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The following projects have been selected for funding (please click on the country's name for details): Among others, the following projects are with participation of... Albania: Status, ecology and land tenure system of the critically endangered Balkan lynx Lynx lynx martinoi in Macedonia and Albania Strengthening research capacity and knowledge transfer in Integrated Pest Management at different institutional levels to improve sustainable agriculture in Albania Markets for executives and nonexecutives in Western and Eastern Europe Bosnia-Herzegovina ...
... Contact: Source: ASO Ljubljana. The Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office Ljubljana, in cooperation with the Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI) is announcing a call for proposals for projects in research cooperation and networking between institutions in Austria, Slovenia and the Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/1999, Montenegro, Serbia ...
... project comprised the implementation of EU-Western Balkan Chamber partnerships; a survey on Foreign Direct Investment; and participation in EUROCHAMBRES' Academies. The closing event im Brussels was inaugurated by Pierre Mirel, Director at the European Commission-DG Enlargement, and included contributions from the Ambassadors to the EU of the six beneficiary countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia). EU and the WBC: Intensified Cooperation Needed The results of the EUROCHAMBRES survey on obstacles to investing in the Western Balkans were also presented at the meeting. One of it's main fidings is that while the ...
... establishing stronger platform among national systems. Out of invited 14 experts from 7 beneficiary states, 9 experts attended the workshop, 1 from Croatia, 2 from Bosnia and Herzegovina (one from Republika Srpska and one from Federation of BIH), 2 from Serbia, 1 from Kosovo, 1 from Macedonia and 2 from Albania, however 12 of the invited experts were involved in writing the country reports. Out of 9 workshop experts, 5 are coming from universities, 2 from ministries of sciences and 2 from research institutes. As revealed by the reports and reinforced in the discussion, there are still serious problems of interactivity ...
The Handbook “How to turn your ideas into European projects” is a guide on the 7th EU Framework Programme for Research and Development (FP7). It was prepared in the frame of the EU-Balkan FABNET project, a Specific Support Action financed under the 6th Framework Programme (FP6) which was funded by the EC under FP6 (contract No. 043119) and coordinated by ETAT S.A. The general objective of this handbook is to help the participation of researchers from Western Balkans Countries in ...
Priručnik “Kako pretvoriti svoje ideje u eurospke projekte” je vodič kroz Sedmi okvirni program Europske unije za istraživanje i razvoj (FP7). Priručnik je izrañen u sklopu EU BALKAN FABNET projekta, specifičnog projekta za potporu (Specific Support Action) kojeg financira Šesti okvirni program EU (FP6). The general objective of this handbook is to help the participation of researchers from Western Balkans Countries in agri-food research projects under the FP7. Written for agri-food ...
Priručnik: “Kako da pretvorite svoje ideje u evropske istraživačke projekte?” je vodič za Sedmi okvirni program EU za istraživanje i razvoj, a pripremljen je u okviru FABNET projekta - specifične aktivnosti podrškve - koji je finansiran iz Šestog okvirnog programa (FP6). The general objective of this handbook is to help the participation of researchers from Western Balkans Countries in agri-food research projects under the FP7. Written for agri-food researchers, this guide provides ...
Priručnik “Kako da pretvorite svoje ideje u evropski projekat” predstavlja vodič za 7. okvirni program EU za istraživanje i razvoj (FP7). Pripremljen je u sklopu projekta EU-Balkan FABNET, gdje je konkretna aktivnost podrške finansirana na osnovu 6. Okvirnog programa (FP6). The general objective of this handbook is to help the participation of researchers from Western Balkans Countries in agri-food research projects under the FP7. Written for agri-food researchers, this guide ...
This report aims to offer a contribution to the support of coherent approach to offer scientific community important information on the possibilities to establish links with current EU and WBC research infrastructures and also to inform important national and EC policy makers on the important barriers and needs that still needs to be tackled in relation to the development of future Pan-European Research Infrastructures. Based on an online questionnaire which was the basis for the assessment ...
