation period. Please have in mind that this survey is aimed at respondents from WBC (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia and Kosovo/UN Res. 1244.) only. Thank you ...
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