News archive - Open Call for bilateral cooperation between Serbia and Hungary 2010-2011

A call for projects in bilateral cooperation between Hungary and Serbia has been opened in specific fields. The deadline for proposals is June 16, 2009.

In the framework of their bilateral S&T Co-operation Programme for the years 2010-2011, Department for International S&T Cooperation - Ministry of Science and Technology Development of the Republic of Serbia and the National Office of Research and Technology of Hungary (NKTH) invite researchers to submit joint proposals for S&T projects.

The call could be downloaded from the following websites:

Department for International S&T Cooperation -
Ministry of Science and Technology Development of the Republic of Serbia
tel. + 381 11 2642654

National Office for Research and Technology (NKTH)
tel: +36 1 4842576

For further information please contact:

in Serbia:

Suzana Vojinović

Sektor za međunarodnu naučnu i tehnološku saradnju
Ministarstvo za nauku i tehnološki razvoj Republike Srbije
Nemanjina 22-26
11000 Beograd
Tel. + 381 11 2642654
Faks: + 381 11 2642654

in Hungary:

 Sándor Szigeti

Senior Counsellor
National Office for Research and Technology (NKTH)
Tel: +36 1 4842576
Fax: +36 1 2660801


Entry created by Elke Dall on April 24, 2009
Modified on April 24, 2009