Cooperation among WBC and with EU MS * Albania Albania negotiated bilateral protocols with the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Slovenia in 2006, complementing the already established bilateral collaboration with Croatia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, Poland and Romania. Bosnia and Herzegovina Bilateral cooperation with Slovenia and Montenegro was launched in 2009. Bosnia and Herzegovina also negotiated protocols with Germany ...
33% ERA-NET Factsheets Document 2. Dec. 2009
This ten-pages compendium of fact-sheets gives an overview on the current ERA-NET (PLUS) projects. European Commission, ERA-NET Factsheets, 2009. EC - DG Research.
... said the Vice President of the European Commission, Jacques Barrot. " Today's decision reflects the clear European perspective of the Western Balkan countries and is the result of the hard work of the countries concerned to meet the requirements for visa liberalisation," said Olli Rehn, the Commissioner for Enlargement. Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina, which are also covered by the visa dialogue, are not included in today's decision, as the latest assessment of the Commission showed that they did not yet meet all the requirements. A new evaluation will be made during the period of December 2009 to February 2010 ...
There are no restrictions in scientific fields or the age of the researchers. The programme is funded by the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research. Target countries in the Western Balkans: Albania, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Montenegro and the FYR of Macedonia. Application deadlines: 16.1. - 3.4. - 12.6. - 4.9. - 30.10. Source and further information: ÖFG website (in German only). The Austrian Research Community (ÖFG) provides scholarships for research or teaching stays of Austrian researchers ...
... Y&lang=en Within WP 2 of the project a consultation sessions on the several field of sciences and research were organised. At these occasions, regional research priorities of common interest were agreed upon among the participants. The meetings were attended by national expert delegations from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244), Montenegro and Serbia, as well as representatives of the European Commission and the WBC-INCO.NET project ...
33% Second FP7 Monitoring Report Document 5. Nov. 2009
The Second FP7 Monitoring Report covers the Framework Programme implementation in the years 2007 and 2008. It allows for the first time for some comparative analysis over time, in order to identify trends and developments in the two first years of FP7 implementation. The report consists of four sections: 1) Factual analysis of the main elements of the overall implementation of FP7. 2) New elements and specific fields of the FP.  3) Simplification process, results of a survey on ...
The meeting has been held back to back with - Executive Steering Board meeting of WBC-INCO.NET and - Executive Steering Board meeting of SEE-ERA.NET PLUS (funding decisions to be taken)   The 8th Steering Platform meeting, which has been co-chaired by EC, Spain (EU presidency) and Serbia (for WBC) was held in Belgrade, Serbia on June 24, 2010. Belgrade
The following data was presented on October 29, 2009. It provides a good indication even if it is maybe not perfectly accurate and subject to change with every day (just use your opportunity now and register via CORDIS).   Registered Selected Albania 24 0 Bosnia and Herzegovina 32 1 Croatia 262 22 FYR of Macedonia 55 2 Montenegro 14 1 Serbia 161 18 TOTAL 548 44 For comparision a few CEE countries were discussed, which have still - as data reveals - a better chance of being selected (e.g. from 227 registered ...
The national background reports provide an interesting overview on the field of transport research in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244). The partners of WBC-INCO.NET and relevant experts compiled reports on the research system in the field of environmentfor each Western Balkan country. The reports have been discussed in a workshop for priority setting and ...
This Annual Report from the Commission gives an overview of developments and activities in the year 2008.  It is accompanied by a Commission Staff Working Document which provides more detailed reporting and statistics. The main chapters deal with the activities and results achieved in 2008 and with trends in research and technological development activities in the European Union Member States. European Commission (Ed) Annual Report on research and technological ...
The Gallup Balkan Monitor’s Focus on Migration report brings first-hand data to this ongoing debate, as it summarises the experiences and opinions of Balkan people on all aspects of migration. This data was collected in two waves of the Balkan Monitor survey – in 2006 and 2008. The findings show that while relatively high percentages of Western Balkan residents have considered leaving their home countries, these numbers have tended to decrease in recent years. Relatively few people ...
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