News archive - [Event Announcement] UNESCO Regional Summer School: Renewable energy and energy efficiency governance

This multidisciplinary programme is addressed to young professionals and university master/PhD candidates students, possibly two, (women are encouraged to apply), from the following countries in South-East Europe: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia as well as UNMIK/Kosovo. No fees will be required by selected participants. The organizer will cover local transportation, full board accommodation costs. Official language of the school is English. Deadline for application is July 15, 2011.

 This multidisciplinary school is also characterized by a multilevel approach. Particular focus will be devoted to interlink international, regional and local scales with both different dimensions inherent to the energy issues and multiple teaching methodologies. It will combine training classes with team work exercises. Field study trips will be enhanced with dedicated documentary projections and general discussions.

The Summer School will also benefit of the training activities under the EU funded project: “Ener Supply”. Students will be offered trainings on drafting energy related proposals under IPA and FERS funds as well as on developing local business plan for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. The summer school will also provide basic tools for ecological footprint and carbon footprint computing exercises.

The School is organized by UNESCO Venice Office in collaboration with GIZ (German Agency for International Cooperation) Open Regional Fund for South East Europe – Energy Efficiency, the Regional Education and Information Centre (REIC).

 For more information please refer to the attached document below.

For application, please send CV and letter of motivation (both documents in English) to and to .

Sourc Davide Poletto, UNESCO

From: 23 August 2011
To: 3 September 2011

Geographical focus
  • Albania
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Croatia
  • International; Other
  • Kosovo*
  • Montenegro
  • Republic of North Macedonia
  • Serbia
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on June 30, 2011
Modified on June 30, 2011