Regional research priorities in the field of Energy (WBC-INCO.NET D2.43)

This Deliverable follows-up on Deliverables D2.10 and D2.12 (including update) reporting on the thematic priorities defined in the first and second phases of the identification and consultation process from 2008 – 2011 (ICT, AgroFood, Health, Transport, Environment, Transport II and Social Sciences and Humanities). It gives the regional research priorities in the field of Energy for the Western Balkan countries.

Thus, D2.43 provides the results of the consultation process in the field of energy research accomplished in 2012. It was implemented in the frame of a major European Conference in April 2012 in Maastricht/The Netherlands (E2C). Around 20 energy experts and researchers from the WBC took part. The results achieved were a set of regional energy research priorities for the Western Balkan countries and possibilities of cooperation targeting the FP7 Energy calls published in July 2012.

Document type
  • Deliverable -


Publication Year


Ulrike Kunze, Bastian Raue
Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Engineering and Technology

Entry created by Ulrike Kunze on November 15, 2012
Modified on November 30, 2012