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The Information Office of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries has published a country report reviewing the situation of Science and Technology in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.The report is a compilation of main papers published by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), the Southeast European Era-Net (SEE-ERA.NET), the Austrian Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Forschung, and several independent scholars on the issue of S&T in the Western Balkans.The objective of these ...
The Information Office of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries has published a country report reviewing the situation of Science and Technology in Albania. The report is a compilation of main papers published by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), the Southeast European Era-Net (SEE-ERA.NET), the Austrian Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Forschung, and several independent scholars on the issue of S&T in the Western ...
The Information Office of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries has published a country report reviewing the situation of Science and Technology in Serbia.The report is a compilation of main papers published by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), the Southeast European Era-Net (SEE-ERA.NET), the Austrian Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Forschung, and several independent scholars on the issue of S&T in the Western ...
The Information Office of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries has published a country report reviewing the situation of Science and Technology in Montenegro.The report is a compilation of main papers published by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), the Southeast European Era-Net (SEE-ERA.NET), the Austrian Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Forschung, and several independent scholars on the issue of S&T in the Western ...
The Information Office of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries has published a country report reviewing the situation of Science and Technology in Bosnia and Herzegovina.The report is a compilation of main papers published by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), the Southeast European Era-Net (SEE-ERA.NET), the Austrian Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Forschung, and several independent scholars on the issue of S&T in the ...
... 1. CEEPUS: What's in a name? CEEPUS is an acronym for "Central European Exchange Program for University Studies". 2. Who is a member? Currently there are 12 member countries: Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia. 3. What is the legal basis? The legal basis for CEEPUS is an international Agreement signed by the member states and is open for accession. 4. What is the organizational structure? CEEPUS is based on lean management. The highest ranking ...
“It was an interesting task to set these two factors into relation and to quantify and qualify the correspondence of existing programmes and RTD needs of WBC. The matrix allows the identification of major gaps, where the offered programmes do not meet the needs and it allows the definition of areas for improvement, areas where forces need to be joined, both at regional and EU level, in order to reinforce the integration of WBC into European RTD programmes and to support their development on ...
... website at Article published in eJournal winter 06/07.Authors: Fatih Sahin and Dicle Dogancioglu from TÜBITAK. Turkey is very close historically, geographically, and culturally to the Western Balkan region and has bilateral Science and Technology Cooperation Agreements with Albania, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia (Turkey recognises the country with its constitutional name Republic of Macedonia), Serbia and Montenegro. Not only the Western Balkans but also other Southern European countries such as Hungary, Slovenia, Bulgaria and Greece are among Turkey's cooperation countries with effective bilateral running programmes ...
35% SEE-ERA.NET Scientific Workshops News 6. Mar. 2007
Topics and locations of the workshops EnvironmentEnvironmental Technologies:FYR of Macedonia, February 5-7, 2007Organiser: Ministry of Education and Science, FYR of Macedonia Food, Agriculture and BiotechnologySustainable Production and Management:Montenegro and Croatia, February 6-8, 2007Organiser: Ministry of Education and Science, Montenegro Information and Communication TechnologiesApplications Research:Serbia, February 12-14, 2007Organiser: Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection, Serbia SEE-ERA.NET Pilot Joint Call The events are an accompanying measure to the SEE-ERA.NET ...
... for MS in FP7 is made directly through the general EU budget. All funding is done on a competitive basis through calls for proposals. Candidate Countries (CC)Countries that have submitted an official request for membership to the EU and obtained candidate status, i.e. Turkey, Croatia and FYR of Macedonia. Only for Turkey and Croatia association negotiations have been opened. Potential Candidate Countries (PCC)Countries that have a European perspective, but whose request for membership has not yet been submitted or accepted (i.e. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia). Associated Countries (AC)Countries that have an association agreement ...
