Leadership Development Programme

The Leadership Development Programme was launched in 2006/2007 by the College of Europe and the TRANSFUSE Association. The European Fund for the Balkans began financing the programme in 2008 and since 2009 is organising it jointly with the College of Europe and the TRANSFUSE Association.

30 graduate students from Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Greece, Kosovo*, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Turkey are selected each year to take part in the 8 month long ‘Southeast Europe and the EU – Leadership Development Programme’. A limited number of participants are selected from other European countries. The LDP is led by an Academic Dean who  guides the participants through the different elements of the program.


Contribute to the development of open minded and progressive leaders who have the ambition to play an active role in the future of their countries by offering a tailor made programme in leadership training.

LDP Participant:

    • Leadership skills development
    • Networking: links between young leaders from the Western Balkans and Europe
    • Be young ambassadors of the region
    • Study the EU – Western Balkans relations
    • European Union knowledge
    • International relations кnowledge
    • Become part of EFB Community

The eight-month Programme is composed of the following activities:

Summer Academy* Group Projects Spring Seminar
Held in Bratislava, Vienna and the Vienna surroundings the Academy gathers LDP participants and provides a curriculum which includes topics related to the European Union, European Union and Southeast Europe relations, more general international and economic issues as well as practical training components, focussing on negotiations, project management and presentation skills. Participants are divided into 5 groups according to the topic of their interest. Groups work together toward implementing a project developed during the Summer Academy. A series of joint activities are organised as final events for each project throughout the Western Balkans. Held in Belgium – Brussels and Bruges, the Seminar gives participants the opportunity to meet and discuss the issues concerning Southeast Europe and its future with policy – makers from the EU and NATO, to visit the College of Europe as well as to attend a panel discussion with Brussels – based think tanks.
Timeframe: 2 WEEKS

* The Summer Academy for the first 4 generations was held in Berlin and the Berlin surroundings

Timeframe: 6 MONTHS Timeframe: 5 DAYS

Leadership Development Programme Generations

Project type
  • Bilateral/Cross Border Project
Coordinating institution
Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General
April 2009 - December 2013

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on September 17, 2013
Modified on September 17, 2013