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... South-Eastern Europe Society in Munich, Miroslav Polzer from the Ljubljana-based Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office, Bettina Radner from the Goethe Institut in Belgrade and Markus Bunk from the Vienna-based Volksbanken Academy). The final sessions gave persons from libraries and information offices as well as scholars from Austria, Belorussia, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, the Netherlands, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Switzerland, Poland, Romania, Russia, Ukraina and the USA the opportunity to exchange ideas and information on new developments in their institutions and to promote networking and knowledge sharing among libraries, which was high on the agenda of this event. At ...
The topics of the event will include the analysis of the regulatory approach concerning IST (Information Society Technologies) as well as the identification of research priorities, methods of implementation and lessons learned.The conference will gather relevant experts and representatives of decision and policy makers from the Central Eastern European region with the aim to adopt a more consistent IST RTD (research and technological development) stance within the European framework as well as ...
... standards and criteria for the accreditation of higher education coordinating higher education in the country. The article was commissioned for SETimes.comSource: reports on the adoption of the Law on Higher Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina on July 30, 2007. Students will now be able to receive internationally recognised diplomas. As controversly discussed, funding will still be provided on entity level ...
Read here the EUA-Article and find the full newsletter at Kosovo Summer Universities signal hope for the future While the world’s media has been focussing on the question of whether or not the UN Security Council can agree a final status for Kosovo, another story - equally important for the future of the territory - has been neglected. That is the story of how Kosovan higher education is opening up to international ...
... The European Commission has finalised its plans for assistance to the candidate and potential candidate countries for 2007-2009. It adopted on June 20 the strategy for Croatia under its Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance, after earlier adopting similar strategies for the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo. The overall indicative amount for the period for all these countries totals €3.96 billion. Financial assistance to those countries aims to help them enhance political and economic reform and development, on their path towards EU membership. Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn said: "The crux of the ...
... the following suggestion for projects is made: 7.1.8 Exchange of faculty, staff and students so as to foster collaboration between selected Universities, principally in the social sciences, science and technologies, with special reference to social animation and strengthening civil society. Deadline for this call is August 1, 2007. Bosnia and Herzegovina is rated as "A" Priority Country together with Afghanistan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kenya and Ukraine.Priorities are: Developing democratic institutions and market environmentRepairs and development of local (including social) infrastructure Landscaping, Environment conservation, Agriculture, Food safety and Use of mineral resources Deadline for the call for this group of countries is ...
Albania: University of Tirana (UOT) (Universiteti i Tiranës) Individual full member Bosnia and Herzegovina: University Dzemal Bijedic of Mostar (UDBM) (Mostar - Dzemal Bijedic) Individual full member University of Bihac (Bihac) Individual Associate Members University of East Sarajevo (UNSSA) (Istocno Sarajevo) Individual full member University of Mostar (Mostar) Individual full member University of Sarajevo (UNSA) (Univerzitet u Sarajevu) Individual full member University of Tuzla (Tuzla ...
The projects involve three thematic areas: Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology; sub area: Sustainable Production and Management of Biological Resources from Land, Forest and Aquatic EnvironmentsInformation and Communication Technologies; sub area: ApplicationsResearchEnvironment; sub area: Environmental Technologies This call is funded by national contributions from the 14 participating countries: Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia. 321 eligible project proposals involving 1,437 research teams were submitted by the deadline for the call on March 31, 2007, including 739 teams from the Western Balkan countries. This clearly shows the ...
... talk under Participation is free of charge! Date: June 20, 2007 Location: House of Research, FFG Vienna, Sensengasse 1, 1090 Vienna Language: English Contact: Mag. Victoria SolitanderInternational CooperationFFG/EIPTel: +43-5775 4606 The ERA WESTBALKAN+ initiative is supporting the Western Balkan Countries (WBC), i.e. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia in participating in the 7th EU Framework Programme (FP7). The FP7 Health partnering event between Austria and the Western Balkan, taking place on June 20, 2007 in Vienna, encourages researchers from Austria to find suitable research partners from the Western Balkan during the second ...