... a network of up to 25 Business Start-up Centres (BSCs) and incubators in the region, and a Private Sector Development Network. New Business Start-Up Centres As a result of a four year grant from the Dutch Government, ATA is operating five new Business Start-up Centres (including incubators) in FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. These five BSCs are integrated into a new regional network of BSCs, that was established in Tuzla in October 2006: SENSI (Southeast European Network for Start-up Centres and Incubators). SENSI exchanges best practices, training materials and experts and promotes regional business opportunities between ...
34% Book Announcements (winter 06/07) News 6. Mar. 2007
... of Academies of Science (CEEN), produced in cooperation with the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS), describes specific aspects of the national scientific communities and establishments in CEEN member countries. Furthermore, the network itself, its functions and experiences are introduced. Contributions from the Academies of Science in Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia are included.Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (ed.): The Central- and Eastern European Network of Academies of Science. A special IPTS Report. December 2006. A pdf version of this text can be downloaded via link/890.html (for free). Publications ERAWATCH ERAWATCH is a joint initiative of ...
... T policy making; and share experience and foster regional co-operation among policy-makers and statistical officers from SEE countries.The participants addressed are technical officials responsible for S&T statistics in the National Statistical Offices and Ministerial Officers from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, and Turkey, as well as high-level specialists from UNESCO, UIS, OECD, EUROSTAT, UNIDO etc.For information on the workshop, contact Iulia Nechifor at UNESCO. Article published in eJournal winter 06/07.Author: Iulia Nechifor, UNESCO. Link to the provisional programme: /link/1003.html. A workshop entitled “Science, Technology ...
This document explains the new approach to international research cooperation established in the Seventh EU RTD Framework Programme (FP7), it outlines how international cooperation is intended to work in the different Programmes. The Annex provides a non-exhaustive list of examples of dedicated international cooperation activities for 2007-2008 in the 'Cooperation' Specific Programme of FP7 Commission of the European Communities (2007): Commission Staff Working Document. A new approach to ...
34% ERAWATCH - Country Reports Link 21. Feb. 2007
... provide comprehensive information on the national and regional research systemes and the environment of EU Member States, states associated with the Framework Programme and other selected countries, such as the USA and China. In March 2010, reports concerning the WBC were availaible for Croatia and the FYR of Macedonia.
34% Demokritos University of Thrace Organisation 21. Feb. 2007
... Demokritos University of Thrace (D.U.Th) was established in July 1973. The administration of the University is located in Komotini, which is the seat of the administrative district of East Macedonia and Thrace.The University is organised in two Faculties and eighteen Departments located in four cities of Thrace - seven in Komotini, five in Xanthi, four in Alexandroupolis and two in Orestiada. A total of 12,466 undergraduate students are enrolled."Source: D.U.Th. Website, as accessed in February 2007 ...
36% Ss. Cyril and Methodius University Organisation 13. Feb. 2007
The Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje is the first state University in the Republic  of Macedonia, founded in 1949, initially with three faculties: the Faculty of Philosophy, the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry. At the moment, the University represents a functional community of 23 faculties, 5 research institutes and 11 accompanying members. Its activities are stipulated by the Law on Higher ...
... reasons to pursue participation in EU research: 'I want Balkan countries to be fully integrated into research because it is also an undeniable step on the path to stability and integration into the EU,' he said. And his strategy is already paying off: In mid-February 2007 Serbia, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia and Montenegro requested to become associated to FP7. For these four countries, the procedure has been launched (preparing a Memorandum of Understanding on terms and conditions for participation as an Associated Country in FP7), for approval of the decision by the European Commission. Once the internal EC procedure is finalised ...
35% Forestry Institute Organisation 7. Feb. 2007
... Forestry Institute, Macedonia is an independent non-governmental organization that stands on the pillars of the vision for an integrated approach toward environment and forestry as a whole. It is an organization that serves to the benefit of Macedonian forestry to realign it to the new and modern trends in forestry.The Mission of ...
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