News archive - Event Announcement: STI Indicators in South East Europe

A workshop entitled “Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators: Trends and Challenges in South Eastern Europe” will be organised by the UNESCO Office in Venice (BRESCE) in cooperation with the UNESCO Institute of Statistics in Montréal (UIS, Canada) and with the financial support of UNESCO and the Italian Government. The workshop will be held March 27-31, 2007 in Skopje (FYR of Macedonia).

It aims at bringing together ministerial officials and technical officials responsible for STI (Science, Technology and Innovation) statistics in order to: analyse recent international trends concerning STI relevant statistics and indicators and their role in science policy-making; strengthen national capacities for the production of quality STI statistics and indicators in SEE; promote close interaction between policy-makers and statistical officers; raise awareness for evidence-based S&T policy making; and share experience and foster regional co-operation among policy-makers and statistical officers from SEE countries.
The participants addressed are technical officials responsible for S&T statistics in the National Statistical Offices and Ministerial Officers from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, and Turkey, as well as high-level specialists from UNESCO, UIS, OECD, EUROSTAT, UNIDO etc.
For information on the workshop, contact Iulia Nechifor at UNESCO.

Article published in eJournal winter 06/07.
Author: Iulia Nechifor, UNESCO.

Link to the provisional programme: /link/1003.html.

Entry created by Iulia Nechifor on March 1, 2007
Modified on March 1, 2007