National Strategy for an Information Society in Serbia

Two documents are uploaded - a draft strategy from the Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia (2005) in English language and an official strategy of the Government of RS on Information Society in Serbia (2006) in Serbian language. The official document is an extensive analysis on objectives, goals and targets of the National Strategy for Information Society; institutional framework for the Information Society development; legislative framework; telecommunications infrastructure, E-government, E-education, E-health, E-business and E-banking; development of ICT business sector and monitoring and evaluation.
Chapter 7 (E-education) also focuses on strengthening capacities for modern education and scientific research.

1)Government of the Republic of Serbia (2006): Strategija razvoja informacionog drustva u Republici Srbiji - National Strategy for an Information Society in Serbia (Official Gazette of RS, No. 55/05 and 71/05).
Available from:
accessed 29.11.2006

2)Ministry of Scinece and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia, Fund for an Opened Society Serbia and UNDP Serbia and Montenegro (2005): National Strategy for an Information Society in Serbia (Draft 1, Belgrade September 2005).
Available from:, accessed 28.11.2006.



Publication Year


Geographical focus
  • Serbia

Entry created by Elke Dall on November 29, 2006
Modified on November 29, 2006