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... EBRD Press release Original article found at  The resolution stressed that the decision is without prejudice to the positions of the EBRD’s individual members on the status of Kosovo. Following the approval of the resolution, Kosovo will become the 66th member of the Bank, if on or before 17 December 2012 it completes internal procedures precedent to membership, as set out in the resolution, including acceptance in accordance with its law of the Agreement Establishing the Bank and paying for its shares. Once Kosovo has become ...
38% Western Balkans: Annual Risk Analysis 2012 Document 20. Nov. 2012
Risk analysis is the starting point for all Frontex activities, from joint operations through training to research studies. In order to identify short- medium- and long-term trends, a wealth of data needs to be gathered and analysed. For this, Frontex monitors the global security environment, especially those political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors which could affect border security. The agency collates data from Member States, EU bodies as well as from ...
Contact: Nevila Xhindi , PhD Jean Monnet Chair – European University of Tirana (UET) Deputy Rector for Partnership, Research and Business Development - UET Director , UET Centre for Development and Research Email: " I am proud and honored to be the first professor to hold the title Jean Monnet Chair in Albania and thus promote teaching and research in EU and regional development. This is particularly relevant given the aspiration of Albania to join the European Union ...
Contact: Nevila Xhindi , PhD Jean Monnet Chair – European University of Tirana (UET) Deputy Rector for Partnership, Research and Business Development - UET Director , UET Centre for Development and Research Email: " I am proud and honored to be the first professor to hold the title Jean Monnet Chair in Albania and thus promote teaching and research in EU and regional development. This is particularly relevant given the aspiration of Albania to join the European Union ...
... they will not get the participants Certificate. Source: email by Sokol Domniku The Third Regional Conference with International Participation, with a theme "Effects of global risk in transition countries": How the best practices can help transition countries to face the effects of the global risk? will be held in Peja, Kosovo* on May, 30th 2013. The conference is organized by Public University  "Haxhi Zeka" (Kosovo*) in Cooperation with State University of Zenica (Bosnia & Herzegovina), European University of Tirana (Albania) & European University College Dukagjini (Kosovo*). Language: English Cost fee:  50€ (per participant) Submission Authors are invited to submit ...
These reports have been provided by the members of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries in preparation of the Platform Meeting taking place in Belgrade on December 6, 2012. On this page you can find progress reports on recent developments regarding S&T cooperation in/with/for the Western Balkan Countries for download. The previous reports can be accessed at,  ...
... Contact: Prof. Gazmend QORRAJ, Jean Monnet Chair University of Prishtina, Faculty of Economics Str. Agim Ramadani, Pa Nr, 10000, Kosovo Office Nr.94 Tel: +377 44 640 161 email: "I’m proud to hold a Jean Monnet Chair the architect of the European Union and I’m happy to promote his vision for the European Integration. At the same time I’m privileged to be the first ...
... Contact: Prof. Gazmend QORRAJ, Jean Monnet Chair University of Prishtina, Faculty of Economics Str. Agim Ramadani, Pa Nr, 10000, Kosovo Office Nr.94 Tel: +377 44 640 161 email: "I’m proud to hold a Jean Monnet Chair the architect of the European Union and I’m happy to promote his vision for the European Integration. At the same time I’m privileged to be the first ...
This Deliverable follows-up on Deliverables D2.10 and D2.12 (including update) reporting on the thematic priorities defined in the first and second phases of the identification and consultation process from 2008 – 2011 (ICT, AgroFood, Health, Transport, Environment, Transport II and Social Sciences and Humanities). It gives the regional research priorities in the field of Energy for the Western Balkan countries. Thus, D2.43 provides the results of the consultation process in the field of ...
The topics presented in the report are important because many of the drivers of and the challenges to the recovery of industrial demand and employment are to be found outside Europe. The new industrial markets outside the EU are key to European competitiveness, particularly in the context of the recovery. More importantly, however, they are crucial for European industrial competitiveness in the long term. This is because the emerging industrialised economies are increasingly competing with ...
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