Business and Technology Incubator of the Technical Faculties of the University of Belgrade


The Business and Technology Incubator has been established as a partnership between the four technical faculties of the University of Belgrade (Civil Engineering, Mechanical, Electrical and Technological/Metallurgical), the Municipality of Palilula and the Democratic Transition Initiative. The project has also received support from the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

The establishment of the Incubator is based on international experiences and best practices. It has the following goals:

•         To encourage and support students in starting up their own businesses and keep student in Serbia;

•         To develop a pool of young and well trained entrepreneurs who will in the future create a new business core of the city; and

•         To create the conditions for practical application of the results obtained through science and research activities of university professors and their associates, by spinning-off private enterprises and transfer of knowledge and technologies.

  • Cluster/Incubator/Innovation Infrastructure
Contact details
Phone:+381 11 3370950
Geographical focus
  • Serbia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Elke Dall on July 21, 2008
Modified on April 8, 2014