D2.12 Report on priorities defined in the second phase of consultation processes (Health, Transport, Environment)

Within Work Package 2 of the WBC-INCO.NET project, the priority setting process took place with the main aim to identify joint RTD priorities and potentials for the region of the Western Balkans, all in accordance with the proposed sound methodology, and in a transparent way. Based on the consultation of governmental stakeholders from the region, the initially intended nine workshops, dedicated to different priorities of FP7 Cooperation Programme, were reduced to five, aimed at priorities with the biggest current potential for regional cooperation.

Following the process that started in December 2008 and included a session on ICT, and a further session on AgroFood in January 2009, three more consultation sessions were held during May and June 2009 in three Western Balkan countries. These sessions were dedicated to the following research topics: Health, Transport and Environment. In that way, the series of five consultation sessions was completed. The results can be found in Deliverable D2.12.

in April 2011, a follow up consultation session in the field of transport was held in Ljubljana/Slovenia in combination with a Transport Research Conference ("SEETRANS "2011"). In the field of Social Sciences and Humanities, a consutlation session was organised in the frame of the European Conference "Challenge Social Innovation" in Vienna/Austria in September 2011. The results of these two meetings are compiled in the update of the Deliverable D2.12.

The next (and last) copnsultation session in the series is planned in April 2012 in the field of Energy in the frame of the "European Energy Conference" in Maastricht/The Netherlands.

Document type
  • Deliverable - wbc-inco.net
  • Report


Publication Year


Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Dialechti Fotopoulou on September 7, 2009
Modified on April 23, 2012