News archive - [Call for Papers] UACES Annual Conference - The Europeanization of Party Politics in the Western Balkans

The region of the Western Balkans has undergone numerous transitions in recent years. Conflict ridden societies were re-built, and semi-authoritarian regimes have changed towards democratic governance (or at least façade-democracies). Most importantly, the integration of these countries into the European Union has resulted in fundamental political, economic and societal change. While there is a growing literature on the influence of the EU in these countries, an area that has not been explored so far in detail is the relationship between Europeanization (here understood as the adoption of EU rules and norms in light of the region’s accession to the EU) and party politics. There is evidence in numerous countries that EU policies have influenced party politics and party system changes. The most obvious case is Serbia, where the EU has strongly supported the DS and former President Boris Tadić, but where the incentive of EU membership has also resulted in a split (and the final diminishing) of the Radical Party. In other countries there has been less drastic change (Montenegro, FYR of Macedonia), but political elites have nevertheless had to engage with EU integration and progress towards membership in the EU as a key tool of political legitimacy.

The UACES Annual Conference that will be held on 1-3 September 2014 in Cork, Ireland with focus on "The Europeanization of Party Politics in the Western Balkans" is interested in in the following questions:

1.  How has the process of EU integration influenced party politics in the Western Balkans?
2.  How have political parties and elites used EU integration (and the lack thereof) as tools of political legitimacy, both towards their own citizens and towards the EU itself?
3.  How has the process of Europeanization influenced party system change?
4.  How has the process of Europeanization influenced the behaviour of different parties/elites internally and externally?
5.  What positive and negative effects of change can be observed in party politics in light of the process of EU integration in the region?

Paper proposals between 300 and 500 words are invited with particular interest in comparative perspectives, but also single case studies. All paper proposals should also include:
A 100-150 word short biographical statement (please do not send full CVs!)
Full contact details including Email address and current position

Please note, the organisers are not able to provide any financial assistance to participate in the conference. It is planned to publish selected papers.

All paper proposals (300-500 words), biographical statements (100-150 words) and full contact details should be Emailed in ONE document to<>

The deadline is Friday, December 20th 2013. All selected paper givers will be contacted after Christmas/ New Year in early 2014.

For more information about the conference visit:

For any further information about the panel and potential proposals, please contact Dr Soeren Keil at<>

We are looking forward to receiving your proposals!

Soeren Keil and Jelena Džankić
Dr. Sören Keil

Senior Lecturer in International Relations

Canterbury Christ Church University
Department for Applied Social Sciences - North Holmes Road - Canterbury
CT1 1QU - UK
Tel.: +44 (0)1227 767 700 ext. 2043
Office: St. Martin's Priory PrS01


Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Humanities
  • Social Sciences

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on October 29, 2013
Modified on October 29, 2013