... dokumente/10147643_9654/7f8c7e14/application0708_go%20styria.doc Contact:Mag. Dietlinde Kastelliz, M.A. at the Office of International Relations of the University of Graz In cooperation with the University of Graz, the Province of Styria offers a new grant for outstanding students from South-Eastern European countries (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova) starting in the winter semester 2007/08. Deadline for applications: June 8, 2007 ...
... Then it presents bilateral and regional recognition agreements. Criteria and procedures for the recognition of the diplomas and certificates acquired abroad are presented as well. Last but not the least an overview of institutional practice is given. Government of BIH (2006): NATIONAL ACTION PLAN FOR THE RECOGNITION OF QUALIFICATIONS IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA. Available from:, accessed 08.12.2008. Bologna Secreteriat
This is a report on Bologna Process in BIH made in the form of an interview. It deals with all the main issues regarding Bologna Process. First the description of the important developments relating to the Bologna Process, including legislative reforms, since Bergen is given. Then the measures in place to ensure the co-operation of business and social partners within the Bologna Process are presented. Then the report presents the stage of implementation of the main principles and later ...
The Transnational Cooperation Programme South East Europe is part of the new Objective 3 European Territorial Cooperation for the programming period 2007-2013. General aim of transnational cooperation is to foster a balancned territorial development and territorial integration within the cooperation area. The Programme is not only the part of EU-Cohesion Policy affecting the Member States but also a component in the framework of Pre-Accession Assistance and the European Neighbourhood Policy ...
The Task Force of South East Europe Programme 2007-2013 developed a draft operational programme for transnational cooperation in line with Art. 6 of the ERDF Regulation. According to the SEA directive (2001/42/EC) a Strategic Environmental Assessment has been performed. In the light of the Community Strategic Guidelines (Lisbon/Gothenburg) the overall strategic goal of the programme is to develop transnational partnerships on matters of strategic importance to improve the territorial, economic ...
This report provides a comprehensive view of the state of European Higher Education - as seen by higher education institutions themselves. More than 900 European higher education institutions contributed to this report, either by responding to a wide-ranging questionnaire, or by hosting visits of research teams, or through providing input in other meetings. EUA is deeply grateful to everyone in the higher education community who has contributed to this common endeavour. The report shows the ...
This paper first gives a review of the national legislation relevant to recognition of diplomas and study programs. Then it presents bilateral and regional recognition agreements. Criteria and procedures for the recognition of the diplomas and certificates acquired abroad are presented as well. Last but not the least an overview of institutional practice is given. The Government of Albania (2006): Report on the recognition of diplomas and study programs. Available from: ...
A significant amount of new borrowing for infrastructure investment isbeing contemplated by SEE countries, often based on bilateral and multilateral funding. This short approach paper seeks to set out the key issues that will need to be kept in mind when evaluating the proposed borrowing and investments. While the note is indicative, and needs to be supplemented by more detailed analysis by each Government, it suggests that caution needs to be exercised in any new borrowing. World Bank (2006): ...
The JRC also supports the EU Enlargement policy. This is done through the Enlargement and Integration Action (E&IA), which is published every year. The main objective of the E&IA is to strengthen collaboration with the New Member States (NMS), Candidate Countries (CC), including Croatia and FYR of Macedonia and Potential Candidate Countries (PCC), including Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia. More particularly, the E&IA focuses on complex scientific and technical issues within ...
this question when submitting a proposal and filling in the project’s budget in the A3.1. proposal submission form (EPPS).In this A3.1 proposal submission form for any FP7 type of activity (RTD, Demonstration, Training, Coordination, Support, Management), each partner of the project consortium is required to answer yes or no to the question:My legal entity is established in an ICPC and I shall use the lump sum funding method?If yes, please fill below the lump sum costs (flat-rate or scale of ...
47% INCO-NET Proposal News 31. May. 2007
The S&T ministries from Albania, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia are among the partners as well as the official NCP from Bosnia-Herzegovina. In addition, S&T ministries from Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Slovenia and Turkey participate to add critical mass and momentum. The proposed project supports the bi-regional dialogue through the Steering Platform on Research for WBC, as well as the dialogue within the region and information exchange with several EC Directorates ...
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