Strategy for Information Society development in Bosnia and Herzegovina is a document that provides a strategic guidelines and plan of actions for develoment of information society in BIH for the period 2004-2010. The strategy is based on vision and goals defined in the Policy of Information Society Development in BIH.
Council of Ministers of BIH (2004): Strategy for Information Society development in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
the Council of Ministers of BIH
This is a strategy conducted by the Government of Serbia. It outlines that - given the profound promises and pervasive impacts of ICT on national economies and global competition - Serbia needs to embed ICT into their overall development strategies. The National Strategy for Information Society development is a key pre-request for this, having in mind that managing the benefits, risks, and impacts of ICT is a challenging task in view of the complexity and uncertainty of the interaction between ...
This is a power point presentation held by Elene Georgievska at an UNESCO Worskhop in Skopje 2007. It deals with research and development indicators in the FYR of Macedonia. At first it describes institutions involved in R&D policy, the legal framework for science and technology in FRY of Macedonia and also the goals of R&D policy. It also includes statistical data on R&D intensity of GDP by sector of performance. Georgievska, Elene (2007): Research and Development ...
... first, it provides some general information about the country (population, political structure, GDP, economic system). Then it focuses on scientific policy: it states the priority tasks and instruments for the support of scientific research. In the end some statistical data from this area are given. Government of the Republic of Macedonia, (2003): National Research Landscape The Government of the Republic of Macedonia ...
This is a national report made by Ms Nadezda Uzelac - coordinator of the Macedonian Bologna Group. It is presented in a form of an interview. At first a brief description of important developments, including legislative reforms is given. It includes a short description of the structure of public authorities for higher education, the main agencies/bodies in higher education and their competencies and responsibilities. Links between higher education and research in FYRoM are presented as well. ...
... economic development, labour market flexibility, tax system, protection of ownership rights and execution of contracts, energy, social security and justice, foreign policy, European Union integration, NATO integration, education, science, information technology and e-society etc. It states that Macedonian science needs encouragement and essential reform. The Government of the Republic of Macedonia, (2006): Economic Programme of the Governmnent of the Republic of Macedonia (2006-2010). Available from:, accessed 11.05.2007. the Government of the Republic Macedonia
This is a strategy decument of the Government of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, developed by the Commision for Information Technology. At first the infrastructure in this area is described (current situation, objectives, responsible authorities etc), then e-business, e-government, e-education, e-health, e-citizens and legislation on this area are analysed. In the end, an Action Plan is presented. Government of Republic of Macedonia, Commission for ...
This is a report on the implementation of the European Charter for small enterprises in the Westen Balkans 2007. It is stressed that small enterprises are the backbone of the Western Balkan economies. They make a major contribution to job creation and economic development. The adoption in 2003 of the European Charter for Small Enterprises – a pan-European instrument developed under the framework of the Lisbon Agenda – by all the Western Balkan countries and UNMIK/Kosovo contributed ...
The non-profit think tank "Analytica" presented this report in May 2007 on the issue of visa facilitation. It discusses the agreements which are expected to enter into force starting from 1 January 2008 and will make it easier for citizens of the Western Balkan countries, including those such as students, businessmen, civil society representatives and other group of citizens to have easier processes of acquiring visas for entry into EU. The arrangement includes decrease of the costs, shortening ...
This is a report made by prof. Dr. Marjan Gusev and M.Sc. Goce Armenski from University Sts. Cyril and Methodius. It includes an analysis of availability of e-government services in the Western Balkans, an analysis of the implementation of IS strategies and of information systems in national WBC IS strategies. It also deals with methodology, standards, models, policies and ICT infrastructure and registrars. It also presents an overview on statistical data. Gusev, Marjan. Armenski, Goce. (2006): ...
This is a report conducted by SBRA in the framework of the project GREAT-IST. It describes the ICT Sector in target countries and in the region of South Eastern Europe. It also includes results in FP6 participation of the target countries. It deals with foreign investment in IST RTD and public-private partnerships. Furthermore, it presents a SWOT analysis per targeted country (Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, FYRoM, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Ukraine) and ...
