... and Herzegovina National Strategy for Implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Chane (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol in the Republic of Croatia, with an Action Plan Croatia National Program to Mitigate Drought Impacts and Combat Desertification (NAP)-thematic area CLIMATE Croatia Strategy on Sustainable Development of Forestry Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic First National Communication to the UNFCCC Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic National Environmental Protection Programme Serbia Three cooperating INCO-NETs (with focus on the regions Western Balkans, Eastern Europe and Central Asia and South East Asia) will contribute to the development of a common database on relevant national and international science policies and programmes tackling global issues such ...
... Eurostars member countries.To get more information on possible participation in a Eurostars project, please contact your EUREKA national project coordinator which can be found at http://www.eureka.be/contacts/home.do. Such contact points for the EUREKA programme are located in the WB countries Albania, Croatia, FRY of Macedonia and Serbia. Source: EUROSTARS and EUREKA websites, IRE Weekly newsletter. EUREKA's Eurostars Programme is the first European funding and support programme specifically dedicated to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The projects under this programme can address any technological area, but must have a civilian purpose and be aimed ...
The Regional Research Promotion Programme in the Western Balkans (RRPP) aims at establishing and strengthening research capacities in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. The programme has an implementation perspective of 10 years and will support the development of research capacities in the area of social sciences, especially in topics relevant to transformation. It should offer a cooperation platform to researchers in the region, particularly those that are to become the ...
... FP7 has produced good results. Substantial efforts remain necessary to strengthen research capacity. Overall, the country is on track in the area of science and research, but further efforts are necessary, in particular as regards the integration into the European Research Area. In the 2008 progress report for FYR of Macedonia, Chapter 25 deals with Science and Research. The assessment of the EC reports is copied here ...
Partners for Investment Promotion is a 18 months programme co- financed by the European Union which aims at helping the business communities in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia to develop a favourable environment for attracting foreign investments (FDI). The project was launched in May 2008 and is endowed with a total budget of approx. 1.1 million Euros. Main project objectives: to strengthen the role of Chambers of Commerce in the Western Balkans to attract ...
... human resources and rapid economic growth the ability to establish an educational system, which is flexible, inclusive, open and creative, is a matter of the survival of the nation. The experience, which Latvia has accumulated over the past decade in life-long learning, has become attractive to the FYR of Macedonia and Croatia. These countries expressed their willingness to participate in collaborative projects. Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro are involved in TEMPUS projects. In the area of research relations between the WBCs and Latvia started under the EC’s 6th Framework Programme. The leading country was Croatia (participating in ...
... Taskforce (REGATA) of the UNDP’s eLeadership Programme for the Western Balkans, which will aim to introduce important innovations for Southeast Europe to capitalize on the benefits of ICT use in the governance processes. The eSEE Initiative membership includes Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and UNMIK/Kosovo. In addition to the eSEE members, the bSEE Taskforce also includes Greece. Source: RCC website The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat hosted a meeting of the Electronic South East Europe (eSEE) Initiative Working Group and the Broadband South East Europe ...
... research capacity at national level needs to be strengthened which in turn will lead to increased participation under the FP7. Implementation of research policy and related action plans needs to be ensured in order to further integrate into the European Research Area. In the 2008 progress report for FYR of Macedonia, Chapte 4.25 deals with Science and Research. The assessment of the EC reports is copied here ...
In this training workshops are promoted two different aspects: first, policy makers are trained in the use of statistical indicators for policy-making while the second part is oriented toward the applications and production of indicators geared towards statisticians. The target for the learning group are national statistical offices dealing with Science and Technology statistics in Western Balkan Countries (WBC), and the representatives of the relevant ministries, responsible for S&T ...
... in both countries and emphasised the importance of the Programme for the University of Fribourg and its partners. Jasmina Opardija, the Programme Manager, presented the overall RRPP implementation strategy 2008-2011 and stressed that the Programme remains open for additional partners. More support needed for social research projects in FYR of Macedonia In FYR of Macedonia, the University of Fribourg signed MoU with the following partners: Foundation Open Society Institute Macedonia - FOSIM (RRPP Local Coordination Unit) Gender Studies Institute, Faculty of Philosophy, Ss. Cyril and Methodius, University, Skopje South-Eastern European University, Tetovo Studies of Political Sciences, Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus ...
