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... party, as much as all other Serbian political actors willing to advance Serbia's European aspirations, to continue to act constructively and responsibly in the forthcoming period, including by supporting Serbia’s unprecedented efforts towards the normalisation of its relations with Kosovo*." EC press release - 3rd December 2013 Following his meeting with Dragan Djilas, leader of the Democratic Party from Serbian Commissioner Štefan Füle said: "Today I met the leader of the Democratic Party from Serbia, Dragan Djilas. Mr Djilas shared ...
... to deliver on reforms and meet the accession criteria. Last year was very important in terms of visible results of enlargement: Croatia has completed long hard road of reforms is now the 28th EU Member State. Shows that enlargement perspective is credible and that EU delivers when conditions are met. Serbia and Kosovo reached an historic breakthrough with their agreement on normalisation of relations. EU processes – accession negotiations for Serbia and SAA negotiations with Kosovo – will support continued normalisation and reforms. Excellent example of the pull of the EU and of what can be achieved provided the political leaders show courage ...
30% EU's Financial Report 2012 Document 3. Dec. 2013
The 2012 Financial Report by the European Commission shows that 94% of the total EUR 135.6 billion of the EU 2012 budget was dedicated to beneficiaries across Europe such as researchers, students, small and medium enterprises, towns and regions and NGOs. In 2012, the EU budget increased funding in areas stimulating growth, creating employment, and investing in research and education: With EUR 9.6 billion last year the Cohesion Fund contributed to the building of 1,274 km of roads and ...
... Commission, despite the much exploited use of the term “EU Enlargement fatigue”, the official view-point of the Commission is that the EU Enlargement policy is going forward, having in mind the positive examples of the new member state of EU – Croatia, the accession negotiations of Montenegro, the historical agreement between Serbia and Kosovo*, but also the overall advancement of FYR of Macedonia, BiH and Kosovo* considering the internal and external factors which are slowing down the process in this countries. Danielsson once more stressed the fact that on the long road of the EU accession the rule of law, inclusiveness, fundamental ...
This deliverable outlines the task dealing with the collection, selection and adaptation of innovation measures identified as good practice examples. On the basis of Deliverable D8.50 (collection of 45 good practice examples from EU Member States and the Western Balkans), eight innovation schemes were presented during a First Review Meeting in April 2012 in Tirana (Albania) and discussed with stakeholders from the region. In a Second Review Meeting in April 2013 in Skopje (FYR of Macedonia), ...
... South East Europe Investment Committee. Creation of one million new jobs in SEE until 2020 is the most important aim of the strategy dubbed “Jobs and Prosperity in a European Perspective”. The event rought together ministers of economy from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo*, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, representatives of the European Commission and other regional and international partners and initiatives, international organizations, and donor community ...
Evaluation Report covers the education sector within the Programme programa Serbia: Sustainable Development in the Southern Region 2012 - 2014. The Report was prepared by evaluation expert Dragiša Mijačić. The publication is in English language.
30% SEE 2020 Strategy Document 18. Nov. 2013
In 2011, the Ministers in charge of the Economy adopted the SEE 2020 Vision, laying out the region’s growth and development priorities contained in five pillars – (i) integrated, (ii) smart, (iii) sustainable and (iv) inclusive growth, underpinned by (v) good governance. Adoption of the SEE 2020 Vision was followed in 2012 by the agreement on 11 regional headline targets backed up by 77 national targets to guide the common regional action towards the end of the decade. In addition to adopting ...
... Nottingham is able to offer specialist supervision in the following areas relating to former Yugoslavia: •       Byzantine history and culture •       Balkan histories •       Balkan representations •       Contemporary cultural studies (Serbia, Croatian, Bosnia, Montenegro) •       Literature and cinema (Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro) •       Language and language politics (Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro) •       Slovene culture The Department is also able to offer language training to suitably qualified candidates without the necessary language skills in these areas. For enquiries relating to ...
