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ICT-WEB-PROMS aims at increasing capacity of stakeholders in the Western Balkan countries (WBC) to fully participate in European ICT research and in the European Research Area. The project will reach this goal by creating and supporting strategic partnerships between stakeholders in the EU and the WBC while providing access to relevant knowledge. The summary information about relevant policy and projects in WBC provided in this Deliverable gives a clear focalisation of the project and defines ...
29% Bilateral Cooperation with Hungary News 27. Apr. 2009
As regards bilateral cooperation with Serbia and Romania, the related news article should be consulted (see below related resources). The next meeting of the Croatian - Hungarian intergovernmental Joint Committee on Cooperation in S&T will be held between 25-26 May, in Zagreb. Furthermore, NKTH is expected to launch a next call for proposal with the ...
... the world to facilitate global dialogue. This Bologna Policy Forum will take place in the morning of 29 April 2009 at the University of Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) in the framework of the Bologna Ministerial Conference. Ministers responsible for higher education from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia will meet with their peers from the other Bologna Process countries to discuss the developments since the last ministerial meeting in 2007, and decide on future activities ...
The call could be downloaded from the following websites: Serbia Department for International S&T Cooperation - Ministry of Science and Technology Development of the Republic of Serbia tel. + 381 11 2642654 Hungary National Office for Research and Technology (NKTH) tel ...
On the basis of the Agreement of scientific and technical cooperation between the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia and Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia, signed in Zagreb on 5th November 2005, the Ministry of Science and Technological Development, on 2nd April 2009 launched second Call for application of bilateral scientific cooperation projects. Deadline for submitting a project proposal is June 1, 2009 ...
Minister Djelic stressed that cooperation with China is very important for Serbia, particularly when it comes to high technologies and biotechnology for the production of food and new materials.He said the agreement will open the possibilities for Chinese companies to obtain a better position in the European market through scientific and technological cooperation with Serbia. His Excellency Minister of science and ...
"Why is this guide useful for you ? Accessing to European subsidies appears for most projects leaders as an underestimated and difficult task. Indeed, many organisations are missing financing opportunities that would help them developping their activities. Thanks to this guide, you get a first concrete approach of how subsidies work. Besides, it aims to explain you easily the various steps, rules and priorities that you will have to follow to obtain European subsidies and to optimize your ...
... for academic exchange of students and teaching staff for the Central and Eastern Europe that has been successfully conducted in Croatia since 1993. The CEEPUS countries are the following: Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, the Czech Republic, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Serbia ...
28% Educational Center Organisation 22. Apr. 2009
Educational Center is non profit, non partizan, grassroots organization with primary goal to promote development of democratic society in Serbia trough:· Development of concept of lifetime learning· Encouraging community for development of volunteerism and philanthropy· Promoting tolerance· Supporting UN Millennium Development goals with special focus on eradication and prevention of poverty
... high relevance for Vojvodina’s economic development. The programme is based on funding being provided by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA).   For details (especially conditions and deadlines) please have a look at (English pages) In the context of the Integrated Regional Development Plan (IRDP) for Serbia’s Autonomous Province Vojvodina, the Centre for Strategic Economic Studies „Vojvodina-CESS“ from Novi Sad, invites: - Individual researchers, - Teams of researchers, and - Research institutions to submit research proposals. Deadline for submission of research proposals is May 29, 2009 ...
30% Art and Science: Creative Fusion Document 20. Apr. 2009
This publication looks at art & science – an autonomous field uniting art and science which are typically thought to belong to two different worlds. However, these two domains have strong historical links, and if analysed in their totality, date back to the very beginning of human creativity, fuelled by curiosity and ingenuity. Today more and more artists are drawing inspiration from science and using the latest technology and research in their art, while scientists and researchers ...
