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The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Montenegro (2003): The Strategy of Introducing ICT into the Education System of Montenegro; Available from:; accessed 07.09.2006 Internet
56% Montenegro 2006 Progress Report Document 30. Nov. 2006
This is the latest progress report published by the European Commission - DG Enlargement in November 2006 on the relations between the EU and Montenegro, and the overall political, economical and social progress of Montenegro. The report also mentions the development of intellectual property law (page 27) and information society (page 34). Commission of the European Communities (2006): Montenegro 2006 Progress Report; Available from: 09.11.2006 Internet ...
33% Serbia 2006 Progress Report Document 30. Nov. 2006
This is the latest progress report published by the European Commission - DG Enlargement in November 2006 on the relations between the EU and Serbia, and the overall political, economical and social progress of Serbia. The report also mentions the development of intellectual property law (page 28) and information society (page 33). Commission of the European Communities (2006): Serbia 2006 Progress Report;Available from: ...
... taken and informs about the National SEE-ERA.NET Contact Points. All 14 countries in the SEE-ERA-NET project have declared that they will participate with national financial contributions to this first pilot joint call: ALBANIA, AUSTRIA, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA, BULGARIA, CROATIA, FRANCE, GERMANY, GREECE, HUNGARY, THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA, MONTENEGRO, ROMANIA, SLOVENIA, SERBIA. (2006): Call Text of the SEE-ERA.NET Pilot Joint Call for a multilateral funding programme on Research and Thematic Network Projects as well as Summer Schools in/with the Western Balkan Region. Version November 30, 2006. Available from: ...
33% Bosnia and Herzegovina 2006 Progress Report Document 30. Nov. 2006
This is the latest progress report published by the European Commission - DG Enlargement in November 2006 on the relations between the EU and BiH, and the overall political, economical and social progress of BiH. The report also mentions the development of intellectual property law (page 34) and information society (page 42). Commission of the European Communities (2006): Bosnia and Herzegovina 2006 Progress Report; Available from: ...
33% Albania 2006 Progress Report Document 30. Nov. 2006
This is the latest progress report published by the European Commission - DG Enlargement in November 2006 on the relations between the EU and Albania and the overall political, economical and social progress of Albania. The report also mentions the development of intellectual property law (page 28) and information society (page 36). Commission of the European Communities (2006): Albania 2006 Progress ReportAvailable from: ...
33% The FYR of Macedonia 2006 Progress Report Document 30. Nov. 2006
This is the latest progress report published by the European Commission - DG Enlargement in November 2006 on the relations between the EU and the FYR of Macedonia, and the overall political, economical and social progress of FYROM. The report also mentions the development of intellectual property law (page 28), science and research (page 50) and information society (page 31). Commission of the European Communities (2006): The FYR of Macedonia 2006 Progress Report;Available from: ...
This report drafted by ICBSS in January 2006 deals with science, technology and innovation system in Albania. It describes the current situation regarding R&D investment, human potential, institutional capacity for S&T, as well as strategies, programmes and governance for R&D. ICBSS, International Centre for Black Sea Studies (2006): The Science, Technology and Innovation System in Republic of AlbaniaAvailable from: ...
... funding programme within the context of the SEE-ERA.NET network. All 14 countries in the SEE-ERA-NET project have declared that they will participate with national financial contributions to this first pilot joint call: ALBANIA, AUSTRIA, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA, BULGARIA, CROATIA, FRANCE, GERMANY, GREECE, HUNGARY, THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA, MONTENEGRO, ROMANIA, SLOVENIA, SERBIA. 2. What kind of projects will be funded? The SEE-ERA.NET Pilot Joint Call focuses on specific thematic areas: Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology: sub area “Sustainable production and management of biological resources from land, forest and aquatic environments”Information and Communication Technologies: sub area “Applications Research”Environment ...
... etc. Proposals will be evaluated and selected by an independent international selection committee. To be selected, proposals will: Be practice-oriented and relevant to Private Sector Development in the Western Balkans;Be regional in scope, i.e. include at least three countries from the Western Balkans (covering B&H, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia);Have been developed and be implemented through regional collaboration between different partners (independent researchers, research institutes, Universities, etc);Demonstrate originality (i.e cover topics that have not yet been widely researched in the region and/or provide new perspectives);Contain clear ideas about the dissemination of the findings ...