This is a power point presentation held by prof. dr. Slavo Radosevic from University College London. It deals with knowledge based economy indicators and their relavance and applications to the SEE countries. At first, it defines the knowledge based economy. Then some individual and composite indicators are presented, followed by statistics. It also presents innovation input (innovation drivers, knowledge creation, innovation & enterpreneurship) and on the other side innovation output ...
This is a power point presentation held by Ernesto Fernandez Polcuch at a UNESCO workshop in Skopje 2007. It deals with gender disaggregated S&T statistics and indicators. It gives an overview of women in education and science (with statistical data - data disaggregation, cross-country comparability, analysis of existing data etc). It also describes other indicators on STG. It states the problem of availability of STG statistics. Polchuch, Ernesto Fernandez (2007): Gender disaggregated S&T ...
... part of this Report. Following the Terms of Reference it consists of “an analytical report concerning the state of the art of the production (from the qualitative and quantitative points of view) of S&T statistics and indicators” in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic (FYR) of Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia; and a project proposal for future activities to be undertaken in this area."Source: UNESCO Portal, as accessed in May 2007. Santos Pereira, Tiago (2007): Enhancing Science Policy and Management in South Eastern Europe. Science Policy Series. 4th volume. Science and Technology Statistics and Indicators Systems ...
... The Faculty of Agriculture Sciences and Food, established on 16-th December 1947 is one of the founders of University “St. Cyril and Methodius’ in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. It’s the oldest and the biggest educational and science-research Institution in the field of agriculture and food in the Republic of Macedonia. Almost 6.000 students have gained B.Sc, M.Sci and Ph.D degrees from this faculty in the past 57 years. Our Faculty has 12 departments ...
In the attachment, the services of Gallup Europe as pollster are described as well as their "Balkan Monitor".The Balkan Monitor provides reliable primary information, early warning indicators and comparable trends for the whole of the Balkan region. Gallup Europe: BrochureGallup Europe: The Balkan Monitor. Database and Knowledge System. Project Description. Aurélien RenardBusiness Development ManagerThe Gallup Organisation EuropeAvenue Michel-Ange 70, BE-1000 BrusselsWeb: / ...
... applicants contact the desk officer responsible for the respective country ( prior to submitting their application. The desk officers will also provide information concerning funding opportunities offered by the CEE/SEE countries. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Serbia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia: Ralf Hanatschek, Tel. ++49 228 3821 482 Croatia, Romania: Nadia Meyer, Tel. ++49 228 3821 411 Czech Republic: Dr. Hans-Juergen Donath, Tel. ++49 228 3821 481 Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland: Dr. Michael Lange, Tel. ++49 228 3821 485 Hungary: Karin Wedde-Mühlhausen, Tel. ++49 228 3821 480 Slovakia, Slovenia ...
... The Central European Initiative (CEI) is composed of 18 Member States: Albania, Austria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine. They embrace a territory of 2.4 million square kilometres and a population of nearly 260 million. As of 1st January 2007, the CEI has 9 EU and 9 non-EU Member Countries (the newly enlarged EU region is marked in yellow ...
... one of which coming from the Western Balkans. SEE-ERA.NET is coordinated by the Centre for Social Innovation (Zentrum für soziale Innovation) in Austria, with project partners, research ministries and agencies in the project countries (Austria, Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, France, Greece, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbian, as well as Slovenia and Hungary). Source: Press Release - CORDIS Wire Further questions:Florian Gruber, Zentrum für Soziale Innovation/users/114.html The first joint call for the submission of research projects from ...
... withapproximately 3 ECTS credits. Further information is available on /goto/653.html. Dates: Mitrovica Summer Courses 2007July 15-28, 2007 in Mitrovica:Courses will be offered in the fields of Social Sciences, Economics, Law, Journalism and New Media.Application period is from March 27 until May 5 2007 International Summer University Macedonia 2007July 7-22, 2007 in Bitola:Courses will be offered in the fields of Economics, Business, Law, Public Administration, Education Science and Teacher Training. International Pristina Summer University 2007July 16 - August 3, 2007 in Pristina Students can apply as of April 2, 2007 The Academic Training Association ATA organises annual international ...