29% Center for the Promotion of Science Organisation 13. Nov. 2013
Center for the Promotion of Science (CPN) is a public institution, established with the intention of promoting and popularizing science and technology. The Centre was created in spring 2010, and its establishment enacted by the Law on Scientific research (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia” No. 18/10). After officially becoming recognized as a public institution (registered on 23rd November 2010), pursuant to the Law, the Centre took competence over the promotion of science from the competent ministry. CPN is a part of the strategic plan that the Republic of Serbia has to develop as ...
COMPARING BUSINESS REGULATIONS FOR DOMESTIC FIRMS IN 185 ECONOMIES Regulations affecting 11 areas of the life of a business are covered: starting a business, dealing with construction permits, getting electricity, registering property, getting credit, protecting investors, paying taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts, resolving insolvency and employing workers. The employing workers data are not included in this year’s ranking on the ease of doing business. Data in Doing Business ...
... governments of Austria and Switzerland to support project preparation and capacity building of the partner banks and the municipal borrowers. MIDF has been designed for the Western Balkans, and within this group the Fund’s strategy will be to focus on Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia in accordance with local needs. Eligible projects to be financed by the Fund are expected to have a minimum loan size of €100,000, and a maximum of €5 million. EBRD President, Sir Suma Chakrabarti, said: “We are very proud to establish this new Fund and are confident that it ...
... assessment. This money will be allocated to Kosovo in addition to its €65-70 million annual budget under the EU's IPA programme for this year. Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy Štefan Füle said: "The implementation of the Agreement of 19 April is vital to the normalisation of Kosovo*-Serbia relations and to the EU prospects of both. The agreement confirmed that Kosovo* and Serbia are committed to advance on their respective EU paths. The EU needs to show it is serious in its support to this process, in the interest of peace, stability and the well-being of the region ...
On this page you can find progress reports on recent developments regarding S&T cooperation in/with/for the Western Balkan Countries for download. These reports are currenltybeing provided by the members of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries in preparation of the Platform Meeting taking place in Zagreb, Croatia on December 11/12, 2013. The previous reports can be accessed from the links below. ...
The Country Paper Series aims to provide for each project beneficiary (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo*, 1 FYR Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia) a brief profile of the current conditions of the national research system (rather than an exhaustive assessment of the country’s national innovation system). Emphasis on selected issues reflected the priorities identified by participants during the implementation of the Technical Assistance.Please find attached the country papers related to the ...
... Republic of Croatia Dr. Vesna Pusić, Vice-President of the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Dr. Željko Jovanović, Minister of Education, Science and Sports of the Republic of Croatia Dr. Tomislav Jovanović, Minister of Science, Education and Technology of the Republic of Serbia Dr. Jernej Pikalo, Minister of Education, Science and Sports of the Republic of Slovenia Dr. Pero Lučin, University of Rijeka Rector Marina Medarić, Vice-Prefect of Primorsko-Goranska County Mr. Vojko Obersnel, Mayor of the City of Rijeka Dr. Erhard Busek, Erste Foundation, Vienna Dr. Oliver Boiun, Network of European Institutes of ...
Growth through research and innovation: the moment for action With job creation stagnant and economic growth stalled, the Western Balkans region faces an intensifying need to create knowledge-based economies that can generate higher-value-added jobs and stronger growth. Hoping to foster synergies among their similar interventions and build on a growing collaboration, governments from the seven economies in the Western Balkans developed a regional strategy for research and innovation. In line ...
... generation of programmes under regional policy 2014-2020, as well as other relevant EU, regional and national policy frameworks" said Commissioner Hahn. The EU's Danube Strategy was launched in April 2011. It involves 9 EU countries (Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia) and 5 non-EU countries (Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Ukraine and Moldova). Designed to coordinate European Union policies across the Danube macro region, it is based on the idea that common challenges faced by specific regions – whether environmental, economic or security related – are best tackled collectively. By involving EU neighbouring countries at an ...
This Overview of the research sector in the Western Balkans is a companion piece to the Western Balkans Regional R&D Strategy for Innovation.  This Overview provides the background and analysis that informed the development of the strategy. It is informed by consultations with the Advisory Board, as well as by the research commissioned for the preparation of the strategy. This overview outlines the performance of the research  and innovation sector, ...
