Theme - Projects
BackAll projects related to Digital Agenda for the Balkans | Digitalisation
The UNSA HPC Project shall contribute to Bosnia and Herzegovina’s digital transformation goals and align with the specific priorities of the Digital Europe Programme, creating conditions for the economy...
The Alliance of Boundary Crossing for Deep Tech
The ABCD Project aims to be a leading platform for innovation and deep tech entrepreneurship in the Western Balkans. It will foster an entrepreneurial mindset and support deep tech start-ups to thrive...
Community4Tourism, the Thematic Community project of the Interreg Euro-MED Sustainable Tourism Mission, aims to contribute to the EU territorial cooperation and its transnational dimension through the...
Cortex Academy - largest training program in ICT education in Montenegro
Cortex Academy is the largest training program in ICT education in Montenegro. Designed as a flagship project by ICT Cortex - ICT Cluster for Information Technologies, Innovation, Education, Design and...
Job Booster - VET4All - improvement of cooperative education in Montenegro
"Job Booster - VET4All" is a three-year project, which will be implemented by a consortium consisting of ETŠ "Vaso Aligrudić", as a leading partner, members of the ICT Cortex cluster (Bild studio, Amplitudo...
Innovative approach and digital contents in historical fortification monuments
The EU-funded Fortress Reinvented project aims to develop and promote the tourism potential of historical fortifications in the cross-border area of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Adriatic Croatia and Montenegro...
The Immersive Storytelling project uses digital technology to open up historical artefacts to new audiences, and aims to drive digital transformation in the cultural and creative industries.
Developing the vocational education and training (VET) sector in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo* and Montenegro.
BiH Participation: Open European Quantum Key Distribution Testbed Fact Sheet
Quantum communication has the potential to protect the EU's sensitive data and digital infrastructure for years to come. A test quantum communication infrastructure will be set up in several European ...
Increasing Civic Engagement in the Digital Agenda
Main goal of the project is toIncreasing the engagement of the civil society organizations (CSOs) in the shaping and implementation of the Digital Agenda in the Western Balkans (DAWB).
Advancing Anticipatory Behaviours in Dynamic Human-Robot Collaboration
Recent technological progress in robot physical interaction permitted robots to actively and safely share with human a common workspace. Thanks to these technologies, Europe nowadays leads the robotic...
Up2U is a 41-month collaborative project with €5M funding from the European Union (EU) that started in January 2017.