Serbia Accelerating Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project (SAIGE)
Serbia has received a loan from the World BankGroup for the Serbia Accelerating Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SAIGE) Project to support the strengthening of the Serbian Innovation and Entrepreneurship ecosystem. The main objective of the Project is to improve (i) the relevance and excellence of scientific research; and (ii) innovative entrepreneurship and access to finance for enterprise growth, as a way of contributing to Serbia’s growth and competitiveness.
The Project includes the following three components:Component
1: Research Sector ReformsComponent
2: Enterprise Acceleration Component
3: Project Implementation, Monitoring, Capacity Building
The SAIGE Project is part of a comprehensive set of reforms of the Serbian R&D and Innovation sector, which includes reforms to the model of financing scientific research and introduction of various business innovation support measures.
The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (MOESTD) is responsible for the overall Project coordination and implementation. The MOESTD implementing entities are the Science Fund and the Innovation Fund. The Science Fund(SF)isresponsible for the implementation of Component 1.1 Science Fund and Component 1.3 Serbian Diaspora Facility(SDF). The Innovation Fund(IF)isresponsible for the implementation of Component 2. Enterprise Accelerationto which this Terms of Reference is related to.
- Other
- Serbia
- General
Entry created by Admin on May 31, 2021
Modified on July 4, 2023