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Published by DG CONNECT (Communications Networks, Content and Technology), the new name for the former DG INFSO, the report presents a comprehensive view of the DG´s monitoring activities, reviewing not only the FP7 ICT theme, but also the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme´s ICT Policy Support Programme. For the FP7 ICT portfolio the report draws comparison with FP6 or with data under StReAM 2010 when relevant. The findings are wide-ranging and show that under FP7 ICT projects and ...
... domains: Biomedicine and Molecular Biosciences Food and Agriculture Forests, their Products and Services Materials, Physics and Nanosciences Chemistry and Molecular Sciences and Technologies Earth System Science and Environmental Management Information and Communication Technologies Transport and Urban Development Individuals, Societies, Cultures and Health Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia and Serbia belong to the 36 COST countries that govern the initiative and participate also ib the COST actions. To illustrate, in 2012 approved calls Serbia participates in the action "An Integrated European Platform for Pancreas Cancer Research: From Basic Science to Clinical and Public Health Interventions for a Rare Disease", Croatia ...
... at local, regional and pan-European levels will be further elaborated into a set of implementation plans. These plans should present notably the infrastructures needed, transport modes and flows of feedstock. The South East European and East Neighbourhood countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, Moldova and Ukraine) shall be considered as part of this Pan-European approach. Appropriate links will be made with relevant programmes and actions, notably in the context of the EU Agricultural, Environmental, Regional, Enlargement and Neighbourhood policies. Once validated, most, if not all, SRT material shall be made public in ...
... animal origin; assessing the effectiveness of related control systems and needs for their further improvements; dissemination of the results from ongoing research currently conducted by the participants; indicating the main knowledge/data gaps and related directions for further research in the area; strengthening the scientific basis of food safety in Serbia. The scope of the meeting encompasses risk assessment, diagnosis, monitoring and control of microbial, parasitic and prionic food safety hazards along the food chain. In addition, factors affecting nutritional and sensorial quality of foods along the food chain will be addressed. Please find further information at: ...
... media reports have indicated. The role of the EUA Committee is limited to verifying that the university diplomas submitted to the Committee have been correctly issued by authorised institutions, and in line with European best practice as developed through the Bologna Process.  These certified diplomas will be treated in Serbia the same way as other diplomas issued outside of Serbia. Currently this means that graduates who want to pursue further education programmes and/or public employment in Serbia may now submit their diplomas, together with the EUA certificate, to a university of their choice. The university in question will then issue a confirmation of acceptance. With this confirmation graduates may ...
28% Euro Asia Projects Organisation 30. Jul. 2012
... Asia Projects is a fast growing company, supported by European Projects Consulting in Romania. It offers a true understanding of the needs, opportunities and challenges presented in Turkey. European Project Consulting is an international firm founded in 2006 and specializing in project development, management and business consultancy services for Romania, Serbia and Bulgaria. Through consultancy, trainings, lobbying activities and research, we aim to contribute to the development of the society and the European integration process of Turkey. The fields in which Euro Asia Projects offers assistance are varied, they include: elaboration of projects accessing European and national funds, project management, lobbying ...
... The event is organised by Donau-Universität Krems and Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM) under the patronage of ARGE Donauländer. It will be held in English and German with simultaneous interpretation. Further information: Keynote speaches will be delivered by Bozidar Delic (Serbia), Peter Havlik (wiiw, Austria), Martin Gerzabek (BOKU, Austria) several panels will discuss the topic of the Danube Region, e.g. The Danube REgion and its importance for European Macro Regions Regional Cooperations as Key Factors for the EUSDR's Success Focussing on Human Needs - Potentials and Opportunities of the Danube Region ...
... proposing open innovation approach in the Living Labs environment with a special attention to the SMEs. The signatories of the document were the representatives of the following universities: Bucharest, Romania; BW Munich, Germany; Corvinus, Hungary; Dubrovnik, Croatia; Graz, Austria; Košice, Slovakia; Maribor, Slovenia; Novi Sad, Serbia; Primorska, Slovenia; Rijeka, Croatia; Ruse, Bulgaria; Sofia, Bulgaria; Trento, Italy; Trieste, Italy.  Numerous innovative eSolutions & eServices based on future Internet and cloud computing will be needed to support eleven Priority Areas of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. The coordinators of several priority areas are involved in ...
Comparative studies are especially encouraged, since these countries share a similar socio-economic background and comparative studies offer a valuable source of insight for policy formulation as well as a basis for competitive benchmarking. The journal welcomes empirical and policy-oriented papers relevant to a broader international audience. Contributions need not be limited solely to economics; submissions from other related disciplines are encouraged. Additional information about the ...
... This Austrian programme offers professors and assistants of public universities from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo and FYR of Macedonia the possibility to spend one month at an Austrian university for a research visit provided an Austrian university institution is ready to ensure the supervision. Important Documents & Links see Questions and Answers Statement of Advisor ...
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