... two spaces defined in the current CADSES (Central, Adriatic, Danubian and South-Eastern European Space) transnational cooperation area. The second defined space is the Central Europe Programme (CENTRAL). The proposed eligible area for SEE comprises: Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, fYR Macedonia, Greece, Hungary, parts of Italy, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia, Moldova and parts of Ukraine. The new Programmes have a focus on the Lisbon and Gothenburg objectives and the urban dimension. The SEE Programme is directed toward the development of adequate strategies of future development of cities, so to say, to make south east European cities places ...
The report deals with the legal surrounding conditions for doing business in SEE. It covers the 22 cities in seven economies in South East Europe (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia). It benchmarks the following four elements of regulation: starting a business, obtaining licenses, registerin property and enforcing contracts. The report covers capitals as well as other cities and allows comparisons both within a county and across the region. The report was directed by FIAS, a multidonor investment climate advisory ...
This document contains 111 frequently asked question regarding economic development in Montenegro. The document was compiled by Montenegrin Investment Promotion Agency, among the answers general presentation of Montenegro and Montenegrin Investment Promotion agency can be found as well as the description of advantages Montenegro offers to the foreign investors. Montenegrin Investment Promotion Agency (2007). 111 Frequent Questions. Podgorica: Montenegrin investment promotion ...
In a speech provided by the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Montenegro, the Commissioner Janez POTOČNIK talks about the opportunities that the European Research Area offers to Montenegro. He argues that research cooperation has an important part to play in preparing the ground for accession to the EU and raises the question what changes the association status actually brings to Montenegro. Furthermore he refers to the importance of the 7th Framework Programme for Research, the Pre-Accession ...
The European Commissioner for Science and Research, Janez Potočnik, held a speech at the UNESCO Policy Forum on South Eastern Europe Higher Education, Science and Innovation in Budva (Montenegro) on July 3, 2008. In this speech Potočnik stresses the need to strengthen the knowledge triangle (education, research and innovation) in Europe in order to increase Europe's competitiveness and to speed the transformation into a knowledge-based society. Speech: Progress and the Knowledge Triangle, ...
The launch of the Seventh Framework Programme for Research (2007-2013) places a renewed emphasis on international cooperation in Science and Technology. Within the Capacity Programme one main activity of International Cooperation is the bi-regional coordination of S&T cooperation, including priority setting and the support of the S&T policy dialogue, the so-called INCO-NET projects. This booklet presents the activities of the first six INCO-NET projects which have been selected ...
... support the development of entrepreneurship (Business incubator BIOS in cooperation with Centre for Entrepreneurship Osijek, Technology Park Zagreb and Technology-Innovation Centre of Rijeka) organised the International Conference "The Role of Business Incubators in the Development of Competitiveness". More than 100 participants from eight countries (USA, Canada, Hungary, Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia and Croatia) actively participated in the event. This year, a 2nd International Conference: "KNOWLEDGE BASED COMPETITIVE ENTREPRENEURSHIP" will take place from September 4-6, 2008. This time, more topics will be added on the significance of cooperation among entrepreneurs, supporting institutions and science and ...
The Serbia Investment and Export Promotion Agency (SIEPA) is a government organisation dedicated to effectively helping foreign investors and buyers, while raising Serbia’s profile in the minds of international business decision-makers. Created five years ago by the Government of the Republic of Serbia, SIEPA’s mission is to support foreign companies ...
... Business Registers Agency (SBRA) was established by the Business Registers Agency Law to define its status, headquarters, activities, the means for the SBRA’s foundation and work as well as its organs. The Agency was established as the single institution in charge of coordinating business registers of importance for Serbia’s overall economy. Running the registers as public electronic databases has paved the way to greater legal protection, increased investments and the creation of a more favourable business environment in Serbia. SBRA was founded with the aim of reducing administrative barriers to starting a business. This goal has been achieved ...
