Connected through Mobility

Developing the vocational education and training (VET) sector in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo* and Montenegro.

The overarching goal of this pilot project is to strengthen the educational and VET system and introduce the four Western Balkan countries targeted by the program – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo* and Montenegro – to the opportunities of the vocational mobility programmes within the Erasmus+ framework. The partnership is comprised of Central European and Western Balkan entities working in the field of business and education and will give the chance for VET students, teachers as well as trainers and managers supporting mobilities to take part in a number of activities, listed below.

More specifically, the project is centred around three main areas:

1. Social perceptions and the image of the VET sector in WB countries – we wish to initiate a change in how societies of these states think about vocational schools and how they value vocational education.

2. The quality of vocational education – our goal is to assist VET institutions in WB countries in their efforts to provide better quality education and a more complete, valuable learning experience to their students; furthermore, we want to help the VET sector become more adept at preventing social exclusion.

3. The relevance of vocational education vis-a-vis labour market – we seek to help VET institutions in WB countries transition towards better convergence with the realities of their domestic labour markets. Additionally, our aim is to help the VET sector develop stronger ties with companies so that the business sector can support schools and public bodies, be it with its technical expertise or through devising mutually beneficial forms of cooperation.

Project type
Geographical focus
  • Albania
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • Kosovo*
  • Montenegro
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Social Sciences
February 2021 - January 2024

Entry created by Admin on March 9, 2021
Modified on June 3, 2022