... The JRC has launched a call for 40 seconded national experts and grantholders as part of its enlargement and integration actions. The job opportunities are available for experts from research organisations, national enforcement laboratories and scientists from the following countries: Albania, Croatia, Iceland, Montenegro, Switzerland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Israel, Serbia and Turkey. Submission deadline: May 16, 2011 ...
Survey of Regional Initiatives and Task Forces in South East Europe – Summary Findings! During the first quarter of 2011, Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat (RCC or Secretariat) conducted a survey of regional initiatives (RIs) operating within, and directed towards, the countries of South East Europe. The survey was carried out in cooperation with the Chairmanship-in-Office of the Southeast European Cooperation Process (SEECP), the SEECP Troika and the European Union in order to provide ...
... These projects all aim to strengthen the role of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and to develop sustainable partnerships and networks between on the one hand CSOs (such as business associations, trade unions, other social partners and professional organisations) in the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99) and Turkey, and on the other hand their counterparts in the EU. The purpose is to promote a transfer of knowledge and experience and to strengthen civil society within a participative democracy and to stimulate a civil society-friendly 'environment' and culture, being the ...
... rsquo;s perspective, authorship, the peer-review process, impact factors, etc. The summer school seminars will be taught by experienced scientists from both German and South-east European universities. All costs will be covered for the participants. Application details: PhD or master students from Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, the FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia and the Republic of Moldova are invited to apply. Do apply, if you: • Are a master or PhD student in public health or a public health related discipline (medicine, social sciences); • You have conducted a personal study or have ...
... Event website: http://balcor.uom.gr Call for papers: http://balcor.uom.gr/cfp.pdf Source: Information provided by organisers. Date: From: 22 September 2011 To: 25 September 2011 The 1st International Symposium & 10th Balkan Conference on Operational Research, which will be held at the University of Macedonia, Economic and Social Sciences in Thessaloniki, Greece, from September 22 to 25, 2011, is calling for papers. Deadline for full paper submission: April 11, 2011 ...
The study "ICT in Serbia - at a Glance" was written by the Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER) and published by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Program for Private Sector Development in Serbia ACCESS and Vojvodina ICT Cluster in January 2011. The study presents an overview of the ICT sector in Serbia, designed to serve as a tool for policy makers, business support organisations, international development organisations, ...
... 1000-2500 EUR per month, insurance, tuition fee up to 3000 EUR per year. Fully funded scholarships from and to Western Balkans Who can apply? UG, MA, PhD students, Post Doc’s, Academic Staff and alumni from Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo (UN Res. 1244), FYR of Macedonia, Serbia) and from EU partner universities. Some information about Warsaw • Centre of Europe • Possibility to travel freely to other European Schengen countries • UW - the largest university in Poland, usually ranked as No. 1 in the country • Studies in 44 fields, 19 faculties, 44 independent units ...
"Financial sustainability is one of the key challenges for Europe’s universities and this project report is another milestone of EUA’s work agenda on this topic. While universities need to understand better the full costs of their activities and should maintain a reasonably diversified income structure, it is clear that financial sustainability cannot be achieved without sufficient and sustainable public funding. The EUDIS project provides an analysis of the status of income ...
With their legitimate ambition to integrate more closely into the European Research Area, the WB countries need to upgrade their national RTD information systems, and would benefit from developing a regional information system, effectively supporting these ambitions by facilitating closer and more balanced international collaboration. This awareness is slowly growing, primarily in some government and academic circles, but the first step is obviously to properly upgrade and connect ...
... scientific events in Serbia – YU INFO conference and will include plenary lectures, EURAXESS Party and a workshop: „EURAXESS in Serbia – European, regional and national aspects“. The workshop will be attended by the representatives of European Commission, national EURAXESS networks from Greece, Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, FYR of Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as assistant ministers for science and technological development, state secretary in the Ministry of education and vice-rectors of the universities from Belgrade, Niš, Novi Sad and Kragujevac. They will exchange the relevant national, regional and European experiences, with attempt to anticipate the impact of ...