... Shkodra (Albania) is another good example with six procedures, seven days, and a cost of 25.7 percent of income per capita to start a business. Doing Business in South East Europe 2008 covers 22 cities in seven economies: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia. The subnational report provides detailed data on business regulation, and benchmarks four areas of regulation that are subject to local jurisdiction and enforcement: starting a business, obtaining licenses, registering property, and enforcing contracts ...
... from the Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Science, Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Policy, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Services, Ministry of Education and Sport, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, as well as members from Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Union of Employers of Serbia. Contact Person: Marija Stošković Phone: : +381 11 285 5132 E-mail: marija.stoskovic@merr.gov.rs www.www.ww
Cluster Istar 21 is an association for the promotion and development of tourism in the Danube region. It is founded in early 2008 with the support of the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development of Serbia. Cluster Istar 21 deals with the promotion of cooperation and the development of tourism in the Danube region, market research, creating tourism products, training employees in the tourism industry, tourism promotion and advertising. The cluster includes the area around the Danube River in Serbia and aims to present region as ...
... was recently established. Nevertheless, there is relatively limited co-ordination between the Ministry of Economy and the Government’s SME implementing entity, the Republic Agency for the Development Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Entrepreneurship (RASME). As indicated in the National Programme for Business Incubators and Clusters Development in the Republic of Serbia 2007 - 2010, the specific objectives are: · Strengthened public-private partnership; · Minimum 15 business incubators established and operational; · Minimum one park established; · ...
... The Knjaževac Business Incubator Centre (BIC Knjaževac) was established in May 19, 2005 as the first Business Incubator in Serbia with initial funding coming via the ENTRANSE project and OSCE. The Incubator assists the creation and development of the SME sector in the municipality of Knjaževac. It is a non-profit initiative launched by the Knjaževac, based at NGO Timok Klub. The objectives of the BIC Knjaževac are to: • ...
... The Netwood cluster was created in 2007 in Sumadija and Pomoravlje district in Central Serbia. The cluster consists of 13 members (8 companies from furniture industry and Civil and Architectural Engineering Department, and 4 R&D organisations). The cluster has potential to establish connection with existing wood processing cluster. The main competitive advantages of cluster are: geographic concentration of cluster members and flexibility of ...
... the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). The establishment of the Incubator is based on international experiences and best practices. It has the following goals: • To encourage and support students in starting up their own businesses and keep student in Serbia; • To develop a pool of young and well trained entrepreneurs who will in the future create a new business core of the city; and • To create the conditions for practical application of the results ...
... The Shoe Production Industry Cluster consists of 17 members (13 private shoemaker companies and 4 R&D organisations). Cluster was founded in 2007 and companies are mainly located in Knjaževac (town situated in the eastern part of Serbia). The cluster goals are: improvement of company’s competitiveness, advertising and image building of network and region, presentation of the network and its members at trade fairs and meetings, presentation of its members to the potential customers, implementation of new technologies and raw materials in order to improve innovation skills ...
... and technologies. Realisation of research in the Innovation Centre will allow direct influence of knowledge in faster industry development and creation of innovative and attractive products, leading to improvement of quality and competitiveness of domestic products and services on the international market, as well as development of infrastructural systems in Serbia. Contact Person: Dr Aleksandar Sedmak, General Manager E-mail: asedmak@mas.bg.ac.rs http://www.inovacionicentar.rs/en
The Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences is the largest scientific institute in the Republic of Serbia. It is located 15 km from the centre of Belgrade. The Institute incorporates two nuclear reactors, one accelerator installation, one industrial scale irradiation unit, sixteen research laboratories, two research centres, a library, administration, and all the necessary technical services.
... year and the realization of the projects that will be supported should start as from 1st of January 2009. On May 23rd 2008, a collaboration program was signed by the representatives of Serbian and Indian Governments. The Minister of foreign affairs, Mr. Vuk Jeremić, signed the agreement on behalf of Serbia and the Indian Ambassador in Serbia, his Excellency Ajay Swarup signed it on behalf of India. This article offers overview of recent developments of the S&T cooperation regarding Serbia. Several events regarding S&T cooperation with Serbia took place in May and June, and sveral bilateral agreements regarding collaboration with Serbia were ...