... curriculum development in accordance with EU standards, and established mechanisms to introduce and promote new businesses throughout the region. The dutch NGO SPARK has undertaken some effective initiatives to help launch promising SMEs in the Western Balkans. By establishing local Business Start-Up Centers (BSCs) in Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia as well as creating a pan-region Southeast European Network of Start-Up Centers and Incubators (SENSI), SPARK aims at building an enabling environment for entrepreneurs under 35 years old ...
... the reform efforts of the candidate and potential candidates over the next years. Financial assistance plans for the Western Balkans and Turkey The European Commission has completed the strategic planning of EU financial support for 2008-2010 to the candidate countries and potential candidates: Croatia, Turkey, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, and Kosovo. The money is intended to boost political and economic reform and development, so as to help the countries realise their European perspective. The overall indicative amount under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) is € 4.47 billion. The strategies adopted set ...
... proposals (14%) were retained for funding involving 19,305 applicants (20%) and a total of EUR 5.7 billion (16%) of requested EC contribution. West Balkan Countries' Participation in FP7 Concerning the statistical data for the WBC, the following split-up should be considered: the Candidate countries Croatia and FYRo Macedonia has been merged in one category with Turkey the Associated Countries Albania and Montenegro have been included in the same category as all other associated countries (such as Israel, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland) the data of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia are to be fund under Third Country statistics. FP6 ...
... status of third countries as regards Actions 3 and 4, until they formalise their participation in the programme. Action 2 - Graduate students and scholars from third-countries admitted in an Erasmus Mundus Masters Course. In the framework of the Western Balkans Window, students from Croatia and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia are eligible to apply for Erasmus Mundus scholarships under Action 2. Action 3 - Selected Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses and third-country higher education institutions Action 4 - Higher education institutions all over the world as well as private and public bodies active in the field of higher education Further information: Erasmus Mundus ...
The University “St. Kliment Ohridski” – Bitola is the second state public university in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the most important institution for the higher education in the country's south-east region.Almost 40 study programmes for undergraduate studies and 26 for graduate studies outspread at the 8 higher education units: 7 faculties and one higher vocational school, feature the specific, heterogenous educational offer of the university, that covers ...
A European Commission funded report examining the potential sources of and obstacles to competitiveness in the West Balkan Countries has become available on line. "A Recommendation for a Regional Investment Strategy”, published by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), notes that to compete effectively, the Western Balkans need to leverage both short-term cost advantages and the region's proximity to EU markets, and to invest continuously in value-added ...
The Basileus project, which is coordinated by the University of Gent in Belgium, provides funding for academic mobility from the Western Balkans to the EU and vice-versa. Students and staff members of all partnership universities (eight EU universities and twelve universities in the Western Balkans region), as well as students from educational institutions in the Western Balkan countries not included in the Basileus partnership, can apply for scholarships. A number of application cycles has ...
... identify possible additional nucleus partners. During the implementation phase of the Programme, from 2008 till 2011, the management at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland will be supported by two Local Coordination Units, namely the Human Rights Center at the University in Sarajevo and the Foundation Open Society Institute in Macedonia. Source: RRPP website The Regional Research Promotion Programme (RRPP) in the Western Balkans focuses on Social Sciences and has a perspective of 10 years. In the end it will cover six countries in the region: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo/UNMIK, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. It is run ...
The conference was initiatied and held with an significant effort by the Association's president PhD. Aleksandra Vranes. Guests from UK, Hungary, Turkey, Italy, Bulgaria, Croatia, F.Y.R. Macedonia presented and exchanged their experiences about work and management of electronic libraries. After the opening by the representative of the Ministry of Culture, key speaker Mr Todd Cutler expressed his statement about new way of thinking - How to become a librarian 2.0. Librarians are challenged by new technologies ...
... International Commission on the Balkans, in particular by building constituencies in the societies of Southeast Europe which are offered an opportunity to experience and learn about Europe. The Fund is both grant-making and operational. Through its activities, it supports individuals and projects from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia (incl. Kosovo). The European Fund for the Balkans operates regionally from a secretariat based in Belgrade. For further information: Any enquiry about its programmes and call of proposals may be directed to Hedwig Morvai-Horvath, Executive Director, or to info@balkanfund.org. Other projects of the King Baudoin ...