29% Call open: CIP Eco Innovation News 20. Apr. 2009
... high efficiency in the water process; Greening business and smart purchasing: application of EMAS, , integration o ecoinnovation in supply chains, green purchasing Eligibility criteria ►Legal person which is located in: • 27 EU Member States; • EFTA; • EEA; • Plus: Croatia, Turkey, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Israel, Serbia, further countries depending on bilateral agreements • Emphasis on SMEs. Award Criteria • Relevance of the action: policy framework, innovation and substantial environmental benefits; • Quality of the proposed actions: soundness and coherence of project from the technical and project management perspective; • Impact on target audience: high potential for ...
... different EU Member States or Associated countries. The entities must be independent of each other.  Any legal entity established in an FP7 International Cooperation Partner Country (ICPC) may join the consortium and receive funding, once this eligibility criteria has been met.  Albania, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Crotia, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia are associated countries to FP7.  Kosova is ICPC in FP7.   Further information on the programme (e.g. links to programme website, Rules for Participation, Financial Guidelines, etc.): Detailed information on the call may be found from the following links: Official Call Website : ...
This document provides an overview on current scientific projects from various disciplines concerning South-Eastern Europe (in German language), GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften: Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte zu Südosteuropa. Bearbeitet von Anja Wilde, Leibnitz 2009. GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Summary The main question addressed in this study is the performance of the labour markets in the Western Balkans. The aim is to find out whether they can deliver growth of employment and decline of unemployment in the medium run and whether they can withstand shortterm shocks due to changes in demand or supply. These questions are particularly pressing in view of the monetary policy based on fixed exchange rates which is followed by the majority of the countries in this region. In terms of the ...
30% Final report of the project UnivSOE Document 24. Mar. 2009
The final report developed by the University Graz on its project "UnivSOE" covers "Institutions of Research and Tertiary Education in Central and South East Europe - Developments, Structures and Perspectives of these Institutions for their Integration into the European Higher Education and Research Area". The final report is published by Wolfgang MANTL / Joseph MARKO / Hedwig KOPETZ. Mantl, W., Marko, J., Kopetz, H.: Institutions of Research and Tertiary Education in Central ...
30% First FP7 Monitoring Report Document 24. Mar. 2009
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This first FP7 Monitoring Report covers the year 2007 and is the first one based on a completely new approach: While in FP6 and previous Framework Programmes monitoring had been implemented through annual panels of independent experts which selected specific areas of FP implementation and performance to analyse and report on, the FP7 monitoring system is designed as an internal management tool, based on a coherent system of indicators. The present is thus intended to be a ...
Foreword   The European Community’s Sixth Framework Programmes for research, technological development and demonstration (FP6) were established in 2002 and ran until 31 December 2006. They aimed to contribute to the creation of a European Research Area and to support innovation in Europe. In 2008, the Commission appointed an Expert Group to undertake an evidence-based, ex-post evaluation of FP6, the group meeting six times between July 2008 and January 2009. This report is the result ...
29% Petnica International Science Center Organisation 24. Mar. 2009
... technology,to initiate co-operation and exchange of experiences and ideas among students interested in different science disciplines andto establish rich international and intercultural contacts and co-operation among young people, students and teachers.Petnica Science Center has large network of associates and associate organizations and successfully co-operates with: 70 scientific institutions ( Serbia) + over 100 (worldwide), 250 schools ( Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Macedonia…),and over 1,500 associates (worldwide).Programs of PSC have been funded so far by European Commission, Fund for Open Society, Serbian Ministry of Science, HESP Budapest, KulturKontakt Austria, Serbian Ministry of Education, Swiss Development Agency, The British Council, UNESCO, Telenor Foundation…Petnica International Science School is ...
... reforms, the European Commission should work to ensure that visa benchmark requirements are implemented and promote mutual security, and do not impose unnecessary burdens. The EC should also agree during the Czech EU Presidency a clear timeline for visa liberalisation for each country - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia. Enlargement serves the European Union's strategic interest in stability, security, and conflict prevention. It has helped to increase prosperity and growth opportunities, and to enhance the EU's weight in the world. In the light of recent challenges to stability to the east of the EU, the consistent implementation of the ...
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