This document was prepared under the Western Balkans Regional R&D Strategy for Innovation World Bank Technical Assistance Project funded by the European Commission (DG ENLARG – TF011064). In 2009 a Joint Statement was developed during a Ministerial Conference in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, expressing the interest of the Western Balkans region in developing a joint strategy on research and innovation. In September 2011, the World Bank and the ...
... Füle, EU Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy, said: “With the start of the SAA negotiations, we turn a new page in our relationship. It is a clear recognition of the progress made by Kosovo* on key reforms and the substantial efforts achieved in normalisation of relations with Serbia. The Commission aims to complete these negotiations in spring 2014, to initial the draft agreement in summer and thereafter to submit the proposal for the Council and the European Parliament to conclude the agreement. The agreement will bring tangible benefits to all citizens of Kosovo*. Kosovo* now needs to focus ...
... is the relationship between Europeanization (here understood as the adoption of EU rules and norms in light of the region’s accession to the EU) and party politics. There is evidence in numerous countries that EU policies have influenced party politics and party system changes. The most obvious case is Serbia, where the EU has strongly supported the DS and former President Boris Tadić, but where the incentive of EU membership has also resulted in a split (and the final diminishing) of the Radical Party. In other countries there has been less drastic change (Montenegro, FYR of Macedonia), but political elites ...
... the great project of European unity,” said Željko Jovanović, Minister of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia. For the first time, to jointly improve the quality of research and innovation, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo*, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia collaborated to develop a Western Balkans Regional Research and Development (R&D) Strategy for Innovation. This document will serve as a framework for a collective effort to recommend policy and institutional reforms, and promote the Western Balkans’ most urgent priority of increasing innovation, economic growth, and prosperity. “I would ...
28% AcademLink Link 24. Oct. 2013
... regional languages. If not yet registered (and you are speaking one of the languages of the region) - highly recommends to register and be part of the community: The network connects more than 3500 members (mostly University professors and Institute researchers who are working in the SEE region – Serbia, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Slovenia) and its membership is continually on the rise. AcademLink issues each Thursday newsletter which is distributed to: • All of its members • Scientists who are subscribed to newsletter, but are not members of AcademLink (more than 300 individuals) • All faculties, colleges and ...
... reduce poverty. Additionally, IWB schemes contribute to higher formality by reducing the labour tax wedge and encouraging wage earners to report their taxes. These policies are attractive for countries harbouring supply problems in the labour market, simultaneously tackling market demand with higher minimum wage. Given the high minimum wage in Serbia (almost 50% of average wage) and the constant complaints of employers (it hampers employment of low-paid workers) this is an additional argument for the introduction of in work benefits. The research results for Serbia indicate that the introduction in work benefits would significantly increase the participation of individuals at the ...
46% Progress Report on Serbia 2013 Document 16. Oct. 2013
... that all the Stabilisation and Association countries are potential candidates for EU membership June 2003: Thessaloniki Summit: EU perspective for the Western Balkans is confirmed April 2008: Signing of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) between Serbia and the EU December 2009: Visa-free travel to Schengen area for citizens of Serbia; Serbia presents its application for membership of the EU February 2010: The Interim Agreement on Trade and Trade-related issues (part of the SAA) enters into force October 2011: The European Commission issues its Opinion on Serbia's application for EU membership March 2012: Serbia obtains the status of candidate country April 2013 ...
30% Enlargement Strategy Paper 2013 - 2014 Document 16. Oct. 2013
Enlargement Strategy and Main Challenges 2013-2014. This communication by the European Comission sets out the way forward for the coming year and takes stock of the progress made over the last twelve months by each candidate country and potential candidate. COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL
30% Progress Report on Kosovo* 2013 Document 16. Oct. 2013
... EU-facilitated dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade is launched. January 2012: The visa liberalisation dialogue is launched. October 2012: Feasibility study for a Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the EU and Kosovo* is issued. April 2013: The First agreement of principles governing normalisation of relations is reached in the dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo*. June 2013: Council authorises opening of negotiations on a Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) between the EU and Kosovo*. 28 October 2013: First round of negotiations on a Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAAitated dialogue with Serbia and delivered on important policy reforms identified in the 2012 feasibility study ...
