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Views from any discipline within the social sciences and humanities are accepted (interdisciplinary studies are especially encouraged). Language: English Deadline for abstracts: Please send a one page (or less) abstract of the proposal chapter by January 31, 2013. Please include (Times New Roman 12, 1.5 spacing, medium margins): - The name of the proposed chapter - The abstract - Key words - A short biography of the author (several sentences only) Send the proposal page to the address ...
... The event recorded a massive interest resulting in participation of 114 young people from FYR Macedonia, Bulgaria, Albania, Kosovo*, Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania and Ukraine, who formed 49 teams and presented their apps at the grand finale on the last day of the event. The Overall Winner at the event was the team of iDERMA (Croatia) who won S4S Fellowship, participation at Mobile Monday Budapest ...
33% SME participation progress report in FP7 Document 21. Dec. 2012
This report also provides in-depth statistics about the composition of project consortia: 74.5% of all the grant agreements involve at least one SME and 11.1% of all the projects have an SME as its coordinator. The average EU contribution going to SMEs participating in thematic research projects so far has been about €275000 per project. When looking at FP7 in its entirety – including Research for the Benefit of SMEs and the Marie- Curie Actions – the conclusion is that of the about 91000 ...
At  the  end  of  October  2012  we  have  published    the  100th  issue  of  the e-newsletter  of  the  Western  Balkan  countries  INCO-NET. This was also a good opportunity to look back and think about developments achieved  so  far  in  the  region  in  the  fields  of  S&T  and  Innovation. Thus, we have issued a call in ...
... panels: 1) Gender Politics and Discourses 2) Media, Political and Social Discourses 3) New Social Disparities/Social and Economic Change 4) States, Networks and Informality 5) Migration, Diasporas and Remittances Papers to be presented can handle topics within the region in general or deal with the processes of change in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. All interested candidates should submit a single PDF file containing a short Curriculum Vitae (max. 1 page), an abstract of the proposed conference paper (max. 300 words) and a short letter of motivation (max. 1 page) by 19 January 2013 at the ...
The government developed the ‘Higher Education for All’ policy, as part of the Programme of the Government 2008-2012. The goal is for 25% of the population to receive higher education by 2012. To achieve this strategic goal and enable a larger group of students to enrol at universities, in 2008 the government opened a new university in Shtip, as well as new faculties in bigger cities with decreased or no tuition fees4. Source: EURAXESS The 2012 Researchers Report prepared by Deloitte ...
33% Researchers' Report 2012 Document 21. Dec. 2012
The Report establishes the baseline for annual updates and for monitoring the European Research Area (ERA). It is based on qualitative and quantitative data. It also provides the basis for further analysis on the observed correlation between a lower degree of openness in terms of some of the indicators for the research profession used in this report and low performance on the Innovation Union Scoreboard2, and for identifying clusters of low-performing countries. The qualitative data comes ...
Starting from the six ERA dimensions described in the ERA Green Paper, the report then looks where we are today, and which direction the future is taking, given the policy context of Europe 2020. Involvement of stakeholders in further building the ERA is looked at by analysing their involvement in a number of existing ERA instruments, using a taxonomy of stakeholder roles and functions. The report has been written as part of the FP7 project Forward Visions on the European Research Area (VERA). ...
This report constitutes a formal deliverable, namely D6.1 “Outline of ERA elements and stakeholders”, of Work Package 6 “Stakeholder Engagement and Communication Strategy” of the VERA Project (Forward Visions on the European Research Area). The main objectives of this project are both to provide relevant strategic knowledge for the governance and priority-setting of the research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) system in Europe, and to set up a strategic conversation across the ...
In the context of an economic downturn and the growing flexibilisation of the economy, qualification pro-cesses are also influenced by demographic pressures, including migration and the problem of the social inclusiveness of the deprivileged population which increasingly embraces young people. In this context, European policy developments in the area of VET in Europe1 address the following four main categories: 1. Curricular developments. 2. Stakeholders’ positioning and functions. 3. ...
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