... Society in Serbia (Official Gazette of RS, No. 55/05 and 71/05). Available from: 29.11.2006 2)Ministry of Scinece and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia, Fund for an Opened Society Serbia and UNDP Serbia and Montenegro (2005): National Strategy for an Information Society in Serbia (Draft 1, Belgrade September 2005). Available from:, accessed 28.11.2006. Internet
... innovation networks (including SMEs) between Austria and CEE/SEE countries for the development and implementation of innovation and for increasing and strengthening R&D cooperation and technology transfer.Potential partner countries include Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, FYR of Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovakia, and Slovenia.While the majority of the projects in the first call in the year 2006 were 'Networking Projects', the second call, which is now open, is focused on 'Innovations Projects': within this category projects have to feature an obvious element of RTDI and ideally are mostly influenced by ...
... fall 2006 and modified in October 2007. The Austrian Science and Research Liaison Offices (ASO) Ljubljana and Sofia launch regular calls for proposals for projects in research cooperation and networking between Austria, the ASO countries (Slovenia and Bulgaria) and Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, and Serbia (including Kosovo ...
... on this synergy between IPA and research. It is now clear that all necessary efforts will be taken by the Commission services to ensure adequate attention and resources for projects in the fields of education and research. News provided by Tatjana Knezevic and Slobodanka Koprivica, Ministry of Education and Science, Montenegro.The copy of this letter has been can be found in the Document Service /doc/565.html. Article published in eJournal fall 06. On October 10, 2006, an important letter was sent to all ministers of the Western Balkan countries: Olli Rehn, Commissioner responsible for Enlargement reaffirmed that education in ...
The first draft programme for the Conference "Building Knowledge Society Through Public RTD Funding" which will be held in Nova Gorica (Slovenia), May 31 - June 2, 2007 has been received and it includes some very interesting ideas for round tables, sessions and workshops. FIRST DRAFT PROGRAMME, September 18, 2006. not to be cited. SBRA
A very encouraging and truly sweeping speech was given by European Commissioner for Science and Research Janez Potočnik at the Conference "Why Invest in Science in South Eastern Europe?" in Ljubljana (Slovenia) on September 29, 2006. This "SPEECH/06/551" is available from the website of Potočnik's speeches Potočnik, Janez: Why invest in science in South Eastern Europe? Speech held at International Conference ...
... costs, small equipment, and so forth. Gruber: How many countries are participating in the Pilot Joint Call? Sidiropoulos: All countries represented in the SEE-ERA-NET project participate in the Pilot Joint Call. They are: Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, and Slovenia. These countries contribute national funding to this Pilot Joint Call. It was a very pleasant surprise that the whole consortium joined forces in order to create this call for proposals. Gruber: Many researchers in South Eastern Europe cooperate with scientists from Italy and also Turkey. Why ...
... access to local research and science/journal publishing (paper and electronic). His results are summarised in the table attached. An important player in the region as regards these aspects is COBISS.Net, a project advancing the free exchange of bibliographic records. In its framework, autonomous library information systems of BiH, Montenegro, the FYR of Macedonia, Slovenia and Serbia were already created. The project and the corresponding software are developed by the Slovenian agency ISZUM (Institute of Information Science). This institute is also pushing CRIS (= Current Research Information Systems) initiatives in the region, which are overall coordinated by euroCRIS, an institution aiming ...
... Foundation Since 1990, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), together with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), has been conducting a programme of scientific cooperation with Eastern Europe. From the year 2000 onwards, Switzerland and the Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia) have been cooperating in the framework of the so-called SCOPES-programme (Scientific Co-operation between Eastern Europe and Switzerland ...
... Commissioner Potočnik in his opening speech in Vienna - happened on October 18, 2006, in Königswinter/Bonn, Germany. Taking advantage of a meeting in the so-called “West Balkan Forum of SEE-ERA.NET”, the participants representing the relevant ministries of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia, discussed a proposal for the rules of procedure for the Steering Platform.On October 20, during the SEE-ERA.NET Steering Board Meeting, the results were presented to Tania Friederichs from the European Commission and Elke Dall from the Information Office in form of a working document, envisaging the ...
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