... Dialogue on Justice have begun to be implemented and some already resulted in concrete outcomes. Good progress has been achieved as regards processing war crimes and reforming the state-level judiciary. The conclusion of the Protocols on cooperation in prosecution of perpetrators of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide with Serbia and Croatia has been an important development at regional level. However, Bosnia and Herzegovina has made only limited progress in the fight against corruption and organised crime. Corruption remains widespread, with an insufficient track record of investigation and prosecution in high-profile cases, which has a negative impact on society and ...
30% Progress Report on Montenegro 2013 Document 16. Oct. 2013
30% Progress Report on Albania 2013 Document 16. Oct. 2013
... and security. Continued strong involvement of civil society in the reform process is crucial. Freedom of expression needs to be strengthened in Montenegro. All the cases of violence and threats against journalists need to be properly investigated and the perpetrators brought to justice. 2013 has been a historic year for Serbia. The decision of the June European Council to open accession negotiations marked the start of a significant new phase in our relations. Serbia has actively and constructively worked towards improvement of relations with Kosovo. We look forward to the first Intergovernmental conference on Serbia’s accession by next January at ...
... the next programming period. The Final report of the carried out evaluation, as well as the Executive Summary and the Presentation of the results can be found HERE. Ernst& Young (The project is co-funded by EU through the Bulgaria–Serbia IPA Cross-border Programme ...
... experts. Expert Missions, Study Visits and Assessment Missions Who are the Beneficiaries of TAIEX assistance? The TAIEX mandate to provide assistance covers the following groups of beneficiary countries: Croatia (new Member State – still benefitting from assistance programmed); Iceland, Turkey, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo*; Turkish Cypriot community in the northern part of Cyprus; Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia, Ukraine and Russia. The beneficiaries of TAIEX assistance include those sectors who have a role to play in the beneficiary countries in the transposition ...
The report covers the period from 24 April to 20 September 2013, and reflects progress in implementation of the RCC Strategy and Work Programme 2011-2013. Regional Cooperation Council
28% Network Website Link 2. Oct. 2013
... users to rapidly obtain information, support and advice, while also sharing their experiences.  Contents currently available are the result of the work of research and mapping conducted in the framework on project since January 2013 about the approximation process in particular in the partners' countries (Albania, Kosovo*, Serbia, Turkey). But the website is a work in progress and it will evolve over the next months as the ENVnet team will work hard to tweak & populate it with more contents and updated information, in particular on best practices about civil activism and other initiatives of CSOs working in ...
... the value of industrial safety. The call aims to foster collaboration between researchers from different countries in Europe and from different scientific disciplines, in order to improve safety and the management of technological risks. Funding countries participating in this call are Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Serbia and Spain (Basque country and Andalucía). For all related documentation and deadlines, please refer to the call related page on our website that is linked below ...
17 members of the working group, including participants from Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Austria and Germany, as well as the European Commission and the OECD attended the meeting. The goal of the meeting was to work on a common cluster strategy for the Danube Region and to make progress in the development of the project DanuClus ...
... by the workshops’ participants”, said Arifagic. “All received inputs will be incorporated into the next draft of the strategy as appropriate.”  The events were organized by the RCC Secretariat, in cooperation with respective ministries in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo* and Serbia. All relevant regional organisations participate in the SEE 2020 strategy development under RCC auspices. National institutions have a key role: ministries of economy, education, employment, healthcare, justice, culture, environment, relevant agencies. International organisations, such as the EU and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) also provide support. The ...
Having become a recognised and respected regional organisation, the Regional Coperation Council developed in 2010 its first three-year Strategy and Work Programme 2011- 2013 (SWP 2011-2013). This defined its objectives, priorities and work programme for the period. A range of specific targets in each of the priority area of the SWP 2011-2013 have been achieved. and an effective cooperation and coordination with the country holding ...
