Environmental Report - SEE Programme (2007-2013)

The Task Force of South East Europe Programme 2007-2013 developed a draft operational programme for transnational cooperation in line with Art. 6 of the ERDF Regulation. According to the SEA directive (2001/42/EC) a Strategic Environmental Assessment has been performed. In the light of the Community Strategic Guidelines (Lisbon/Gothenburg) the overall strategic goal of the programme is to develop transnational partnerships on matters of strategic importance to improve the territorial, economic and social integration process and to contribute to cohesion, stability and competitiveness. Most of the programme priorities and areas of intervention will have positive impacts on the relevant environmental issues. Significant negative impacts on the environment can be excluded, as project selection criteria will be elaborated in line with the specific objectives of the operational programme and the overall principle “promotion of sustainable development”.
Austrian Institute of Ecology (2007): "ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT SOUTH EAST EUROPE PROGRAMME 2007-2013". Available from: http://www.cadses.net/media/files/New_Programmes/sees_envrep_v2-2_final_070321.pdf, accessed 01.06.2007.


Publication Year


Austrian Institute of Ecology
Geographical focus
  • International; Other
  • SEE

Entry created by Elke Dall on June 1, 2007
Modified on June 1, 2007