Western Balkans: Annual Risk Analysis 2012

Risk analysis is the starting point for all Frontex activities, from joint operations through training to research studies.

In order to identify short- medium- and long-term trends, a wealth of data needs to be gathered and analysed. For this, Frontex monitors the global security environment, especially those political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors which could affect border security.

The agency collates data from Member States, EU bodies as well as from public media and other sources within and beyond Europe’s borders. Collated data is analysed with the aim to create as clear a picture as possible of the situation at the EU’s external borders.

Analytical work of the agency is more than identification of risks. It is about maximising effectiveness in preventing cross-border crime — particularly human trafficking and smuggling - and ensuring the security of the EU’s external borders by predicting future trends and proposing remedies. Outcomes and recommendations of risk analysis are being used as well for daily coordination of joint operations.

Document type
  • Report


Publication Year


Western Balkans Annual Risk Analysis (WB-ARA) 2012 has been prepared by the Frontex Risk Analysis Unit (RAU) in cooperation with the competent border-control authorities of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. The joint analytical activity is an integral part of the Frontex-led Western Balkan Risk Analysis Network (WB-RAN) in which all the mentioned Western Balkan countries actively participate.
Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Social Sciences
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Entry created by Bostjan Sinkovec on November 20, 2012
Modified on November 20, 2012