30% ERA progress report - 2013 Document 24. Sep. 2013
EU leaders have repeatedly stressed the importance of completing the European Research Area, setting a deadline of 2014 in European Council conclusions of February 2011 and March 2012. This report comes one year after adoption of the Communication "A Reinforced European Research Area Partnership for Excellence and Growth", which identified actions Member States should take to achieve ERA. It provides a factual baseline for an in-depth assessment of ERA that will be conducted in 2014. It is ...
Following this meeting, the Commissioner released the press statement we are hereinafter presenting. 'I am delighted to welcome to Brussels today Mr Branko Ružić, the new Serbian Minister in charge of European integration as well as Mrs Tanja Miščević, who was appointed Chief Negotiator for Serbia’s accession negotiations at the beginning of September. We had a very constructive first meeting on the priorities of the reshuffled government and the preparations of the different steps following the decision of the June European Council to open accession negotiations with Serbia. I am glad to see that the ...
... researcher) extremely diverge from an average western European rate for the same performance. Lots of questions were raised also about interaction and validity of national, organizational and FP7 rules.​​   In the second part the participants learned about the pitfalls from Austrian Academy of Science and University of Novi Sad, Serbia. Bedana Bapuly and Vladimir Crnojevic shared their experience on audits, they presented the most common mistakes, the possible consequences, their experience and their strategy to solve the appeared problems, relating to concrete audit as well as regarding future structural or organizational changes. Subsequently participants had the opportunity to receive “private ...
28% Leadership Development Programme Project 17. Sep. 2013
... Europe and the TRANSFUSE Association. The European Fund for the Balkans began financing the programme in 2008 and since 2009 is organising it jointly with the College of Europe and the TRANSFUSE Association. 30 graduate students from Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Greece, Kosovo*, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Turkey are selected each year to take part in the 8 month long ‘Southeast Europe and the EU – Leadership Development Programme’. A limited number of participants are selected from other European countries. The LDP is led by an Academic Dean who  guides the participants through the different elements ...
... on twitter @citseeteam. Or find the project team on Facebook.  The Europeanisation of Citizenship in the Successor States of the Former Yugoslavia (CITSEE) is a study of the citizenship regimes of the seven successor states of the former Yugoslavia (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo*, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia). It has been funded by an Advanced Investigator Award for basic research made to Jo Shaw by the European Research Council running for five years from 1 April 2009. CITSEE ...
... 4 days for Group 2: Programme owners). Please, also note that certificates will be provided  only to the participants that were present in 100% of the training sessions and the exercises.  The EVAL-INNO project organises the fourth RTDI evaluation training course on 07-11 October 2013 in Belgrade, Serbia. The training will gather participants from Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia and Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia and will be carried out by experienced RTDI evaluation trainers from six countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Montenegro and Serbia). The training will introduce the participants to the theory and practice of the research and science-related evaluation of organisations, policies, programmes and ...
... roadmap through the involvement of multiple stakeholders.  FRAME will also assist each country in reviewing institutional arrangements to implement the vision and in agreeing on monitoring mechanisms throughout its implementation. The results of FRAME will feed into programming of IPA II 2014-2020. The project was launched in Montenegro and Serbia in early 2013 and will continue in the other enlargement countries during the second half of 2013.  More information Agenda: EventsDB-Agenda_EN Official Website The FRAME – Skills for the Future project, funded under the 2013 IPA multi-beneficiary envelope, has the objective to help countries to develop the skills ...
... develop an independent, professional and sustainable media sector and to support overall democratization.  This conference aims to discuss the internationally-led media assistance programs, and whether or not they were instrumental for media reforms in the countries of the Western Balkans – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, FYR of Macedonia and Serbia – trying to understand the link between deployed assistance strategies and achieved results in the local context.  Questions to be addressed are: Can external media assistance result in the creation of sustainable media institutions? How does the context influence the development of media institutions and media outlets that have been ...
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