News archive - WBC Needs meet Existing Funding Offers

The Information Office produced a study screening international RTD funding programmes on their relevance and correspondence to existing needs of Western Balkan countries in RTD. As such, the study is meant to be a handbook for researchers, policy makers and intermediaries who are looking to find support for their most prominent needs, such as support for RTD infrastructure, mobility, enhancement of RTD capacity of industry and SMEs, support for basic/applied research, institution building etc. At the same time, the study offers a concise overview of existing programmes for the WBCs, such as FP7, IPA, COST, LIFE+, NATO SPS, UNESCO initiatives, unilateral RTD programmes etc.

“It was an interesting task to set these two factors into relation and to quantify and qualify the correspondence of existing programmes and RTD needs of WBC. The matrix allows the identification of major gaps, where the offered programmes do not meet the needs and it allows the definition of areas for improvement, areas where forces need to be joined, both at regional and EU level, in order to reinforce the integration of WBC into European RTD programmes and to support their development on the way to knowledge based, prosperous economies”, says Evelina Santa, the author of the study (Austrian Research Promotion Agency, FFG).
The resulting Needs/Offer Matrix is available online now: /doc/1005.html and as attachment here.

Article published in eJournal winter 06/07.


Entry created by Evelina Santa on March 25, 2007
Modified on March 6, 2007