Theme - Projects
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Dialogue4Innovation is an Interreg Euro-MED Institutional Dialogue project falling under the programme’s Mission “Innovative Sustainable Economy”. With a budget of approximately 4 million euros, this ...
Territorial Responsible Research and Innovation Through the involvement of local R&I Actors
The TeRRItoria vision was to tackle a double challenge: to bring RRI to the forefront of the debate for developing local and regional R&I capacities; and to use RRI as a springboard for broadening...
Serbia Accelerating Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project (SAIGE)
Serbia has received a loan from the World BankGroup for the Serbia Accelerating Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SAIGE) Project to support the strengthening of the Serbian Innovation and Entrepreneurship...
INNOPLATFORM aims at improving the competitiveness of the Balkan Mediterranean region by advancing existing knowledge on business model innovations and developing a set of tools (InnoTools) and services...
High-Level Innovation for a Value-Driven Exploitation of a Joint S3 in The Adriatic Area
The HIVES Project wants to deal with the main challenges in the field of entrepreneurial innovation in the IPA Adriatic area: low R&D investments,low propensity among SME to collaborate on knowledge...
Centre of Excellence for Advanced Technologies in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security
Agriculture and food security are one of the main focal points of EU policies, since, in the next 20 years, world food production must increase by 50%, while 80% of that increase must come from intensification...
Strengthening scientific and research capacity of the Institute of Economics Zagreb
The SmartEIZ project aims to strengthen scientific and research capacity, narrow networking gaps and deficiencies of Institute of Economics, Zagreb (EIZ) in comparison to leading institutions in the field...