Country Report on Bologna Process (FYR of Macedonia)

This is a national report made by Ms Nadezda Uzelac - coordinator of the Macedonian Bologna Group. It is presented in a form of an interview. At first a brief description of important developments, including legislative reforms is given. It includes a short description of the structure of public authorities for higher education, the main agencies/bodies in higher education and their competencies and responsibilities. Links between higher education and research in FYRoM are presented as well. Furthermore some special measures in FYRoM to improve mobility of students are described, and the main factors influencing mobility of teachers and staff as well. Then the social dimension of the Bologna Process and developments in lifelong learning are presented. Last but not the least, actions taken by the country to promote the attractiveness of European Education Area are described.
Uzelac, Nadezda. (2005): Country Report on Bologna Process. Available from:, accessed 13.05.2007.


Publication Year


Macedonian Bologna Group
Geographical focus
  • Republic of North Macedonia
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Entry created by Elke Dall on May 21, 2007
Modified on May 21, 2007