News archive - Application for ATA's Summer University Open Now

The Academic Training Association ATA organises annual international Summer Universities in Bitola, Mitrovica and Prishtina. The application period started on March 27, 2007.

The summershools are offered without tuition fees. International students and professors from all over the world are participating and social events and extracurricular activities organised. As a student, you have the opportunity to participate in academic courses in the fields of Law, Economics, Social Sciences, EU Studies, Journalism and other interesting subjects.

The courses will be taught by an international professor and a local professor and attended by around 25 students from all over the world. Participants who successfully finish their course receive a 'Summer University Certificate' with
approximately 3 ECTS credits.

Further information is available on /goto/653.html.


Mitrovica Summer Courses 2007
July 15-28, 2007 in Mitrovica:
Courses will be offered in the fields of Social Sciences, Economics, Law, Journalism and New Media.
Application period is from March 27 until May 5 2007

International Summer University Macedonia 2007
July 7-22, 2007 in Bitola:
Courses will be offered in the fields of Economics, Business, Law, Public Administration, Education Science and Teacher Training.

International Pristina Summer University 2007
July 16 - August 3, 2007 in Pristina
Students can apply as of April 2, 2007

Entry created by Elke Dall on March 29, 2007
Modified on March 29, 2007