News archive - Austria`s Cooperation in Innovation and Research Programme CIR-CE

2nd Call for Proposals is open until April 24, 2007
The programme 'Cooperation in Innovation and Research with Central and Eastern Europe' (CIR-CE) promotes cooperation between innovative Austrian and Central and Eastern European companies. The geographic proximity of Austria to the Central, Eastern and South Eastern European countries offers a vast variety of opportunities. Viewed from a long-term strategy perspective, research, technology and innovation are important success factors.

The programme CIR-CE offers a framework for transnational networks organised by intermediary organisations (such as competence centres, technology centres, clusters) to encourage transnational projects covering R&D, technology transfer, benchmarking, quality assurance etc.
CIR-CE is a strategic core activity of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour. The [/org/125.html Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) is responsible for programme management and offers guidance for prospective applicants and partners on proposals.
Objectives of CIR-CE projects are: establishment and expansion of transnational business-driven innovation networks (including SMEs) between Austria and CEE/SEE countries for the development and implementation of innovation and for increasing and strengthening R&D cooperation and technology transfer.
Potential partner countries include Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, FYR of Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovakia, and Slovenia.
While the majority of the projects in the first call in the year 2006 were 'Networking Projects', the second call, which is now open, is focused on 'Innovations Projects': within this category projects have to feature an obvious element of RTDI and ideally are mostly influenced by the involved SME in cooperation with research institutions. CIR-CE applications have to be submitted by April 24, 2007. First projects will start in September 2007.

Article published in eJournal winter 06/07.
Information provided by Ulrike Kainz, FFG.


Entry created by Elke Dall on December 6, 2006
Modified on November 24, 2006